2013 Sister Warriors
I'm reaching out to others diagnosed with IDC in 2013 and now are part of this club we all wish we didn't join. But I am determined to kick cancer's butt, and am putting out the call to others in the same boat to join this thread and we'll get through this together. I was diagnosed with IDC last Friday, had an MRI today,…
help understanding my pathology report
I had my lumpectomy on Wednesday and due to the new rules about testing results, I received my pathology report last night. Can someone help me understand it a bit more? I understand most of it - no node involvement, no lymphatic invasion, clear margins (tho one margin is only 1mm... is that ok?) But it also says atypical…
chemo for 2% benefit??
Would you undergo chemotherapy for a 2% benefit? Backstory: 40-year-old female diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. Patient will begin lupron and aromatase inhibitor to put herself in early menopause to give a 9% risk reduction of metastatic recurrence (thus a 91% chance she will not have metastatic recurrence). If…
I am struggling with this subject. It is a very small problem in the scheme of things, but I really have enjoyed wine in my life, and now I feel like I can’t have it - and when I do I think it will bring my cancer back? My Onco did not say anything about what I can or cannot have anymore, and when I asked about foods and…
Missed Diagnosis
I got a 3D mammogram and ultrasound every 6 months since 2017, but the radiologist could not find the cancer due to dense breast tissue. I was recently diagnosed with IDC stage 2 and tested positive for BRCA 2. Is there anyone who has had a similar experience about missed diagnosis?
Early Stage IDC - Multiple Questions
I'm newish here. I'm still figuring things out. This site has been a great source of inspiration and information. My MRI from Monday showed a new area to have diag mammogram and US so that will happen soon. I'm not too concerned. It's the same breast and I already know I have BC but it will influence my surgery choices so…
Diagnosed at 22
Hi all, I wanted to post and introduce myself to the forum. I was diagnosed on August 4th, 2020 with stage one IDC. I was 21 when I found the lump, 22 when I had the biopsy and was diagnosed. No family history of breast cancer, no genetic abnormalities. I am ER+, PR+, HER2-, grade 2. Lumpectomy was on Sept 29th, and 1 out…
Pathology is back and it’s aggressive
Now that I know I have IDC (for the 2nd time) I have switched over to this thread and plan to stay here. I’m hoping some of you ladies have a similar diagnosis and can help calm me a little. I just found out that this cancer is more aggressive than the last cancer I had 12 years ago. Findings so far: Er(+) 70%. Pr (-) Her…
"lymphovascular invasion is present" but negative nodes
My biopsy report indicated that "lymphovascular invasion is present" (DCIS, and IDC, 1.4 cm, estrogen+, Prog. +, HER2+ on FISH but equivocal on IHC). I had a single mastectomy on 3/6 and pathology confirms that sentinal lymph nodes were negative. this is great news. But I read somewhere that 20-30% of those with negative…
Dense Breast Tissue Can't Be Seen On Mammo
Hi, I'm new here. Last May I found a lump by chance and went to have a manual exam at a local breast center. The nurse pract did a very thorough exam. She thought it was a cyst. She sent me for a diagnostic mammo and Ultrasound. Long story. But the mammo saw NOTHING! I wish you could read my report! No abnormalities…
Delayed surgery, 8.6cm growing very fast, not sure what to do
In January I felt a tiny mass, went to 2D, it showed nothing. Beginning of February on my annual checkup I convinced my primary to feel it and send me to 3D. 3D was followed by immediate ultrasound and biopsy on the spot -- 0.7cm IDC. That was February 13. I made an appointment with three weeks wait to the best of the best…
I want to cry.. Hip Pain with no answers.
Hi all, I just need someplace to vent and get opinions. I finished chemo in October 2019. In September while finishing up chemo, my left SI joint and hip began hurting. The pain fluctuates but has been mild most of the time, though I feel it every single day. I had a CT which showed nothing remarkable, followed by an MRI a…
IDC Stage 1, Grade ... ER+PR+HER2-
Hello all...I'm one of the lucky ones. I found my tiny tumor January 18 (it was 5mm), had a lumpectomy February 18 and had to go back to the OR March 5 for a wider margin. I'm faced with taking an aromatase inhibitor and/or radiation. I realize that this tumor is very small and was not terribly aggressive, for which I am…
BC after taking Fibristal aka Esmya aka ulipristal acetate
There is a relatively new drug on the market to treat uterine fibroids called Ella in the US and Fibristal in Canada. It is a selective progesterone receptor modulator. In the UK its trade name is Esmya, and the pharmaceutical name is ulipristal acetate. I was diagnosed with breast cancer after taking a 3 month course of…
Biopsy results verses Oncotype results
My biopsy result was Stage 1A, node negative, ER+, PR- and HER2-. My Oncotype Dx report after surgery came back as single gene score with it now being triple negative. Which one is it?
Anyone with 10 cm tumor?
I am able to ask this question now, almost 2 years after diagnosis. My mammogram showed a 10 cm (6 inch) area of IDC. My paperwork got screwed up at my breast assessment centre, and my biopsy was not for 3 months! Surgery one month later. Before I went in to have the mast., my surgeon stood at the foot of my gurney, and I…
2.3 cm. tumor takes how long to grow?
Ok, I have been ruminating about this and wonder what others think: I was told that it takes approx. eight years for a tumor to grow large enough to be palpable (approx. 2cm.). After my MS last March, they found four lesions, the largest of which was 2.3 cm., and some DCIS as well. None of this was picked up in a mammogram…
Stage 1 , Grade 3,
Told there is 40% chance of spread to rest of body - breast cancer Stage 1, Grade 3. MRI schedule on Friday to look at both breasts and head. I am crying constantly, screaming into pillows and blankets, standing under the shower sobbing and pounding on the walls. Can't think , can barely function. I am afraid of falling…
Veins in Breast
Has anyone heard that prominent veins on breast can indicate breast cancer? I was diagnosed in Feburary with IDC and lump on right side of breast was almost 4 centimeters by March (during all the waiting for doctors appointments and tests it grew about a centimeter) I went through 4 rounds of A/C chemo and then 4 Taxol…