Some Women W/ Luminal A BC May Be Able To Skip Rads After Lx
Some Older Women With Luminal A Breast Cancer May Be Able To Skip Radiation After Lumpectomy June 15, 2022 Women ages 55 and older diagnosed with early-stage, estrogen receptor-positive, progesterone receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer that had low levels of Ki67 protein and a very low risk of recurrence were…
Low lymphocytes and a wonky blood work.
I had 28 rounds of rads in March 2022. Finished in April. I had chemo and surgery before that. My blood work was always good. Until after rads. Now my Lymphocytes are low. My WBC is fine. But my Lymphocytes could be low because I also have an autoimmune thyroid disorder. What I want to know is has anyone else had wonky…
Itchy nipple months after ending radiation
Hi all, Please forgive me if this is covered in another post. I searched but couldn’t find anything that answered my question. I finished 21 days of radiation (with a boost) at the end of April. I had some minor burns in the armpit area that have healed. Since finishing treatment my Areola and nipple have started to peel…
Anyone get nauseous from treatments?
I'm only on day 4, but I seem to be dealing with nausea. I've read that this is a rare side effect. Then I'm trying to figure out is it because I'm lying on my belly while the treatment is happening? But it seems to be lasting into the rest of the day, not just right after the treatment. Just wondering if anyone else has…
Facedown Rx Causes Fewer Skin SEs in Women W/ Large Breasts
Lying Facedown for Radiation Therapy Causes Fewer Skin Side Effects in Women With Large Breasts June 2, 2022 During external whole-breast radiation therapy for breast cancer, women with large breasts who lay facedown had fewer skin side effects than women who lay faceup. Read more...
Edge knife radiation of brain
I am scheduled for the imaging and planning of upcoming Edge Knife radiation to my brain. I had one mass, large at 4.2cm. I won’t know how many sessions until next week, but so far they think around five. I am about four weeks from the resection. It was in the occipital and parietal lobe area, so the upper back part of my…
Pulmonary Fibrosis / lung scarring after Rads???
Question: I am curious about women who had pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of the lungs) as a result of receiving radiation treatments...Did you also have a lot of the blistering and break down of your skin surface from the treatments? I'm just thinking there could be some kind of connection to the two things, so if you know…
Starting radiation March 2022
Hello everyone. I started this thread for everyone beginning radiation in March. I will begin next week. I know it won’t be like what I have already been through but I’m still a little anxious. I have read through all these threads and hopefully I have correct moisturizers to hopefully keep my skin healthy. I am concerned.…
A rad onc weighs in on radiation "burns"
I found this on another site and thought it was worth sharing here. (Talk amonst yourselves.) Hello- I am very sorry for your pain and suffering. I am going to offer some information, but it is important to me that you understand I am not arguing about what you have been through or trying to minimize it- just helping you…
Savi implant
Hi all, Recently diagnosed with IBC, ER+ HR+ and HERS negative.My surgery is scheduled and 2 days prior I’m being sent for the Savi. Anyone have this done? Thank you.
How long can you wait before beginning radiation?
How long can you wait before beginning radiation after a lumpectomy and then chemo? Is there a point at which it is too late to do any good?
prone vs supine position in radiation therapy to protect organs
The prone position vs the supine position in protecting the heart and lungs in radiation treatment
Radiation with pacemaker
Hi everyone, I have IDC, was going to do a lump and rads, my problem is I have a 10 year old pacemaker. My cancer surgeon said she hadn’t heard of doing radiation with a pacemaker. Maybe I’m clueless but I thought that wouldn’t be a problem. The Dr is suggesting mastectomy and inhibitors. I’m 66, is there anyone that has…
Starting radiation February 2022
Hi there, Is there anyone else that might be starting radiation in February? I had my initial consult yesterday and go back tomorrow for my simulation and tattoos. I had hoped to start in January, but my RO is going to take a vacation, so it looks to be I won't start until the first week of February:-( Boo. I will be…
Started the Radiation Process Today... Scared and Worried
Well, I had my first "real" radiation appt today - did the planning. It was a little more difficult than I thought it would be as I haven't raised my hands that high above my head since the surgery or held them above my head for that long. I got through it though. I was surprised to find they use permanent marker and…
Radiation questions
I have a few questions about radiation for you ladies that have had mastectomies. 1. How long did mapping take? 2. Did you get the tattoos while mapping? We’re they large and how many were there? 3. How long did your radiation treatments last? I have heard 3 minutes, I have heard 15 minutes. Is everyone different? I know…
Restricted movement in my arm from rads
This is my first time posting. I had treatment for inflammatory breast cancer 20 years ago that included chemo, a mastectomy, stem cell transplant and radiation. I haven't seen a radiation oncologist in maybe 18 years. During that time I have had tightness in the muscles of my chest where I got the radiation, the muscle in…
Radiation October 2018
Hi! I do not see an Oct thread, so I will start one I finished chemo on Sept 4th and start radiation Oct 1st. (20 + 4 boosts) I had my mapping and tattoos this past Wednesday and now Im just relaxing and waiting for next mont
Reassurance about delaying radiation?
When I get the chance I will ask the radiation oncologist. I was diagnosed in July 2021. Originally it was suppose to be lumpectomy, chemo and Herceptin, then tamoxifen and radiation. Well…the margins on my lumpectomy had DCIS in them so I started chemo without a re-excision and they planned to go back after chemo. So long…
Starting Radiation November 2021
I had my single mastectomy early October and will start radiation in November. My simulation is Nov. 5 if I have enough ROM. I will be getting full 6 weeks, once daily. Chest, underarms, clavicle area. I purchased these recommended creams from my hospital and 1 Mepitel sheet. Hydrocortisone cream for itching Hydrogel (free…
Radiation and exhaustion
I just finished 5 radiation courses on my shoulders for metastatic bc pain. Does radiation cause exhaustion? I am sleeping 8 hours and then another 4+ hours of naps during the day. My legs feel like wet noodles. This has taken a toll on me. Is this normal and will it stop soon? Please help.
Radiation and Thyroid Hormone
I completed 15 sessions of radiation therapy to my chest wall, axilla and supra-clavicular area on 19th November. Last week I did a thyroid panel blood test which shows that despite not altering my thyroid medication, my Free Thyroxine levels have dropped to way below the bottom of the reference range. It used to be in the…
Starting Radiation December 2021
I haven't seen this yet, and will delete it if there's already another one, but I'm starting radiation Dec 14, 2021. Got my tattoos and mold made today, and my protocol will be 16 days plus 1 mock. Christmas Eve and New Years Eve are off, so I should be done the first Friday in Jan. My worries: Burns - I've always been…
Starting Radiation August 2021 - Anyone else?
Edited on Oct 11, 2021 to add: If you're about to start radiation, this thread is a good one to read from start to finish. Lots of info and a lot of humor and love throughout. :) I hope I'm not duplicating efforts here. Couldn't find another group under this heading. Anyone else starting in August sometime? I just finished…
Necrosis, Recurrence or Radiation Induced Sarcoma
Lumpectomy & Radiation 2010 for Stage 1 infiltrating Breast Ca. Then 2 years ago diagnosis of necrosis from radiation on outer side of nipple which they are watching. Now in past 2 months new non movable firm nodule marble sized alsolike a marble hard & round poking up out of my front rib or from between rib & feels…
Pain in the neck and shoulder area few months after radiation
Hi, Sometimes I feel pain in the neck area (supraclavicular) post radiation. I completed radiation 2 months back. Has anyone faced similar issue?
I’m new to this thread!
Ok guys I will have to have 28 days of radiation. Ugh. I have to finish my fills to my expanders first. So it will be another 4 weeks or so before I begin. I need advise. Whatever you have! I just don’t want any surprises! I like to know what I’m facing Thank you guys.
Radiation burns healed ridiculously fast
Wow. It is three weeks since my last radiation session, and now there is no sign at all of the ghastly sunburns I had. Originally is was almost a purple red, stretching across the breast into my armpit. Is this typical? Or is jojoba oil infused with magical healing properties? I've been buttering myself with that stuff.…
Better Support During Radiation Improves Survival Rates
Better Support During Radiation Treatment Improves Breast and Lung Cancer Survival Rates for Black and White Women October 30, 2021 Identifying and offering solutions for obstacles that kept people from completing radiation therapy for early-stage breast and lung cancer improved outcomes and seemed to eliminate the…
Rib fractures following radiation
Has anyone had fractured ribs following radiation?