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So...whats for dinner?



  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    Special, I have lettuce issues as did my former neighbor (the nice ones). I can eat romaine but the baby lettuces go right through me (sorry for TMI).

    Carole, welcome home and enjoy your space!

    We are heading to Sequim today for odds and ends. Dinner will be leftovers. I forgot to mention that my DH rarely notices the tomato sauce but last night, he commented how lovely it was. I used Muir Glen original marinara as it had been languishing in my cupboard. Less sodium than Rao's so I was happy he enjoyed it.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    I recommended Rao's to my sister Linda. She commented that she found it salty. Interesting. I am salt sensitive and don't find it salty to my taste. DH and I both are fans. I haven't seen the Muir Glen marinara.

    We visited a couple in Sequim back in the 1980's. It was just a village then. She was also a romance author. Her dh wrote mysteries. She cooked salmon in her oven and I remember it as the best I have ever eaten. Memories.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,894

    Welcome home Carol! No matter how long the trip or how good the time, it always feels good to be home to me.

    Special - glad your gi ssues are resolving. How's your back holding out? Mine seems to get worse the better my knee gets which is exactly the opposite effect I was hoping for.

    Wally - I wish I liked salmon as much as you do. I love smoked salmon but fresh not so much. DH won't tolerate it in any form. I did catch one in Vancouver many years ago which we cooked over an open fire which was delicious I expect that freshness made all the difference.

    Today is DH's 77th birthday so the kids are coming to share some of his favorite foods - hamburgers, pulled pork, cole slaw, baked beans and fruit salad. And of course, chocolate cake. He's so easy 😊.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,894

    Has anyone tried the Victoria white linen marinara?. A lot of Costco fans rave about it and say it's better than Raos but I've never seen it. Perhaps I'll look when we make our annual trip to The Hill.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    maggie - Prior to travel I usually make more dinner than normal and then freeze the leftovers for DH. I have a number of those flat oblong pyrex dishes that I used to use for sending lunch to work with him. Now I use them for advance freezing. DH is pretty capable in the kitchen, so I know that particularly since he is now retired he can handle feeding himself if he manages to eat everything I have pre-frozen. I don't usually leave for this long, but the surgical situation for my friend is somewhat fluid - surgery may be more complex, or she may recover more slowly than projected. My reservation going out is on Delta since I had miles available, coming back is Southwest, since they are super flexible for changing a reservation and banking/saving your fare. I am indeed encouraged that diet changes may be enough to solve the GI issues - relieved that nothing glaring was seen on the CT, but honestly would have been surprised if there was anything.

    carole - I have been aware of lettuce causing issues for other friends (and wally!) and it seems to anecdotally be women "of a certain age" so there is that! I don't fully understand what the irritation is and why it happens, but I hope to learn more. I did do an elimination diet of foods that are common allergens or irritants and still maintain some of those, but also added some foods back in that were not bothering me.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    I've had the white linen but quite some time ago. If I recall (vague), it was more watery than the Muir Glen (very thick) or the Rao's. A lot could have changed since I tried it. I know there are two varieties of the Victoria so maybe I am misremembering.

    Special, I've always had the lettuce issue so I'm an outlier "of a certain age."

    Auntie, there are sooo many wonderful fish out there that if salmon isn't your thing, try something else. If it is just the texture, then maybe trying something different with it…salmon burgers? poached? fish stew? flaked and put into an omelette filling? cold and flaked into a salad? salmon-salad vs tuna? or even using heartier spices like soy or hot peppers or whatever you like.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723

    Was intending to make beef stew tomorrow, but hubby said it would be better to make it tonight

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    We now have a Costco. Opened in August. So I will have the opportunity to compare Costco to Sam's Club, where we shop fairly regularly. I'll look for the White Linen products. The name reminds me of a favorite paint color, Linen White. Benjamin Moore.

    Happy Birthday to your dh, Nance. Bummer on the back not getting better in sync with the knee.

    My SIL in Oklahoma is milling her own ancient grain flour for making bread. She demonstrated while I was there. The mill is compact and the process very simple. She is buying sacks of different wheat berries from Washington state. She also has a sour dough starter and I watched her "feeding" it. She doesn't throw away her starter discards but keeps them in a container to use. She experimented with making crackers while I was there. They weren't a big success. But a loaf of wheat bread she made was very tasty.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Carole, You must be enjoying your kitchen counter space and dishwasher. When I lived in a farm cottage in Scotland my only counter space was the pull-down on a Hoosier cabinet and a board I put over the soapstone sink. I didn’t mind since I had a million dollar view out the window from the Lammermuir hills over Edinburgh and the Firth of Forth into Fife.

    Nance, I hope your DH enjoyed his birthday celebration. I’m sorry that your back is still troublesome.

    Special, Your friend must really appreciate your flexibility in being there to help with her post surgical recovery.

    Dinner was a late lunch outside in the 70* weather at a local restaurant. DH had fish and chips while I had a Cobb salad with chicken (lettuce doesn’t bother me.)

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    Carole, I remember grinding my own wheat and corn. The whole wheat bread never rose high but tasted great. Fresh ground cornmeal is like nothing you can buy…ever. Out of this world tasty. I made "real" cornbread (no sugar or flour added) and drool just remembering that.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Years ago we ate Blue Runner canned beans, a big favorite in south Louisiana. They're creamy and flavored. I got away from buying them and started cooking dry beans but we don't seem to eat the left over beans now. So I bought a couple of cans of Blue Runner and opened the navy beans last night. I warmed them up with some diced smoked sausage and used my little rice cooker to cook brown jasmine rice. We both enjoyed the beans over rice with a sprinkle of Louisiana hot sauce. There was still a serving left over. I cooked some extra smoked sausage the way my mother cooked it, split down the middle and browned on both sides.

    The side was romaine salad with cucumber, tomato, avocado, blue cheese and sweet onion for dh. I can't seem to make a reasonable amount of salad in a bowl so I am using two salad plates.

    Lettuce. I've never seen such beautiful lettuce as the variety of lettuces sold at the farmers market in Park Rapids. It's a pleasure just to look at it. The vegetable vendors are very artistic in their displays.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,131

    Special, I hope DD's commissions can soon start up again. Financial uncertainty is not a good thing.

    I guess there's another storm, Milton, forecast to head that way, though so…sigh…..

    I'm still in Arizona. Each month, multiple teams are scheduled for being on call. The AZ team is about 1/2 way down the list of October response teams. Still I wouldn't be surprised to end up "back east".

    I've never ground my own grain. We just bought a coffee bean grinder because we accidentally bought bags of coffee beans instead of ground coffee. I guess that's a start. :-)

    I like, and appreciate the "real cornbread" comment. Sharon is from New York and prefers what I call corn cake. I spent many summers in southeastern Kentucky (in the hills and hollers) and what you describe is what my aunt Hattie made…which I would eagerly await to come out of the oven. Chili and cornbread……

    Carole, I don't know how you do it—the "two homes". :-) My in-laws did that but between two complete small homes, one in Upstate New York (near the Canadian border) and one in Arizona and it seemed like they were always packing to go "there" or unpacking after arriving "there".

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,894
    edited October 6

    Ugh on the hurricanes. So anxiety producing even if they don't hit. Hoping for the best with this one.

    I make cornbread with medium ground cornmeal and a very small amount of flour No sugar We love it that way it has a nice "crunch" out of the cast iron skillet

    Carole - your beans and sausage sounds very tasty. I can't find any readily available smoked sausage around here that I like. There is one from a local butcher and sausage maker but it's very expensive so I won't often spring for it. I never think to serve leftover beans with rice but I need to remember to because I like that combo very much.

    The meal yesterday was good and provided enough leftovers for dinner. I was a bit disappointed in the pork roast. I could only find a wrapped up picnic roast in my local store, which is not my preference. Hidden inside was quite a lot of fat (expected) and a lot of gristle (unexpected). When I shredded the pork I got out most of it but the meat ended up somewhat tough and stringy. Next time I'll search elsewhere.

    Tonight is carry out night. I'm betting DH will want Italian but I'm leaning toward fried chicken

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    We went out for lunch yesterday; Our favorite Mexican place in Sequim. Wasn't too hungry for dinner. Leftover Mexican for dinner tonight and we'll push out the leftover pasta and "meatballs" for tomorrow.

    Anxiety for storms…ugh. Hope everyone can be safe.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Nance, you made me chuckle at your remarking that you don't think of serving beans with rice. The two come together here unless it's baked beans made with brown sugar and molasses. I miss "real" smoked sausage when we're in MN. The brand dh bought yesterday is made in our area, Double D. Not all smoked sausage here is labelled Andouille and this one is just smoked sausage, either mild or hot. We buy mild.

    I like the cornbread that isn't sweet but dh's preference is just the opposite. He's happy with Jiffy and I have a small pan that's perfect for one box. The pan fits into the toaster oven and we don't have a lot of leftover corn bread. It's kind of like cornbread cake but butter works wonders.

    The talk of cornbread reminds me that I haven't mastered socca and have the chickpea flour to make it. Also Einkorn flour to make a loaf of bread.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723

    Took the two pieces of chicken cutlets I had cooked the other night, shredded them. Steamed more broccoli and cooking a package of Knorr’s Mexican Rice. Mixing them together and that is dinner. Using up leftovers.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    I haven’t ground my own corn but with a fifth grade class I did grind dried milkweed roots to make flour. We added water and cooked pancakes from it. I like cornbread but sometimes make RI johnnycakes which are like pancakes made from cornmeal, salt and water (and a bit of sugar if you like.)

    Carole, While I used Blue Runner beans in AL they are not available in New England. I found that every time I have moved there is some type of food I can no longer get and miss.

    Eric, I hope you get to sit this month out. It would be good for everyone if these storms broke up or went out to sea.

    Dinner tonight was pizza made from refrigerated dough with Rao’s pizza sauce and various toppings.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    My dinner was Naan Pizzas with Raos, onions, olives & mushrooms. Except I didn't have any mozzarella cheese. I thought the Mexican Shredded cheese would melt just as well on the top when I baked, but it didn't melt enough at all. Sigh. 4 Naan breads to a package so I have 3 left over pizzas.

    A friend introduced me to Ballotin - mocha, chocolate, cream whisky. OH YUM. Tried to duplicate tonight using bourbon and an Italian dark chocolate 'cream' liqueur. Nope - WAY too sweet. Oh Godiva, how I miss your chocolate liqueur. How will I ever get rid of this alternate bottle of chocolate liqueur??? My thrift vein doesn't allow me to just toss it.

    Fingers crossed for our Florida group with this new storm. And for Eric that you aren't deployed.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    It must have been pizza night last night. We had take out at half price from the local Domino's. It was delicious and I ate too much. Thin crust, extra cheese, Italian sausage, black olives, yellow pickled peppers.

    Milton looks like another monster. I hope the people in its path are able to evacuate.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    I like cornbread - usually make it when I make chili. I know there are varying preferences on flavor, but I like a cheesy with corn and chilies style, and also plain but a little sweet. I usually also make honey butter when I make cornbread. Pre-made cornbread mix is the one gluten free prepared mix I don't use, it has been vetoed by the family because it turns out kind of rubbery, lol!

    I like both of the pizza references - DH is not a vegetables on pizza person, with the exception of onions and maybe mushrooms - his favorite is the one that is absolutely the worst for you, a meat lovers thick crust…

    I just returned from the grocery store - which, as you can imagine, is chaos. I will say that Publix is doing a good job of managing the crowd and keeping things stocked - it was all hands on deck. The only serious shortage seemed to be grocery carts. I did one round with a hand basket, went through the self checkout, then came back in. I snagged an abandoned cart in the parking lot. I didn't really need much, but did need a few non-perishables. We have prepped the outside of the house (can you say Groundhog Day?) and I have frozen water in mason jars for the coolers if needed, and filled up all of my available pitchers with filtered water from the fridge. Cars are full of gas, propane tanks are full. We are not in an evac zone because we are far enough north and east for flooding not to really be a thing for us, but we are hoping the wind strength and direction won't be too damaging. My BIL/SIL/nephew may end o up here - they all live in St. Pete and were super lucky with Helene - the water came up to the street behind them, but this is looking like much more of a direct hit to Pinellas/Hillsborough area, so… I know my Gulf Coast friends here in LA and TX know this drill, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about this. Our power is underground and we have not lost power with any hurricanes previously, but I am not holding our hope that we are home free. I have charged all of the power banks and DD has a bunch of big batteries, that are also solar, that can run a fridge. Ugh.

    Am I wrong to be a little peeved that this hurricane is supposed to hit us ON MY BIRTHDAY? Also, my long- awaited gastroenterology follow-up is Wednesday morning - unlikely to happen. I will probably have to wait another six weeks for the reschedule. I did have a chat with my possibly evacuating BIL, who is also a gastroenterologist, and he suggested a few labs to be done, but he basically said I should develop a food testing situation for myself and figure out what does and doesn't work. Will do that when there isn't a hurricane looming.

    minus - I have a chocolate cake recipe that normally uses Kahlua, but you could totally sub the liqueur you have. Mix a Devil's Food Cake Mix, 1 1/2 c. sour cream, 3/4 c. veg. oil, 1/2 c. coffee liqueur, 2 beaten eggs, one 4 oz. package instant choc. pudding. - this mixture will be very thick. Spoon into a greased bundt pan and bake until a tester comes out clean - at least 45 mins. Let cool and remove from pan. You can dust with powdered sugar, eat it plain, or drizzle melted chocolate over. This is a very moist cake and freezes well - you can slice it and freeze in portions.

    eric - if you end up nearby to help, thanks in advance.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723

    Pork cutlet, mashed potatoes and spinach

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Minus, I bet your chocolate liqueur would make any kind of fudge sauce taste better. If I could still drink I would add it to hot cocoa. These foods may not be what you normally eat but you might have friends who would enjoy it.

    Special, I hope you get the birthday present of not losing power and avoiding wind damage. You are definitely well prepared which is sometimes the magic charm for warding off the worst. Hopefully your relatives will be OK or can safely make it to your house.

    Dinner tonight was coconut curry salmon on rice.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707

    Tonight is slow cooker pork tenderloin with mashed potatoes, sautéed carrots and broccoli. Very satisfying and I made double to freeze some for another time.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Special - fingers crossed for you. Thanks for the chocolate cake recipe. I will surely try that.

    Maggie - good ideas about the fudge sauce & cocoa. I have a friend who LOVES fudge sauce.

    Mae - wonderful picture of a delicious looking pork dinner.

    I went to the grocery store today for 3 or 4 things, but I always check the "day old" bakery shelves. They had a half of a Raspberry, white chocolate bundt cake with cream cheese icing for 1/2 price - and the sell by date isn't even until tomorrow. Heavy & moist & very satisfying. So my dinner was two pieces of this delicious cake. I know, I know….. Well I still have to clean the radishes so maybe I'll have a few of those for dessert.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,131

    I just got an email to expect alert orders "very soon". My bags are packed, etc.

  • auntienance
    auntienance Member Posts: 3,894

    Special - well boo on that birthday present! Good luck to you and Eric both.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    minus - thanks for the crossed fingers - I know you know! Also, now I want cake for dinner, lol!

    auntie - you asked about my back a page or so ago. I am sorry your knee is better but back is worse. Seems like the boy who is plugging leaks in the dyke, right? Fix one thing then another thing happens. Mine is hit or miss - some days it feels low key achy, other days I am almost incapacitated, and I can't attribute how it is to anything in either scenario. When I first had the really acute pain almost exactly a year ago upon return from a Colorado trip it was right when I met my new primary care. She did a thorough work up because I also had blood in the routine urinalysis. Turns out that is my new normal (from oldness…) and all the otherwise normal CT imaging said, hmmm, degenerative disc issues as an aside. I was a bit worried as we just got back from CO and I wondered if hiking or getting bags down from the overhead bin in the plane would cause the problem again. So far, so good. However, I dropped a 12-pack of Arnold Palmers on my foot this morning when I opened the back of my car after grocery shopping and I thought, oh boy, here we go, but it was fine. I do not need an injury right at this moment! And yes, I don't want Milton for my birthday.

    eric - see you soon…

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    I will be thinking of SpecialK and Eric tomorrow. DH and I are concerned about our friend Dorothy, widowed a year ago, who is at her winter home in Fort Myers. The forecast shows Fort Myers in the danger zone on the right side, which is the bad side of a hurricane.

    Dinner last night was blade pork chops breaded and cooked in the toaster oven with a side of mashed potatoes. No apple sauce so I opened a can of cranberry sauce with berries.

    I need to come up with some menus. DH and I both have a Blah attitude toward food.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    carole - how did your friend's house do during Hurricane Ian? That was a more direct hit at Fort Myers. This should hopefully be not as severe for that area except for storm surge, unless it makes a turn south. Does she have any other family/friends who are more inland where she can stay? Fort Myers is a two hour drive south of Tampa, just for reference.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,131

    Happy Birthday, well as much as possible, Special.