Treatment “grey area”
Hi everyone. I'm confused about a treatment meeting with my MO today and am curious about similar experiences. At the appointment we went over my Oncotype report, and apparently my scores put me in the grey zone for treatment options. So for reference, I'm 49 and premenopausal. My Oncotype score was 17 but it showed no…
Your opinions/ideas please
Hi All! New here and would like your help. My diagnosis is/was IDC, Both Hor +, Her2-, Grade 1 and with slow growth. I am 44. Removal of one or both breasts was never needed as a slow growth/slow spread tumor and no indications it's anywhere. Had my lumpectomy with sentinel node removal (2 nodes removed) a week ago. Got my…
I will have my left breast removed this month. Has anyone done the reconstruction the same time after the removal? and haw was it
Multicentric IDC node positive
hi all, Greetings to All of You Beautiful People I've been lurking around the website for a little and I've learned so many good things from first-person accounts of what's going on with them I was wondering if anybody can help me with a couple of questions that I have. I just had my lumpectomy where they took out two…
MRI Screening
I have a new oncologist who I love. He ordered an MRI as I have dense breasts. Due to renal issues, he agreed to do the MRI without contrast. My breast surgeon also agreed with him and said it is not a great regular screening tool due to some worries of the potential for gadolinium accumulation in the brain. I have read…
Wait Times for Breast Cancer Surgery
How long did you wait to have a surgery from dx date? For me, 5 weeks 5 days. I am so concerned with the waiting time.
Newly Diagnosed A Month Ago
I was diagnosed with IDC right breast the middle of December. I met with my surgeon Dec 22 and then the Radiation doc and MO this month. My surgeon ordered an MRI and wouldn’t you know, it showed a suspicious area on left breast that didn’t show on mammo due to density. I had an US last week and now they want to biopsy the…
Post-Op Pathology Feels Like Being Diagnosed All Over Again
Last year June (2021) I noticed a dent in my right breast and upon inspection I found a lump. Was diagnosed with stage 2A IDC as there were a few lymph nodes involved. All tests showed that the tumour was 1.3cm. I underwent chemo August-November and it showed that it shrunk to 0.8cm. I then had a mastectomy on Jan 6 2022…
New Lump
I am 56 years old and was diagnosed with IDC, grade 3, tumour 3.8 cm, hormone positive and ER-, oncotype 23, 1 lymph node positive. I had a mastectomy on November 25. Yesterday I noticed a solid 2 c.m. lump had appeared on the surgical site. I went to my doctor who thought it was just a bone but they told me I could get an…
After-surgery Decisions to Make
Hi, I'm Jo. 72 yrs old and already a lung cancer survivor (segmentectomy, no rads or chemo and follow up scans are clear so far). Diagnosed with invasive ductal cancer, hormone positive, HER negative in November. Lumpectomy three weeks ago removed 9 mm tumor; path report good - no cancer found in the margins. Since…
Collagen powder
hi, is collagen good or bad to take when breast cancer is hormone driven? i am loving the results of collagen, but if it might make my risk of recurrence higher I would rather go without. Has anyone discussed the use of collagen with their oncologist?
Confused about post surgery pathology
I received my post lumpectomy pathology report yesterday. It is worse than I hoped for and I am confused about what to do. Should I seek a second Onc. opinion? The biopsy showed a 1.8 CM Grade 2, Stage 1 tumor. From what I can read, the IDC is 2.2 mm with embedded DCIS " of equal value." I assume meaning it is 50/50? Both…
Weekly taxol teatment for Stage 1 Her2 Positive BC
UPDATED: I met with the oncologist this morning and asked her about TCH. She agreed that it might be a better option with similar survival rates as the ACTH while removing potential heart damage risk and blood clotting. It will be 6 treatments, once every 3 weeks. I think I am more comfortable with this treatment than the…
Just got pathology back
Hello All - Had my lumpectomy on Jan 3rd. Going in I was diagnosed with Stage 1 IDC, ER+/PR+ HER2- (FISH) with a tumor around 1.8cm. Got my pathology report and they did find that it had spread to the lymph nodes stage IIA: STAGE: T 1c, N 1a, M 0, The report states Total number of lymph nodes examined 5, Number of Sentinel…
Recently diagnosed
Wondering if there has been anyone in the same condition has me. Age 56 and received diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma. 3.8 cm tumour, grade 3, one lymph node positive, estrogen positive, progesterone positive, HR 2-. My oncotype score came back 23. I am in the grey area where the benefits of chemo are slight but not…
New lump one year after initial diagnosis
Hi! Just need somewhere to release some stress! I was diagnosed with IDC one year ago at age 46. I had a lumpectomy, then re-excision when the margins were positive. Margins were still positive after second surgery. I had five weeks of radiation and am now on daily tamoxifen. One year after my initial diagnosis, to the…
MRI for Right breast cancer showed mass in Left breast
It's hard to believe that I am typing this. I have a 1.8 CM diagnosed breast cancer in right breast. Surgeon requested I get an MRI before surgery and I had that on Friday. Today, I got the following report: LEFT BREAST: There is an enhancing 0.4 x 0.4 x 0.4 cm focus/mass in the central left breast (46/series #8, 80/series…
Lymphovascular and perineural invasion
Has anyone here had this in their pathology report? Did it change your treatment plan? I have read conflicting research as to their prognostic value. My MO and RO both said Oncotype is more accurate for deciding treatment plan but is there a chart or formula somewhere for adding in escape pathways to estimate distant…
Ways to estimate Oncotype? And other questions
I'm having trouble determining if my breast surgeon is just a delusional ray of sunshine, or if I truly don't have much to worry about. In our initial meeting, the breast surgeon described cancer as a pet - some people have a pet goldfish, and some have a pet dragon. She told me I had a goldfish, even drew me a picture of…
Looking for info after worse surgical pathology than expected
I'm feeling so defeated and overwhelmed today. I was given my surgical pathology from the unilateral skin and nipple sparing mastectomy at my one week surgical post-op appointment on Thursday, and I am still reeling from the results. I am just looking for information on how all of the new characteristics of my cancer work…
2010 Sisters
Do you think they will post a new sisters group for those of us diagnosed in 2010? I was just diagnosed in June and although I love this entire site it would be nice to see how others are doing that are going through it at the same time.
Any IDC/Stage 1/Grade 1/ES&PR+ Her2- ever had recurrence?
Hi Everyone: I am wondering about something. I caught (thankfully) my tumor very early 3-4 mm, IDC, ES/PR+, Her2-, Grade 1, Stage 1. They don't really study people like myself with recurrence. So I am asking here....has anyone had exactly the same tumor characteristics as mine and had a recurrence???? Or is this something…
Information on decisions with Oncotype score
I am interested in your decision and outcome based on a HIGH Oncotype score.
Scared of TCx4 chemo - should I do it? Stage 2 IDC
I'm new on here. As a last resort before the first chemo scheduled in 11 days, I wanted to see if anyone has input. First off, I'm 36 with stage 2 IDC grade 1 (multifocal, up to 2.9 cm) along with extensive 8cm DCIS (intermediate grade). I had 7 biopsies since 2012, always benign - fibroadenoma or papilloma - except the…
Tumour size on ultrasound vs actual pathology?
Good morning, I had surgery 2 weeks ago and am awaiting final pathology. It will prob be another week or two until I find out. My tumour was estimated at 1.5cm via ultrasound. It couldn't be seen on mammogram and was poorly visualized on MRI. I was wondering how close your tumour was to the pre-surgical estimate? Edit to…
Lymph node involvement?
Has anyone out there had lymph node involvement? I was diagnosed with IDC in October and had a bilateral mastectomy on Nov. 20. My tumor was 6 cm and I had 9 of 15 lymph nodes involved. I had a CT scan today will have have a bone scan on Monday. I'm terrified I'm about to die or that it's Stage 4. I'll know when the scans…
27 year old with IDC and scared :(
First and foremost, being able to communicate with others going through the same thing as me really helps :) Thank goodness for this website and forum! I had itchiness in both of my breasts one year ago and mentioned it to my GYN, she felt both breasts and summed it up to PMS. Then came a dent, I thought it was from my…
Class of 2009 - Sisters in the same time frame
I'd like to begin a topic for those of us diagnosed in 2009 with IDC. It would be great to have others who are going through the same things at the same times to talk with. We might find we are experiencing the same side effects of our hormone therapy or worrying about the same latest ache or pain. I am one month post…
If you had DCIS with your IDC...
what was the final outcome after your surgery in regards to how much was IDC and how much was DCIS? I’m just curious. DCIS was found in both of my biopsy samples along with IDC. Do they “stage” based on how much of a tumor was specifically IDC or do they do a total?
2013 Sister Warriors
I'm reaching out to others diagnosed with IDC in 2013 and now are part of this club we all wish we didn't join. But I am determined to kick cancer's butt, and am putting out the call to others in the same boat to join this thread and we'll get through this together. I was diagnosed with IDC last Friday, had an MRI today,…