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So...whats for dinner?



  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Minus, Dinner out with your nephew’s family will give you a chance to catch up as well as a good meal.

    Illimae, Hope you enjoyed your burger. It was Seafood Saturday at my house today.

    Dinner tonight was baked haddock with asparagus and sautéed potatoes.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    I had a delicious grilled Rainbow trout - served with spinach sauteed with spiced pecans and French green lentils with Bacon. I rarely eat dessert but my grand-niece insisted, so I enjoyed a delicious creme brulle served with fresh strawberries & blueberries, and of course whipped cream. I am so full I can't move.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723

    Made hubby cook as I bashed a toe into a door frame because I tripped. It’s bruised pretty good and hurts.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,131

    I hope you toe isn't broken.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723

    It’s badly bruised.

    Tonight is brats and fries. Hubby wants me to rest my foot as much as I can.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Minus, The creme brulee with fresh berries sounds scrumptious.

    m0mmy, I hope your toe is feeling better. Icing it might help the bruising.

    Dinner tonight was tilapia in cream sauce with spinach and mashed potato.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723

    Toe is not in any pain unless I stand on it too much. Bruising is terrific though.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    Filipino pork adobo…have had it the last 3 nights. YUM.

    Went fishing yesterday…no fish.

  • eric95us
    eric95us Member Posts: 3,131

    That's good it's not broken.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Tomorrow is National Night Out in Texas (& I think Arizona). The rest of the country celebrates in August, but it's too hot here - especially for police in full uniform with bulletproof vests. We're having a dessert pot luck. Could be 40 people or 80 people so it's hard to plan. I bought extra individually wrapped things like Madelaines in case there's not enough food. This evening we're setting up. It's 93 here so lugging around picnic tables & benches & chairs & umbrellas & coolers full of water will not be fun. I'd best make some scrambled eggs now or I'll be too tired to eat. I hope the neighbors turn out in force since we have lots of committed special guests from the police department, the City of Houston, Harris County and the school district.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Wally, Catching fish would have been nice but I always fished more for the scenic outdoor location and experience.

    Minus, 93 seems too hot to me but I guess it's better than 103. It sounds like a lot of work but it sure it helps build community. Enjoy some dessert during the event.

    Dinner tonight was a late Legal Seafood lunch special of clam chowder and lobster roll. That takes the sting out of the long drive.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,297

    Oh Maggie - I'm so jealous whenever anyone talks about Legal clam chowder. Lucky girl!!!!

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    Frozen turkey burgers last night with slaw and leftover brown rice. I made more rice pudding this morning.

    Tonight will be a hodge-podge salad of the last of the rice, can of tuna and slaw.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283
    edited October 2

    Minus, I hope your National Night Out event went well.

    Wally, You have a knack for combining leftovers in a novel way.

    Dinner tonight was chicken and asparagus lasagna.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    minus - I hope your event was fruitful, I appreciate your civic minded efforts!

    The longer we are home the more we are hearing from friends and acquaintances about damage to their homes - I feel guilty feeling lucky that we had nothing but a mess in the yard.

    Dinner tonight was tomato soup and sandwiches - not very exciting, but it hit the spot after a foray to the grocery store! The cupboard was bare!

  • reader425
    reader425 Member Posts: 938

    Special we are in NC but not at all near any problems. I also feel so sad but relief that we were fortunate this time.

    Thinking of petite and her houseful, as well as others in harms way.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    reader - my two SILS are in NC too - in the western mountains. I'm so glad you've had no damages. The SILS have been lucky as well that they only have lost power/water, but no damage to their homes. My DD works in Clearwater and the boat dealership there took several feet of water, they have sunk boats, boats in trees - boats on their sides. Insurance companies won't write policies on new boats for a bit, so she can't go to work, or work from home either - she is a bit nervous as she is basically 100% commission based. Many of her clients live on the water in Pinellas County, and their homes had flooding. Coastal Florida is beautiful until the storms come. On the bright side, DD has two new baby goats to cheer her up - I get to meet them tomorrow for the first time. Befitting this thread their names are Bread and Butter.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Special, Sorry to hear that Helene has put your DD's job on hiatus. What cute names for the goats. Did you ever get your GI imaging resolved?

    Reader, I'm glad the storm missed you.

    Dinner tonight was leftover lasagna and salad.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    My heart goes out to anyone affected by these storms. DH and I were just thinking about the time we spent in Asheville, looking for a lot to build a home. Then he decided to move here….lots of places along the way.

    Mahi-mahi coconut curry tonight. I really disliked mahi-mahi when I baked/broiled it. It tasted chewy and..well…I didn't appreciate it. But "poaching" it…WOW…it was as buttery tender as if it were a nice scallop.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    Lots of meals to read about as I caught up on posts this morning. Glad SpecialK had no damage to her home, nor did Reader. Most important, neither had trauma. I love the Ashville, NC area and hated to see all the flooding on the news coverage.

    We enjoyed our Oklahoma stop. The 20-month-old great nephew is a delight. He quickly adjusted to our presence among his circle of admirers and included us in his good night hugs. My SIL Deanna and I made chicken and dumplings on Sunday night and had some good laughs as the recipe evolved. The weather was great on all the travel days and we arrived home yesterday shortly after noon. Dinner was hot dogs with buns and a package of Nathan's that travelled with us.

    I plan to make a trip to the supermarket today and spend the rest of the day unpacking and settling in. It's good to be home.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723
    edited October 3

    Soup and sandwiches tonight. It’s chilly here! Feels like Fall finally decided to show up!

    Carole, you and your hubby got out of the north at a good time. Just got notified some areas of Northern MN/WI are under a Freezing Warning as of 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. I’m smack dab in the Freeze Warning area!

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Carole, Glad you had a good trip and made it home safely. Creative cooking with someone else is fun.

    Wally, I've never poached mahi-mahi but it sounds like I should try it.

    m0mmy, Soup always hits the spot when it’s chilly. We have a couple of more days that it will be warm enough to dine outside so this weekend we’ll have the last hurrah before late spring.

    Dinner tonight was angus strip steak, sautéed mushrooms and potato salad.

  • illimae
    illimae Member Posts: 5,707

    Tonight was bbq meatballs (frozen bag), which were just ok s as is cauliflower “Mac n cheese”. The cauliflower mac is always delicious. I’m stuffed but did save room for a couple Andes chocolate mints.

  • wallycat
    wallycat Member Posts: 1,399

    I'm making spaghetti and "meatballs" (cutting up some italian sausage and slipping them into a pasta sauce).

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,257

    maggie - thanks for the commiseration on DD's income situation. They will figure it out - hopefully sooner rather than later. There are so many others with far worse situations and the good thing is that she is very cognizant of that as well, not feeling sorry for herself at all, but wanting to help. We are volunteering with World Central Kitchen next week. As far as the GI stuff, I made an accidental discovery while DH was in the FL Keys on a 5 day trip. I was trying to use up the food in the fridge/house since we were leaving for two weeks in Colorado. DH and I ate all the lettuce and kale right before he left on the trip and I didn't buy more. So, for five days I ate none - the vast majority of the issues cleared up! I had thought it was all of these other things that I gave up one by one without success. I am not 100% but am so much better. My follow up with the gastroenterologist is next week, and the report from the CT Colonography finally showed up in my portal, unremarkable other than diverticular stuff - which I think most of us have once we reach a certain age. I ate salad daily, so I am trying to see if it is the lettuce/kale/cabbage specifically and can still eat the other typical salad items like tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, etc., which I can just add other things to like pasta or beans and be satisfied. I can live without lettuce. I am hoping he has some additional insights, or at the very least refers me to a nutritionist. I have also had a bit of food allergy testing done but would like more, and also to understand why this happened and what other foods might be an issue for me going forward.

    Yesterday I roasted some chicken - skin on/bone in, that was on sale for $1.99 a lb. I will make some chicken salad to go with the broccoli salad and red potato salad with a mayo sour cream dressing that i made yesterday. We do enjoy a dinner of salads (without lettuce, lol!) so that will be tonight.

    My SILS are back with power and water in their homes. Progress.

    I have started getting together some soup recipes to take with me to CA in a couple of weeks for BFF's back surgery. I think it will be cool enough that soup sounds good and comforting. She is in the throes of pre-surgery testing and getting ducks in a row. I am going 36 hours prior to the surgery to help with last minute things and will stay for two weeks. I also need to think about cooking ahead some stuff for DH to have on hand and in the freezer.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Member Posts: 9,723

    Tonight is chicken, mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli

  • malleemiss251
    malleemiss251 Member Posts: 575

    My dinner will be a muffin with Vegemite and avocado.

  • maggie15
    maggie15 Member Posts: 1,283

    Illimae, I agree that you should always save room for a couple of Andes mint chocolates.

    Special, I'm glad nothing serious showed up in your GI scan. Hopefully slight diet tweaks will improve things. You have a lot of planning and cooking to do before your trip to CA.

    Malleemiss, I haven’t had Vegemite since I lived in the UK. Avocados were not available there at the time but it sounds like a tasty combination.

    Dinner tonight was Austrian chicken with apples and cranberry sauce on noodles.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,128

    SpecialK, who would have guessed salad greens could cause digestive issues? I remember some years back you went on an elimination diet to identify foods to eliminate.

    I am enjoying the counter space in my kitchen AND the dishwasher. What a luxury to rinse dishes and put them out of sight.

    Last night I oven fried chicken thighs, skin on bone in. First I browned them in a skillet. Sides were romaine salad and mashed potatoes.

    Bins are emptied at this stage of unpacking and contents put away. Today I'll tackle laundry and cleaning.