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So...whats for dinner?



  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,885
    edited September 24

    Yay Eric - welcome home!

    Trying to use leftovers so leftover mashed potatoes have been enhanced with some sour cream, odds and ends of cheese and a small egg to make a quasi twice baked potato casserole. The main will be a grilled ham steak, the leftovers of which will be part of Sunday breakfast on a biscuit. An additional side will be some overcooked golden beets that I left roasting in the oven too long. We'll enjoy them anyway.

    Has Sandy abandoned us for another thread? I know she's active on several. If she said so I must have missed it. Hope all is well with her.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Illimae, Glad that you eventually got a better imaging opinion but it's a shame you had to spend that extra time (and money) in a motel. It must feel good to be back home with your own cooking facilities.

    Reader, I'll have to make some tzatziki and cucumbers. I really like it but haven't made it for over a year.

    Carole, I've never had much luck making regular tomato soup so I always make cream of tomato.

    Eric, Have a safe trip!

    Wally, DH also loves rice pudding. Once in the farm cottage in Scotland I spilled the entire pudding on the unfinished concrete floor. I let the farm cats inside and they ate up every last drop; cats seem to like it, too.

    Nance, Sandy is taking a break to deal with insurance and repairs to her house after the fire.

    Dinner tonight was baked salmon with fig sauce and cauliflower.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,272

    Mae sorry to hear about your lengthy hotel stay. Hoping the artifacts remain nothing worrysome.

    Eric - I know you'll be glad to get home. I think I saw somewhere that Snowflake has already had snow?

    Nance - Thanks for the reminder. I'd forgotten about twice baked potatoes & I really like them.

    All the meals sound great!!! I had spaghetti & meatballs today (Rao's of course). Yesterday was a green salad.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    The meals all sound great. We had leftover pasta last night and corn cut off the cob and cooked in butter. Much enjoyed.

    Today the corned beef brisket will cook in the slow cooker. The veggies will be the usual, cabbage, potato, carrot and onion, all cooked later in the liquid when the brisket is tender.

    It's in the 40's this morning and the heat pump is warming the camper.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Carole, I have a corned beef brisket in my fridge that I need to cook soon. I keep waiting for a rainy day but we've had dry weather recently.

    Dinner tonight was oven roasted chicken breast with root vegetables.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,697

    Pot roast tonight with plenty to leftovers to include a French dip type sandwich.

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 929

    DH made ham steak, baked beans and sauted shredded potatoes (kind of). Did the job and no cooking for me 😀

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Illimae, Pot roast leftovers are so good.

    Reader, Nice to have a meal cooked for you. If I relied on DH’s cooking it would be a steady diet of bacon and eggs with pancakes occasionally.

    Dinner tonight was basil/tomato marinated grilled chicken, corn on the cob and potato salad.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    Last night we had grits, soft boiled eggs and bacon. Everything cooked perfectly. It was a menu that appealed to me.

    Now we're departing on Friday instead of Sunday. We plan to stop in Oklahoma on the way home for a family visit with my youngest brother and his wife, their daughter and her 1-year-old son whom we have not seen in person.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,119

    I AM home. But…Tropical Storm Helene…. I was looking at the potential storm surge flooding maps, and am hoping that Special remains high and dry.

    I am very much hoping that "we" won't be needed.

    Here the low temperatures have been in the upper 40F degree range, so fall is obviously here. There has been some snow in Arizona, but it's been in the very high county and it quickly melted. So far the only Snow in Snowflake is the decedents of the town founders (Erastus Snow and William Flake). :-)

    Wally, I'm glad to read about your DH's jaw not worsening, but the neighbor situation isn't so great. Why does there always have to be such a neighbor??? (rhetorical question)

    Minus. How did the dentist visit go?

    Mae. Hopefully the stuff found in the imaging is just "leftovers" from previous treatments. 12 hotel days..bleh.

    Sharon is ready to head into town and I also want to go. We need carrots and I need some stuff to replace the recently expired OTC meds and batteries that sit in my deployment gear. The expired stuff is probably okay, but I would rather not find out otherwise in a place where getting replacements is a great effort.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,697

    Last of the Sweet and Sour Chicken from Sunday night

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,885

    Last night was a meatless offering of fire roasted tomato vegetable soup and some Texas Roadhouse frozen rolls that included a packet of cinnamon glaze. I don't ever go there but I assumed the rolls to be similar to Logan's Roadhouse and I think their honey butter. That sweet on yeast rolls isn't my thing but DH loved them. That didn't stop me from eating my share of course. Leftovers were lunch today.

    Tonight is sloppy joes or as they're called in our house, sloppy Jims, since they're one of my easy-to-please DH's favorite meals. Sides will be Trader Joe's frozen Mac and cheese and a cucumber/onion/tomato salad.

    Hurricane Helene is sounding scarier. Hoping for the best for you, my gulf coast friends. And hoping you Eric, get to stay home.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Eric. Glad you are home. Hopefully you will get to stay a while.

    Carole, Have a safe trip. It will be fun to meet your grand nephew.

    I hope everyone in Helene’s path stays safe.

    Dinner tonight was sour cream and onion chicken with mashed potatoes.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,383

    Frozen pizza leftovers tonight.

    DH's occupational therapy was less than ideal. We need to see an orthopedic doctor and he may need surgery. Dread. Fix one thing, something else breaks.

    The dog-idiots were on vacation last week; sadly, they are home. I miss the quiet.

    Eric, hope you are not needed and the storms don't do too much damage.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,272

    Oh Wally, so hoping your DH doesn't need surgery

    Special & everyone else in Florida - hope you stay safe.

    Eric - ah the dentist. He was able to do a special "facial" filling. No pain except the $230 charge. Thanks for asking. I too hope you are not activated for this new storm. Love the "snowflake" naming details

    Carole - have fun with the gang in Oklahoma. And safe trip.

    Mae - hope you're settled back on your mountain again. Please keep us updated on any new results.

    Nance - always glad to see you.

    I had an HOA meeting tonight and by the time I got all the preparation done (agendas & copies for all the officers & committee, answers to all the pending issues, newsletters, prep for National Night out on 10/1, etc) I didn't have time to eat. Enjoying a bourbon & water with Planters Cocktail peanuts. Because there are so many days that I don't have "proper" meals, I started using Beneprotein again this week. That's the powder that MD Anderson recommended during chemo. I eat lots of veggies, but probably protein only once a week. I have blood work on Thursday so it's likely too soon to see a difference. Then I see my PCP the following week & will discuss with her.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,272

    BTW - found a recipe for chocolate eclair cake. Anyone interested?

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    My summer neighbors, Mary and Lyman, may be in the path of Helene. Fingers crossed for their safety.

    Last night I made a skillet dish that could have been an oven dish. Jimmy Dean Italian sausage, Stovetop stuffing and artichoke hearts. It was tasty. A side of cream spinach made with frozen spinach and cream cheese. One of my favorites. The spinach was coarsely chopped and had texture.

    Today I need to clean the refrigerator and discard anything that won't be eaten or packed in the cooler. We will drain the ice maker in the refrigerator either today or tomorrow.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,885

    Minus - is the cake anything like a Pan Eclair?

    Tonight is sweet Italian sausage with peppers and onions. Side will be pappardelle and a salad if I can muster up the enthusiasm required to put it together. The main dish is in the slow cooker and smelling wonderful This is the first time I've made this dish in the crockpot so I hope it turns out. DH was watching a show on Key West where key lime pie was mentioned, became obsessed and begged me to make one. He even went to the store for the ingredients. I confess I took shortcuts - premade crust, Nellie and Joe's lime juice - but the deed was done and said pie is chilling waiting for me to whip cream for the topping. Oh the calories . . .

    I'm getting seriously concerned about Special's situation. .

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Wally, I hope something other than surgery can be done to help your DH.

    Minus, Since you are so busy and deserve to eat what you feel like in the evening, can you consume your protein earlier in the day? When I was working I made frittata for my week's breakfasts using eggs, milk, cheese, ground beef/chicken/pork/sausage and veggies. If I had time I would microwave it and eat it at home. More often I would eat it cold in the car as I drove to school. It tasted good either way.

    Carole and Nance, Your sausage meals sound delicious. The nitrate free Italian sweet sausage goes on sale periodically so I'll try them after my next purchase.

    Dinner tonight was chicken scarpariello using the last of the Italian sausage.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,272

    Maggie - good thought but I only eat one meal a day - usually around 3pm. I do like frittatas - hot or cold - but I'm just not interested in most meats anymore. Interesting turn of events. Today's meal was cottage cheese & canned peaches. I did have 1/2 cup roasted almonds when I met some friends for a drink earlier - so that counts.

    Nance - I had to look up Pan Eclair. One site said it's a Midwestern Favorite. Several of the recipes seem similar - pudding, milk, Cool Chip, graham crackers, chocolate chips, heavy cream, light corn syrup. I didn't notice when I cut out the recipe but it serves 16…… Oops.

    Fingers crossed for everyone in Florida. Our skies are partly cloudy, but no rain.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,383

    I made egg foo young "casserole" instead of frying on the stove. Good enough.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,088

    I panfried pork chops and heated Bob's mac and cheese for last night's dinner.

    I cleaned the refrigerator yesterday and we drained the icemaker. I also did my last laundry at Pinehollow Resort for 2024. It was a very busy day and today will be busy, too.

    Helene looks like a monster. I'm sure SpecialK will do whatever necessary to stay safe. This isn't her first hurricane.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,119

    When I clean our refrigerator and freezer, I always find some dinosaur meat and frozen pterodactyl. It makes me wonder if time travel is possible. :-)

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Hopefully Special and anyone else in Helene’s path will stay safe.

    Dinner tonight was corned beef and cabbage.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,246

    Hi all, we are on vacation in the mountains of Colorado since the 17th, so we are indeed high and dry. Our house in Tampa is fine - our DD came over and secured things on the porch and lanai for us. We fly home tomorrow if the airport reopens. Thank you all for worrying - this was a big hurricane with a lot of damage. I’m worried to see what the daylight reveals today in Tampa and beyond, but I’m lucky that my family, our pets, and our homes are ok.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,119

    Good to hear that everything there is okay, Special.

    I wish it were the case for those farther north.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,247

    Special, Good to hear that you and your home are OK. Being in Colorado means you are missing the fun (not) of living through a power outage.

    Dinner tonight was corned beef hash for DH and an open faced Reuben for me.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,697

    Tonight was leftover pot roast French dip sandwiches and they were soooo good.

    Not feeling like seafood tomorrow, but a burger on a Kaiser roll sounds tasty.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,272

    Special - thanks for checking in. Hooray for no damage. But how wonderful you're celebrating fall in the Colorado mountains. I can close my eyes and smell & feel the mountains.

    Mae - where did the "seafood" thought come from? Something the DH wants? Just because you have a beach house in the mountains - seafood not required. But sounds like at least your appetite is returning.

    Eric - love the time travel with dinosaur meat thought. I don't have that problem right now since I had to throw away everything twice since May due to 7 days with no power twice. And well, my hoarded items were Hatch Chili Scones & other Hatch items. It killed me to toss them since they are only available once a year. In any case, I still haven't stocked back up yet since hurricane season isn't over - except I've been working my ice maker overtime & hoarding bags of ice cubes

    Carole - hope your journey home with a stop in Oklahoma will be safe & fun.

    Dinner was leftover Rao's Marinara with meat balls. I was disappointed to find that I only had Angel Hair pasta in the cupboard instead of Spaghetti - but I probably didn't need the heavier pasta anyway.

    I'm going to take my nephew, wife & their 10 year old daughter to dinner tomorrow at the Raven - 1/2 way between our houses. I haven't seen much of them in the last couple of months and children change SO fast.