BRCA2 mutation, IDC and lumpectomy and sentinel node
I found out that I had IDC and then through genetic testing, found out I have the BRCA2 mutation. After research and multiple discussions with surgeon and oncologist, I have decided to have lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy at this time. Now waiting for pathology report and will do every 6 month surveillance. Have others…
Parathyroid disease and breast cancer
I keep on seeing posts that people have had these dual diagnoses; sometimes the parathyroid disease pre-dated the bc and sometimes the other way round. I am becoming convinced that the two are causally related, so am interested to see just how many of you have been affected. Many of us are getting osteoporotic and blaming…
Hormone Blocking Therapy
Hi all, Is there any alternatives to taking hormone blockers for 5 years? I plan to discuss this with my oncologist during our next appointment but want to gather some feedback, either way. I've never been compliant with medications and prefer not taking them. Any suggestions?
Tubular IDC?
Most of the discussion about the tubular sub category here are not recent. It’s a rare type occurring in 1-2% of breast cancers. My surgical pathology came back and I have a Grade 1, Stage 1 0.7 cm Tubular cancer. Wonder if anyone else here has/had the same? Wondering about current treatment protocols.
Introduction—Has it been hard to tell people?
Hi, I am newly diagnosed with IDC grade one. My doctors so far are optimistic about treatment and prognosis. My lumpectomy is scheduled for next week. I am nervous about the pathology report. I actually met with my surgeon on my 68th birthday. Happy birthday to me! Aside from my family, I’ve only told one other friend, so…
Getting overwhelmed by all the information -- lumpectomy in 2 days
Hi everyone, I'm so glad I found this site — just reading some of the posts has been helpful. I received my post-biopsy diagnosis through my online health portal (not a nice surprise first thing on a Saturday morning), so it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. My diagnosis was invasive ductal carcinoma, low grade, hormone…
Struggling to accept HT for Stage 1 with low likelihood of recurrence
Hello, I'm 57 and was recently diagnosed and treated for Stage 1a, had a lumpectomy, and my lymph nodes are negative. Official diagnosis: grade I, Right breast IDC, cT1bN0, pT1aN0M0, ER+/PR+/Her2, Stage IA They removed a .4 mm tumor and I need to move forward with treatment. While I can accept the need of targeted…
Tumor Invasion to Pectoral Muscle?
My tumor was in a very strange location- practically IN the cleavage- I mean, looking at the MRI it's right on top of the sternum (coming from the right breast) and was anchored there like a barnacle. MRI showed pectoral muscle and skin invasion (as I had a huge indent at the edge of my sternum as a symptom, then…
Lumpectomy vs Bilateral mastectomy
In July I was diagnosed with intermediate ductal carcinoma stage 1b grade 2. Genetic testing came back negative. There is no lymph vascular involvement as of yet. Maternal aunt had left breast cancer and ovarian cancer at age 52 then right breast cancer at 58, paternal aunt had right breast cancer at 54 and again at 59,…
HER2 Status
Hi, First, thanks for reading my post! I had a mastectomy in May 30th. I received the surgical pathology report on Tuesday and ER and PoR results (both are positive) on Thursday last week. But I have not received HER2 and Ki 67. How long did it take you to get those results? Thank you! J.
Wait and worry
hi everyone, I was diagnosed on July 24, I got the call on my first day of vacation in Maine, I have IDC triple negative grade 2 size 1.2 x .09 x 1 Drew blood for genetic testing Surgery is scheduled for August 15 so I have time to go to Dana-Farber for a second opinion, my appointment is Tuesday, August 8 I’m finding it…
Anyone else with a very high oncotype score?
My oncotype score was 75 and we opted for chemo. It brought the distant recurrence rate from 85% to %38% (on paper) I completed 4 biweekly A/C and just completed 3 of 12 weekly taxol today. I then will have 6 weeks of daily radiation I’ve noticed lately that the recurrence rate is on my mind a lot. Has anyone else else had…
Recurrence 12 years later ?
my mother was diagnosed in 2011 @age 79 IDC stage 1 -grade 2/3 - HER2 negative- ER PR positive See underwent partial mastectomy, refused radiation and chemo , started Arimidex but stopped after 2 years . A lump was found last month , she just went through a double biopsy What are the chance her biopsy coming out positive…
Just diagnosed, 45 years old, had lumpectomy Stage 1b grade 2 oncotype score of 23
I received my results from my lumpectomy and received the score of 23. The surgeon is talking chemotherapy. I haven't met with radiation oncology or hematology oncology yet have those appointments coming up. I am just wondering is there any one out there who has the same score and what they had to go through?
Has anybody with 1 positive lymph node for micrometatasis had a recurrence? With or without chemo? I am trying to decide whether chemo is worth it for me. My oncotype is 26
Completely exhausted after first radiation treatment
Hello, Writing because I'm so surprised at how my body is reacting after my first rads session. Slept 12 straight hours then can't seem to stay awake today from yesterday's treatment. I've been taking protien powder, protien bars, lots of lentils, beans, everything. Even tried to work out since I saw it recommended here.…
Diagnosed yesterday - Intermediate Ductal Carcinoma
Hi everyone, I'm Jayne. I would like to say it's so nice to meet you all, but this is a forum I never expected to find myself. I'm 52, relatively healthy with an absolutely amazing husband and was loving life, running our own business, kids left home, travelling, living the dream to be honest. Seven weeks ago I had my…
Is seven weeks too long to wait for radiation after lumpectomy?
I had my surgery on May 4th and can't even get in to see a radiologist until June 9th. The front office said radiation would usually start two weeks after this visit. I'm concerned as everything I've read said ideally radiation should start 4-6 weeks for older people (I'm 60) to prevent reoccurance. Has anyone else had to…
Pathology Results
I saw my surgeon this morning, two weeks post lumpectomy and SLNB. Here are the results: 24mm IDC and DCIS (larger than previously imaged on MRI and mammogram) Margins are clear Lymph nodes are negative Grade 3 I don’t know if I need chemo yet, that will depend on mammaprint and oncotype results I hate that I know all…
Swelling post lumpectomy surgery
Has anyone had swelling in the area of their lumpectomy? It’s not where the SLNB was (it’s not under my arm) but above where the lumpectomy scar is. It’s like I can hear water in there. I know some swelling is to be expected but should the area be elevated and filled with liquid? Also, any suggestions on what I can do to…
Surgery done…
This is my first post in this group as I know I have IDC. I had my lumpectomy and SLNB yesterday. I was at hospital early as they put a wire in, they injected the lymph nodes with nuclear something, had a gamma scan, had an MRI and ultrasound. I was supposed to have the IDC and another suspicious area removed (that was…
Has anyone just done Endocrine Therapy(No Radiation)?
Brand new to this. I’m 65 years old and was Dx with IDC in April 2023. It was found on a my yearly Mammo/Ultrasound. Had a lumpectomy on May 5th. Stage 1, Negative Lymph Nodes, Estrogen and Progesterone strongly positive, HER2 negative, Proliferation 5%. I met with the Medical Oncologist a few days ago and am meeting the…
Is Oncotype test always ordered? Are there are genetic tests I could request in addition?
Had a lumpectomy 10 days ago and SBN. Stage 1, grade 1, no lymph no involvement 90/98 EST/PR. My surgeon has made no mention of the Oncotype score and when I called the lab for my biopsy results, they said I would need to ask my surgeon to submit for genetic tests. Is this normally how it's done? Also, are there any…
second lumpectomy
I opted for a second lumpectomy on the advice of my surgeon instead of a mastectomy. Has anyone done the same and did you have a reoccurence of cancer?
IDC with lobular features
Hi, What does it mean to have IDC with lobular features? I was looking back at my pathology from a few years ago and saw that listed there. None of the doctors have mentioned with the lobular features part meant. Does it mean it was found in the ducts and lobules? Thanks in Advance
No sentinel node were found during sentinel node biopsy
Hi, i have a few questions and i wonder if anybody had the same experience. 1. I recently had my Mastectomy done and the doctor performed a sentinel node biopsy for me. However strange enough after the surgery he says that he couldn't find the sentinel node and histopathology report came back with 2 axillary lymph nodes…
Drinking Alcohol after Breast Cancer
Hi Everyone, I have been on this website a lot since my diagnosis (September 2022), and this is my first post, so please forgive me if this topic is on here somewhere - but I just couldn't find it. What are you thoughts about drinking alcohol after breast cancer? I am petrified of recurrence, even though I am at low risk.…
grade 1, Oncotype 35
My cousin has a grade 1 IDC, 1.7cm, ER/PR+ (ER is 90% I believe), HER2- but Oncotype is 35. I got her text at 3 am and was shocked. For grade 1 tumors less than 1cm, 97% had low Oncotypes. Granted hers is slightly larger. She is 70, already in ill health with IgA immune deficiency (she has been getting IVG) with frequent…
What will an MRI tell me that I don't already know?
I was recently diagnosed with IDC grade 1 100% ER and PR + HER2 -, I'm currently waiting on genetic testing results and going for an MRI in a couple of days. My question(s) is what is the purpose of the MRI? Is this standard procedure? Will it possibly show something more than they have already seen? I'm just ready to get…
How much did your breast change/shrink after rads?
It's been recommended to me to have a lumpectomy with rads however through research I've discovered that obviously the lumpectomy removes volume, but that radiation can significantly shrink or damage the breast. I'm already a B cup and asymmetrical and the mass is in my smaller breast. I'm VERY concerned that the outcome…