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Not Diagnosed and Waiting for Test Results? Start Here



  • Tink43
    Tink43 Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2016

    I am totally new here. I just had my regular mammogram done on October 5th. Then I got the call a few days later saying they wanted more pics. So I went in on the 12th of October. That's when the radiologist came and said that he was recommending that I have a Biopsy done. I had that done on the 18th. Now I'm just waiting to hear the results of the biopsy. They said I should know by tomorrow afternoon. I have gone through every emotion imaginable the last two weeks. But I'm trying to be calm and cool about it. Trying is the operative word. lol I told someone the other day that my girls were so awesome they just wanted a sample of them. :) Laughter does help ease the stress I think. Anyways, just waiting for tomorrow now and to know which way I'm headed on this crazy journey.

  • imasurvivrgrl
    imasurvivrgrl Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2016

    I was called back on my mammogram in july 2016. I had breast calcifications about 5 yrs ago and was called back for another mammogram and a discussion. so, I thought this would be a repeat. when I was called they said dr wanted to do a ultra sound to look at maybe a fatty deposit. so I scheduled the ultra sound the next week. I get on the table and the technician was very chatty (did not want me asking questions). after that she told me to sit in the waiting room and a woman would come for me. now I am thinking ????? what is going on? she comes for me says radiologist wants to review, get in his office, the 3 of us chit chatting, then the conversation turns..ultra sound, MASS, jagged borders, not on last mammogram, NEED BIOPSY! What? scheduled biopsy in two days..on a friday..HAVE TO WAIT TILL MONDAY TO KNOW IF I HAVE CANCER!!!!! it was excruciatingly painful..I needed a valium. I finally got a prescription for a few. it was awful awful weekend. nothing nothing helped. my poor husband tried so hard...monday 1:30 I got the call yes it is cancer..small..9mm..needed lumpectimy and radiation. now I have completed have to be on tamoxifin 5 yrs.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,020
    edited December 2016


    We're so sorry you find yourself here, but we're glad you've joined our community. You are not alone! We hope you get through treatment without too many side effects. And you may want to take some time to read through our thread on Tamoxifen, if you have any questions or concerns: Lots of good info there!

    The Mods

  • pulstk
    pulstk Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2016

    I am 42, have dense breast tissue and have had 3 normal mammograms, 1 of those being 3D. In Sept. Of this year i began feeling a tightness/ pain on the left side of my chest and went to the Dr. Thinkink it was complications from my asthma. The Doctor diagnosed me with wslking pneumonia of the right lower lobe, which i found odd, since the pain was on the left side. 1 month went by, i was breathing better, the pain was still there. I finally realized it had more to do with my breast than my asthma and did a self- exam, where i found not 1, but 2 lumps. One at 1 o'clock, and 1 at 6 'clock. The lumps themselves dont hurt, but seem to be attached and pulling on muscle, tissue underneath. I went to the Dr, who of course, thought it was all hormonal swelling due to having dense breasts, but sent me for an ultrasound anyway. The ultrasound found 2 separate masses category bi-rad 5 ( highly suspicious for malignancy). I was flabbergasted. After all, i had my yearly mammogram. My doctor called and wanted me to get in ASAP for a biopsy, but this being so close to the holidays, my appt is Jan 4th. I am currently applying for the Nursing program, have a family and am scared crapless of how this is going to affect all of us. But i know my God is bigger than this, and i have to believe that His will will be done in this matter.

  • littlewing78
    littlewing78 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2016

    I just read your post and wanted to say that I will be praying for you. I am awaiting my surgical biopsy results from last Wednesday. They were ordered due to spontaneous nipple bleeeing.

    Your faith inspires me and your faith will keep your strong!

  • pulstk
    pulstk Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2017

    Thank you, I am praying for you as well❤

  • sheshe48
    sheshe48 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2017

    Hello, it's been a few yrs since I have been on this site. I have a rash on my breast and it itches. I'm a 9 yrs breast cancer survivor. I went and got a diagnostic mammograms and ultrasound yesterday. The radiologist talk to me after the test. Said I have thickening of the tissues. And several calcifications. It's in the same breast as before. I had 2 lumpectomies in 2007. I'm terrified of inflammatory breast cancer. I have 2 biopsies scheduled for Jan 9th. The waiting is driving me nuts. Has anyone had inflammatory breast cancer here?

  • MTwoman
    MTwoman Member Posts: 228
    edited January 2017

    sheshe, there is a forum specially for women who have/have had IBC. Look on the left side of your screen to where it says "jump to a forum" and pick Inflammatory Breast Cancer from the drop down menu. Then click the "go" button. that will put you in that forum where you may be able to read info specifically for IBC, posts that can help or meet up with others who've had IBC. Good luck!

  • sheshe48
    sheshe48 Member Posts: 19
    edited January 2017

    thank u MT WOMAN. I appreciate your advice. Take care.

  • Kim2017
    Kim2017 Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2017

    waiting and still waiting... I don't know what I should think. Radiologist said it doesn't look, and they decided to do biopsy immediately... all my hope is gone now and waiting. My Gynocologiest call me and said "it is not a death sentence ". I should think what I am going through or I should think my son who doesn't have father. I am already accepted it is cancer but which kind. Radiologist knows somehow it very suspicious, they are rushing everything. I had biopsy yesterday and they said I will have result latest tomorrow. I red all other post and they wait for a week....waiting :

  • BeckyI
    BeckyI Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2017


    I am awaiting excisional biopsy result. What a great site for individuals in all stages of their journey. I've been reading it for 6.5 hours now and decided to join. Here is my story in cliff notes:

    • 42 yrs old, I started my mammograms at age 40
    • Dec 21 screening mammo, they called the next day requesting additional views on both breasts and an ultrasound
    • Dec 29 diagnostic mammo, ultrasound. It was determined I needed a core biopsy which I had done same day. They called the next day, discordant results. It was determined I needed an excisional biopsy
    • Jan 24 excisional biopsy, results in 3-5 days

    Now I'm waiting. I'm having so much pain from the biopsy and was in the ER yesterday as I've got hematomas all over, the blood is continuing to pool at the bottom of my breast. I'm following up today with my surgeon. I'm not sure what will happen with that! It's bad!

    They found architectural distortion (which can't be explained through the biopsy from benign causes) and a cluster of microcalcifications, I have a birad score of 4. I'm all over the map of emotions from frustrated that I'm going through all of this for nothing since I will get a clean bill of health, to - I have cancer.

    My left breast looks like it got in the worlds worst bar fight and I feel like crap. Just looking for people I can relate to. I should have my results soon, I hope. I'm so tired of the mind games I end up playing. Realistically I'm not sure all my factors line up to something clear, but then again I'm very stressed.

    (To exhausted to proofread, excuse typos

    Thanks so much


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,020
    edited January 2017

    BeckyI, you are not alone. Wishing for everything to be clear!!!!! We're routing for you!

  • llmishome
    llmishome Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2017

    Hi - I was out of work for nine months. Insurance stopped immediately, so did the self-exams. The week my husband lost his job, he got a letter from his GP that his PSA was elevated and he should see a urologist. Andy is an accountant, so we thought it'd only be a matter of time before he was back to work. We lived in OKC, where oil and gas was in the toilet and on top of that, we are in our mid-fifties - and believe me, ageism is alive and well in the job market. All that to say, we both did the only thing we could - put our heads in the sand. So, we've moved to Iowa and he is employed (and insured again) and, while in the shower last week, I thought, what a luxury to be able to check my breasts again! Found a lump in my left breast. Called the University of Iowa Breast Center and after getting on their schedule for April 4, got a call early this morning that there'd been a cancellation - and did I want to come? I was in jammies (and almost two hours away) when i got a call from the clinic that there'd been a cancellation. could i come? I was really hoping for a few more weeks of denial, but it seemed like the thing to do. Showed the PA my lump and she said she felt something on the other side as well. Ultrasound next - I was horrible and I am embarrassed. Was afraid, while the tech was passing her hands over my breasts and armpits, that she'd stop after finding more. Was told a biopsy was needed and also some valium. That helped. So now I wait. And I wonder about my three daughters' health and my houseful of animals and all my unfinished business.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,020
    edited March 2017

    Hi IImishome-

    We hope your results come back benign, and we're keeping you in our thoughts! Thank you for sharing your story!

    The Mods

  • Unknown
    edited April 2017

    was scheduled for excisional biopsy that was cancelled as radiologist doing the wire thought a cyst. Went to specialist center and had to have core needle biopsy and radiologist was glad I came to him and asked if other radiologist had looked at my prior images. My family history significant as both mom and grandma had bc. Waiting is hard and angry I didn't push surgeon as it would have been one and done. Now I wait for results and insurance denying CT and MRI.

  • cdd431027
    cdd431027 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2017

    Newbie here...

    36YO- Mom and Dad BC survivors. Mom 23 years in remission. Dad 8 years in remission. Am being seen at a top breast center in Boston.

    Been having mammos since 30 and MRI since 33. Had a normal mammo in October. Had 4th MRI last week and something lit up on right breast. Description: There is heterogenous fibroglandular tissue. There is moderate background parenchymal enhancement (this has been noted on all my MRIs). In the right breast, lower inner quadrant, anterior and middle depths, there is linear non-mass enhancement measuring 2.3 cm. There is no abnormality of the axilla, chest wall, or nipple areolar complex. IMPRESSION: Non-mass enhancement in the right breast is indeterminant. Bi-Rads 4.

    Went back on Wednesday - had a diagnostic mammo and ultra. Nothing showed up. Had another MRI. Same area lit up so they did the MRI biopsy and told me 3-5 business days. I am freaking out. My greatest fear since I was 13 (when my mom was diagnosed at 40) is that this would happen to me at some point. The doctors all seemed to keep saying they are doing this given my family history and better to be safe than sorry which is why I have been actively been being screened since 30. I know I have a lot of positive things going but still very scared. I don't know how patients do this all the time. I have never had any health problems at all so this is new territory for me. Praying it is benign. Medicating

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,020
    edited April 2017

    Dear cdd431027,

    We are sorry for you family's history with breast cancer and the stress and worry that such brings for you. We are glad that you reached out. We hope that you will find support and information here as you need. Please keep us posted on your results. We are sending warm wishes for a benign outcome. The Mods

  • Nicole80
    Nicole80 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2017

    I'm a 36 year old female with infertility and no family historyof breast cancer. I have an itchy, scaly, flakylesion on areola (no nipple involvement) that has doubled in size in the 3 months since it first presented. It seems to be growing toward the nipple. About a month ago I realized that a lump had formed above it and was promptly sent to imaging. I had a diagnostic mammogram and breast ultrasound which revealed nothing and was given a clean report.

    I was still not completely relieved so I met with a dermatologist on Monday and he performed a punch biopsy of the lesion. I'm absolutely terrified that it's going to turn out to be Paget's. I'm impatiently waiting on the path report to come back. I hate waiting!!!!!!! It's soooooo hard!!!!

  • DiannaClaire
    DiannaClaire Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2017

    Just nervous. Had some nipple discharge in February. It looked like I had a whitehead on my nipple. I had been having weird shooting pains in my breasts for no reason on occasion, but didn't think much of it until the discharge was noted. Of course I went online, and found that my nipple itching (which I had just accepted without much overreaching concern) wasn't all that uncommon with certain conditions. Went in that day to my GYN. Midwife on duty examined me, said nothing is likely going on...but I was scheduled for a sonogram and got an appt that day. They would have scheduled me for a mammogram as well, but I was 30 days shy of my "annual mammogram" insurance date. Sonogram was clear. No worries. A month later at my annual GYN appointment, she reviews my unscheduled office visit with the midwife (not my choice, but my Doc wasn't available), and suggests, given my maternal family history of breast cancer (Mom & aunt), that its best that she refers me to breast specialists in the system. I have my annual mammogram that same day...with good results...but the breast specialist i was referred to wanted to be preemptive given my family history. So on Monday, I had a Bilateral Breast MRI (contrast/no contrast). Today, they called me in to have a sonogram on my left breast, which isn't the breast, I thought I was having issues with. AND they tell me to plan on being there for at least a couple hours, until that test is completed, because I will need to speak with the radiologist. WHAT does that mean?????? I'm more familiar with being sent home to receive an "all clear" letter in the mail a week later. Does this mean they've found something?

  • Candace123
    Candace123 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2017

    Hello, i am 28 years old, i recently went to the doctor because i noticed a lump on my left breast and also leaking of fluid. My doctor felt my breast and notice multiple mass lumps. (the look on her face scared me the most). After she felt my breast she started speaking with the nurse in the room and asked her to try and set me appointment for the breast cancer center as soon as possible preferably that day, if they were available. Note!!! my doctors office has a mammogram imaging room on site. Why send me somewhere, if they have one on site. The breast cancer center informed me that they were booked until May 3rd, so now I have to wait. I'm freaking out.

  • Crichmond96
    Crichmond96 Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    I know I'm a bit late to the party.. but as a 20 year old diagnosed.. I tried so hard to put myself in the 80%... I told myself and told myself.. I'm too young for breast cancer... however when the ultrasound tech came back to me and said they found a suspicious looking area.. I broke down... I'm 20 years old.. how could this be happening to me... from scheduling the biopsy to waiting for the results, I continued to tell myself I'm too young for cancer... biopsy Monday morning, results Thursday. Positive for invasive breast cancer. I still told myself the doctor was wrong.. I still went back to I'm too youn

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,020
    edited May 2017

    Crichmond96, sorry you are going through this at such young age, but wanted to give you a warm welcome to the Community. You'll find support and encouragement here, so we recommend you to spend some time getting to know some of our other members. We're sure they'll give you strength and helpful advice and information! There is a particular forum where you can connect with other young women with breast cancer that may be helpful, see here: Young With Breast Cancer

    We hope this helps! Please let us know how you're doing, we're thinking of you!

    Candace123, how was your appointment?

    The Mods

  • Idaho_208_Mom
    Idaho_208_Mom Member Posts: 1
    edited June 2017

    40 year old mom posting for the first time. Had my first mammo May 15 "to establish a baseline". My doctor said due to my family history (my mom had breast cancer, my aunt had it twice, and my other aunt died at 42 from breast cancer), it would be a good idea to get that done. I went into my appointment a little nervous, but it wasn't that bad... until I got a call back the next day asking me to come in the following day for an ultrasound and diagnostic mammogram. I was shocked and asked why and told the receptionist that I hadn't even heard from my doctor yet. The woman on the phone strongly suggested that I come in. I said I need call my doctor first.

    I called my doctor May 16 only to find out that she was out of town until the following Tuesday. I called the Women's Imaging Center and cancelled my appointment and did not want to reschedule. A nurse called me that afternoon to say we only call people back in if there are areas of concern, I did not want to reschedule and she said I could wait a week or two. On Tuesday I went to my husband's doctor appointment with him so I could talk to our pcp. She wrapped up with my husband and devoted her attention to me. I went over the mammogram report with her. I have a 1.2 cm mass in my right breast and another mass in my left. I have asymmetry and dense breast tissue. My bi-rad score was 0. I called the hospital and made the ultrasound and diagnostic mammo appt.

    June 1st I had the ultrasound. Since May 16th I did my homework and read everything I could about ultrasound images, what the doctor is looking for, mass and cyst characteristics, etc. The tech took her pictures and then the radiology doctor came in to get some more images. Afterwards he told me he'd like to do a bilateral biopsies, tommorow, June 2. I was shocked. He said he isn't screaming the word cancer but he is concerned and strongly suggests the biopsies. I cried. I hate needles. At the time I was more afraid of the biopsies than having cancer. My husband and I briefly conferred and then agreed to come back for the biopsies the following day.

    My doctor gave me Xanax and I had the biopsies on both breasts. He said I would have the results by tomorrow, Wednesday. Mistakenly I thought today was Wednesday so I called the hospital for the result since I have not heard anything. They said a nurse or doctor would call me tomorrow with the results.

    I am really nervous. My ultrasound report was uploaded to my medical file online and it just says abnormal and goes over the sizes and mass locations. My bi-rads score is now a 4. Do they really tell you over the other wheather or not you have cancer? Waiting has been stressful and I am scared. I feel foolish worrying so much as I know other women are going through much more than I am. I am just needing support. Thank you.

  • trendsetter
    trendsetter Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2017

    I had a mammogram on 7/19/2017 because I noticed dimpling on the lower part of my left breast when I raised my arm up to put deodorant on. The mammogram showed a "suspicious mass" measuring 4cmX2cm. I was immedicately sent for an ultrasound which confirmed the same finding but called it a poorly defined mass. I have an appointment with a breast surgeon on 8/2 to get set up for a core needle biopsy but have the feeling that it is only to confirm the obvious. I have dense breasts and have felt "thickening" in the same area since 2009. Was told that it was normal and to be honest, if I had not seen the dimpling, I would never have suspected that anything was wrong. As a side note: I was also diagnosed as a Insulin dependent diabetic in 2011 at the age of 43. Have had an insulin pump since that time. Not sure how this will affect treatment. The waiting is driving me crazy.

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,020
    edited July 2017

    Dear trendsetter,

    Welcome to the BCO community. We are sorry that these breast changes brought you here but glad that you reached out. We are sending along positive thoughts that you will receive a benign result to your biopsy but as we hear from so many others the waiting for answers is very stressful. Try to stay connected here with others in your situation and keep us posted on what you learn. The Mods

  • MTwoman
    MTwoman Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2017

    trendsetter, did you get a BIRADS score? Getting a biopsy is certainly concerning for most of us, but 70-80% of biopsies are actually benign, so it isn't "only to confirm the obvious". The word "suspicious" is used differently in clinical terms. The BIRADS system of scoring imaging studies uses numbers and they are related to specific meanings (levels of concern). sometimes BIRADS 4 comes with letters (like 4a, 4b etc) which correlate to a more specific level of concern. The basic BIRADS system is this:

    0- incomplete1-negative2-benign findings3-probably benign4-suspicious abnormality5-highly suspicious of malignancy6-known biopsy with proven malignancy

    so the word 'suspicious' is part of the lexicon. BIRADS 4 has a positive predictive value of 30% (meaning aprox 30% of women in this category go on to have a bc diagnosis) while BIRADS 5 has a 95% positive predictive value.

    If you get a copy of your written imaging report, you can see your score and post any confusing language here. Someone will be able to help you with it if you'd like. Best wishes for b9 results!

  • Mom68mich
    Mom68mich Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2017

    Had my biopsy today. Everyone said no big deal in and out. Mine was an hour and a half clamped in the mammogram machine. Told it was a difficult spot to get to. They took 12 core samples. 8 contained several calcification clusters. I'm bruised and in pain. Before I left I was Asked if I have chosen a surgeon yet. What the heck? If they know something I wish they had come out and said it. I'm having a hard time waiting.

  • Bioteach
    Bioteach Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2017

    The best advice I received soon after confirmed diagnosis of a 3-4 mm IDC and DCIS in each breast was from my general practitioner. I finally called him to clarify what the procedure was for breast cancer at my stage (1) following diagnosis from biopsy. His advice during the waiting periods for all steps I have been through so far was just keep doing what you normally do. I was a teacher so I kept teaching and doing my usual schedule at home, running errands, paying bills, etc. It sound pretty simple but it is hard when you have breast cancer in the back of your mind. Every time I started to worry and drift off into the "what ifs" , I would remind myself to stop thinking about it and remember that I can't change anything by worrying.

  • inot1234
    inot1234 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2017

    I am sorry you are having such stress over this, but it's just normal for all of us to feel this way. I had a biopsy last Wed. and still waiting for results. I wish you the very best! Think positive and helps!

  • Annette01
    Annette01 Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2017

    Hi sorry to pop in but I have just joined,. Im almost in the same position. I went For test and had an examination in which the doctor said it's was a none painful, none movable 5cm mass/lump, had an ultrasound, mammogram and a core biopsy all with a 2hour appointment. It was only a week ago and have my appointment for the results on Thursday but the waiting is driving me mad. I don't know how to feel apart from very stressed.