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  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572

    Ok all I need some help.  I became addicted to fabric dye and am need of some serious help, lol, my daughter is hooked as well.  We have gotten hooked up with a guy who showed us how to get started with making wraps and caps for chemo patients.  I remember how aweful all the wraps and caps looked.  I've gotta little bit of a freakie side to me and all I could find was not much.  Well what I'm trying to figure out now is how to dye them.  If you want to get a dyed wrap would you want it tye dyed one color or have a slash of color or colors?  I know what I'd like, but these aren't for me.  They are also going to be donated because I know that having to buy something to cover your head really shouldn't have to cost like it does.  I mean really, just for the 5 items I got was close to $100.00.  Anyways, any feed back would be great!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Here's my opinion, Paula66: If you are tye-dyeing them, I would say don't go with more than 2-3 colors (and this is if it is muted colors) or just one color (if it is a bold, bright color) otherwise you will wind up with a wrap or a cap that will only be suitable for a Grateful Dead show.  I like tye-dye, and had a few shirts over the years.  The most wild, most colorful one got the least wear because I wasn't always feeling like I wanted the max effect, so this is where my opinion is coming from.  Post some pics of your finished products before you donate, as you know we are an appreciative audience and love to see people's creative sides.

    mar,  That pizza looks g-o-o-dee-licious.  Cool

    Welcome, Teacup2012

    That's a hat trick of Newbies for today!

  • effcancer
    effcancer Member Posts: 26

    Thanks EVERYONE for the warm welcome! Thanks also for the support for tomorrow for my PET scan.

    I was noticing that no one here (or at least no one that has posted) is stage IV. Not that I wish there were more stage IV ladies, I was just curious. I am middle aged, so that qualifies me for here, but I was wondering if it makes any difference that I am stage IV.

    Still waiting for Johnny to come by and do that table dance, I'm getting kinda cranky 'cause I couldn't have any ice cream while I watched! Money mouth


  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Ladies, my daughte is in one of the Greek islands and informed thebother ight that Johnny Depp is on the same island.

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Lucky girl! Hope she magically 'bumps' into him!

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    My oh my you ladies are busy as always! I am on vaycay at my brothers house (in Nova Scotia) this week and haven't been on as much as I normally would. No worries about going hungry here - my niece is a chef and has been cooking for us every night. If I don't gain any weight I will be amazed! (been having a weight loss issue)

    Welcome to all of the newbies - although there is way too many joining still. This is a terrific place to come for some fun, friendship and support.

    effcancer - all stages welcomed here

    Count me in for any PPs that are taking place - maybe I can ask my nephew (pastry chef) to whip something up for us all.

    Hope this week brings good news and good health to all!

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104


    Good luck today

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eff--Nothing but good thoughts headed your way----

    can we squeeze her in your pocket too? 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Table dance??? To heck with THAT! I want the whole enchilada baby!!!!!

    And whoever thought they had to work an couldn't join a pocket party is wrong, sweetie!! You can join WHILE you work!!!!!!!!!! 

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    The impossible has taken place on this thread many a time.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    welcome teacup and effcancer it does not matter that you are stage IV you are a middie so you belong here.

    Have done the prep for my colonoscopy now staying close to the bathroom, haha  I am scheduled this afternoon

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Poor Sherry! No fair having it so late in the day! Hope you come out of this 'clean as a whistle'!

    You'll have to let us know what kind of feast you have tonight.

  • marlegal
    marlegal Member Posts: 1,482

    welcome teacup, glad you decided to jump in! hope rads haven't been too hard on you. are you giving yourself a little break before starting the tamox? my docs waited about 8-10 weeks from end of rads to beginning of tamox so I'd have a little time where nothing was going on, just for a little while. it was much appreciated.

  •   I am just popping in here to see how Elimar and you "younger gals" are's all relative, isn't it?  Was really analyzing the skin on my hands today and said to the gal I work with OMG, I am getting some age spots.  She is only 30 and says she already has some.  Well, I didn't so it pisses me's always the little things that annoy me.

      Teacup, Leezy and Effcancer, you have come to a very good thread.  Once I turned 60, I decided I was too old to be here, but I do still pop in and read and also like the mystery pic when they post it.  I could do without the cheetos myself, but know I am in the minority.  Eff, it sounds as if you have improved immensely since your diagnosis and even though Stage lV is not a place any of us want to be, I am proof that you can live with it for a long long time.  I like the fact you are up to making soup...anyone who cooks is an automatic survivor IMHO.  It has cooled off, but still too hot in OH for soup right now.

    Barbe, if you didn't know that was Johnny Depp, you are slipping, my friend. 

    Hope all of you having tests and scans get good results.    Marybe

  • Teacup2012
    Teacup2012 Member Posts: 11

    marlegal - thanks for the welcome! Rads have been a breeze compared to chemo! I have an appointment next Tuesday with the MO to get my tamox RX. He wanted me to start it a few weeks ago, and I asked to wait until after rads, so he agreed. I may not fill the RX for a couple of weeks though!

    And silly me! this will be the last pocket party I miss due to work! :)

    effcancer - hope things went well today!

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Teacup2012,  I'd go so far as to say you might spare yourself a few hot flashes by waiting to start the Tamox. in a couple more weeks.  I don't think there is enormous risk if you take a couple weeks to rebound from the rads first.

    Marybe, In all this time, with all these Middies, I don't think anyone has mentioned the dread age spots (sun spots/sun damage.)  Well, they do start to show up at this age and I have some on my hands now, noticed some dark pigments appearring on my face (eeek!) and I am getting the white (loss of pigment) spots on both my arms and legs also.  If the spots were any bigger, I'd look pretty good for a dalmation!


    Oh, look, this pic is showing my middle aged neck wattle also.   

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Eli, you might want to get a new dentist too---looking a little long in the tooth. . .

  • chachamom
    chachamom Member Posts: 410 crack me up!!! Welcome to all the newbies! This thread is the most fun, positive ...and did I say FUN group of ladies?

    I just had a week of depression.....don't know why at this point....I have nothing to complain radiation.......minimal tamoxifen SE's..

    .....have a date for reconstruction, nov 9th........I SHOULD be feeling great.........but sank into the black hole of self pity......l'm feeling better, prayer, and forced exercise help. I don't want to take an anti-depressant if I can avoid it...but I have a bottle of Effexor if I need it. I'm thinking that now that all my "drama" has been settled, I'm now grieving my losses....need to get to a point where I embrace the "new normal". Blessings to all!

  • jojo2373
    jojo2373 Member Posts: 60

    Love the posts in this group! Just got my port today and start chemo next week, I do love being referred to as a youngster when it comes to cancer :-)

  • effcancer
    effcancer Member Posts: 26

    Oh my!

    Well, thank you to EVERYONE that stopped in to wish me well! It really made me feel welcome and like I may have a niche, so, thanks again!

    I guess the PET went as well as it could have, whatever is there is there, and I won't know anything until my MO appt on Thursday. BUt I can tell you that I was depressed for a few days and had a hard time not crying. I don't know why I couldn't just climb to a positive perch and just remain there, I tried so hard and others tried to help me get there. I should be a little less funky tomorrow, but I also know that I am going to need more Ativan Thursday morning. I should be back to my old self (you gals will like my old self) by Thursday afternoon AFTER meeting with my MO.

    I have a lot of positive things going on right now - we are moving into a new house week after next, FIL paid the deposits and first months' rent so WE can save some more money, and things are just looking good. I want my health to follow.

    And Johnny boy is happy to share me with DH...

    Hugs all around!


  • Catnz
    Catnz Member Posts: 20

    Hi ladies, just joined this group and came across this thread which fits me to a tee. I am 43 and have just passed the first anniversary of my cancer diagnosis -July 2011. I had a TRAM flap reconstruction 7 weeks ago so feel ready to take on life again. I have a few cancer buddies in the city I live in but it's always nice to have more esp. ones around my age. Looking forward to hearing more. Catherine

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Elimar, where in Greece is that pic from? It looks familiar somehow.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Welcome to all the newbies to the thread.  Quiet a few of you.  This is a fun bunch.

    So had the colonoscopy and endoscopy today.  Prep was horrid but procedure was fine I was asleep, hehe.  Anyway my esophagus was small as he suspected so he stretched it. I had gastritis as we suspected so will continue to treat but I had two surprise stomach polyps.  So for the lower half I knew I had hemorrhoids and he said they needed to be fixed so will start that in a couple of weeks.  But I also had two surprise colon polyps.  He removed all the polyps but said he really did not think they were anything to worry about but of course have to send them to path.  So I won me a ticket to the 5 year plan instead of the 10 year plan.  So now I am wide awake an anxious for my exchange surgery in a few hours.  Will be late today before I get home so I probably won't check in until tomorrow unless I end up wide awake again.

    Marybe now I am sad I thought my spots were frecklesFrown

  • barsco1963
    barsco1963 Member Posts: 879

    More newbies to welcome - I hate that! Not that I am not happy to meet you, but saddened that there are still so many women dx with bc.

    jojo & catnz - you will find lots of fun, support and encouragement from all of the middies here.

    Sherry - hope those polyps are nothing. Good luck with your exchange today!  We'll be waiting for you when you wake up.

  • Dakota212
    Dakota212 Member Posts: 104


    Good luck with ur exchange ;)

  • cmbear
    cmbear Member Posts: 674

    Welcome newbies, sorry to meet you this way, but glad you found us.Sherrie  aren't you glad all that probing is over for another 5 years! Just long enough time to forget about all that time in the bathroom. . . good luck on your exchange today, you'll feel so much better when its all over.

    figured you needed a pair of boys to match your new girls. . .


  • Ossa
    Ossa Member Posts: 685

    Sherry.. good luck today..

    jojo and catnz welcome to the place no one wishes to be.. great ladies here

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    Sherryc,  Didn't know you got the endoscopy as well.  Finding polyps can be a little worrisome, but they will most likely be nothing (at this stage anyway) and now they are gone.  Good riddance.  Excited for you today, getting the exchange surgery.  This really gives a new meaning to a "2-fer Tuesday."

    cmb,  Now that is what I call a "2-fer Tuesday."  Double your pleasure, double your fun!  Kiss

    Momine,  I picked a beach (Ixia) from Rhodes.  I'd like to go there.  But Kassiopi (Kerkyra) would also be lovely.


    Welcome, jojo2373!  You don't have your Dx filled in...tell a little more about your B/C?  Which chemo will you be doing?  (Try not to get too excited about starting that next week!)  Seriously, many here have done chemo, but also you might be able to find a chemo thread for Aug. or Sept. with some gals going thru' it right at the same time as you are.  That is good support also.  

    Welcome, Catnz, too!  Congrats on reaching your first year cancerversary, and the recon. too.  So honored that you made your first post here.  Good choice! Smile  We don't mind the time difference at all but, if you ever need immediate responses, you can find some night owls on the "Insomniacs" thread, where their sleepless nights are your days.  Of course, if you have insomnia, we really have that covered.

    Effcancer,  If by "old" self you mean "young" self, then your "mid-age" self has definitely found the right niche.  Cool

    And where is Eph,with that pic of reesie's florals?  I miss reesie.  She should be here laughing along with us.

  • elimar
    elimar Member Posts: 5,885

    O.K. tomorrow is the big THREE YEAR anniversary of this thread.  I was thinking of a "Good Things Come in Threes" kind of theme.  You know Three Times Lucky; Third Times The Charm; The Golden Trine; Menage-a-Trois, Three Is A Magic Number; Once Twice, Three Times A that.  Triple up, ladies.  If something is funny, three somethings is a laugh riot.  Nothing succeeds like excess around here, right?


                                                                          (Not a popular recon idea...YET...)

    So, ruminate, think on it, sleep on it, and let's try and make it a Thread-versary Encounter of the Third Kind.  (Roll with it, Newbies!)

  • eph3_12
    eph3_12 Member Posts: 2,704

    The florist never sent me a picture.  I will call.

    And the 2 boys in honor of Sherry's new "girls" is a divine picture of them.  Please may I have some?