Hi Ladies- I had a bilateral masectomy with tissue expanders and saline implants in 2003 and have just absolutely decided I cannot take the IRON BRA anymore! I have tried and tried to make it ok but it is not OK. I felt like this from day one and I must get them out. Just dont know what the cause is of the never ending…
Anyone wiht Nipple Discharge after NSM told possible DCIS cells
Hi everyone I haven't posted for quite a while but I still check out almost daily all the amazing info that is available on this fantastic site. I had a NSM 10 months ago with no sign of cancer, we thought we were dealing with a large mass showing as a papilloma but after the op the pathology came back showing 11cm of DCIS…
Will I ever sleep on my stomach again?
I've been reading these discussion boards for a few month now. Had a Bilateral MX November 30th, 2010with immediate tissue expanders. 2 days ago had exchange surgery; 500 cc Naturelle Silicone implants. I have learned so much and been helped tremendously by reading the experiences of many women on this website. Here's my…
How much do tissue expanders weigh?
Okay, another one of my rather inane questions...I'm filled to 360cc in my one tissue expander. Does anyone know how much this darn thing weighs? I seem to be a bit heavier than usual (was weighed at a doc's appointment last week and surprised I weighed that much, because I'm in my smallest size pants). I should be able to…
Anyone had a Strange-Acting "Infection" after Tissue Expanders
Redness, no fever, and this has happened twice now! Has anyone had this happen? I had bilaterals in May 2009 with te's placed immediately. I was red after surgery and asked about it but with so much done I figured it had to do with the surgery. I kept some of that redness with it eventually going down under the breast.…
Post Diep Tummy Muscle Strength
Hi, I am considering the Diep procedure. I am still doing a lot of research on it. I just wanted to know from any ladies that have done this procedure, what your tummy is like post surgery It is not a tummy tuck from what I am told. They do stretch the skin down. Does your tummy stay flat and tight years down the road. Can…
Immediate reconstruction minus nipples
Having a hard time finding anyone who has gone through this specifically. I am 3 weeks post op from having a bilateral mastectomy with immediate implant reconstruction. I chose also to have my nipples taken off. The implants are done a newer way where they put them over your pec muscles. I am very pleased with how they…
One step implant procedure with Alloderm - Anyone?
I had a bilateral mastectomy on December 1, not long after my dx. I had to decide quickly about reconstruction and I think I've been lucky. I was surprised to find a doctor in the middle of Nebraska who performs the one-step procedure with Alloderm. Has anyone else had this? Have you completed revsion surgery? I have not…
"Cording" from below expander into ribs?
Hi, I've read about cording that can extend from the underarm where nodes are taken and down into the hand. I've seen pics of this too. The thing is, I've got that going on from the fold at the bottom of my "breast" (where the expander is) and down into my ribs and beyond. I can literally see a cord, a tight violin string…
Just had fat grafting
had my first round of fat grafting 5 days ago Wowzers! That was painful. My question though is regarding the breast area, I did not have much bruising but noticed today my skin is a yellowish hue, it looks like a healing bruise would after a few days but like I said I didn't have initial bruising! Is this possibily the fat…
Anyone's expander rotate? Swelling after Exchange
Hello. I was wondering if any of you had this issue? My Tissue expander rotated 90 degrees. I understand that it is not very common. I am not posting this to try to scare anyone, just to get more info. My PS told me this after the exchange surgery in June. (He was surprised when he opened me up). I had an anatomical type,…
"Gummy Bear" Implants anyone have them?
My PS just got the new what the call Gummy Bear implants in. He said it would be a good option for me. Anyone have them and have any opinions on them??
nipple tattoo???
I had my nipple tattooing today. Wow...was not what I expected. They are bleeding and there is bruising . The bruising may be from the lidocain injection. Not sure. But either way, they are hurting now. Can someone tell me their experience...
Size 550cc or 600cc
I will have exchange surgery Aug 9. My PS is giving me the suggestion and option to go with either a 550 cc or 600cc silicone high profile implant. I am wondering how much difference it really is. My expanders are filled to 610cc now. If anyone has gone with either, what size bra cup do you get? I'd like to be a C cup
Pain around implants long after surgery... anyone else??
I've noticed that I am sore when I press all around the implants, more on the left side than right, but a bit on the right too. Kind of a bruised feeling around the ribcage and on the sides and above too. When someone hugs or squeezes me really tight, it really hurts. I don't notice it for the most part unless contact is…
Fat graft entire breast
Has anyone had fat grafting to rebuild an entire breast? This is obviously to rebuild a small breast. Mine is 34A, maybe even 34AA, unilateral mx. Originally, my PS said I did not have enough fat, I am very, very slender. He thought of implants, but worried about my cross-country ski racing. I do the racing for fun, not…
natrelle inspira cohesive gummy
hi all, i will have my exchange on oct 20 and my PS plans to use this as implant. anyone there with these? are they heavy,can they move ( as OPPOSED to expanders... any input will be appreciated..thanks in advance for sharing your experiences
Moving On......After the Flap
Welcome all, to the "lounge" for ladies who have had flap reconstruction, and are finding that their days are becoming more about life in general, as opposed to flap recon, 24/7. This is not an exclusive place....you don't have to be a certain "variety of flap", you don't have to be completely done with all the stages of…
Fat Grafting, pros and cons
I'm looking for answers. If you have had fat grafting, why and how did it go? Would you do it again? Any experience with this topic would be greatly appreciated. I will be getting the upper pole areas done in the next couple of months. I've lost weight so it's very noticeable in my upper chest. I was wondering if it can be…
Pain of Capsular Contracture
I am awaiting surgery (Mar 28) for my capsular contracture on my radiated side. I have been avoiding this surgery for well over a year (who needs another surgery) but now I am getting a bit desperate. Recently my left "foob" has really started to hurt. I swear it is like a barometer and with cold weather or weather changes…
Implant Exchange (oYo) ~ Anyone go/stay SMALL?? (B cup)
I'd love to hear from those of you who have had reconstruction and decided to stay smaller (or reduce their previous size). I had an NSM BMX w/TE's. I am in the process of "filling" and am really afraid of going too big!! I was a small B (even down to an A when I'm thinner) in my B.B.C. (before breast cancer) life...and…
Fat Transfer using Liposuction
Hello there I am in London, UK and having had radical mastectomy on right side, but with no radiation I was originally going to have a standard reconstruction using back flap (dorsus), but after asking whether there is any alternative I was referred to to a plastic surgeon who decided he would like to try sucking fat from…
Fat Grafting (transfer)- any post op advice?
Had my fat grafting (fat transfer) today. They really gave me very little take home info, I was quite surprised. Had fat taken from my tummy to fill out the results of 2 lumpectomies and radiation 3 years ago. The size difference between the 2 breasts have become quite noticeable (to me anyway!) and really controlled what…
Inner Thigh Flap (TUG) Anyone?
Hi all.... I was wondering if any of you have undergone or know much about the Transverse Upper Gacilis Flap procedure being done for breast reconstruction. I am interested in having my 9 year old silicone implants removed (upper body pain syndrome that I think is at partially the fault of my 400 cc implants - ) and having…
Ready for Stage II DIEP - Need Advice
Well it seems I am finally ready for Stage II DIEP -- it has been scheduled for the end of February -- my original surgery was on 10/24 -- I had some complications with my original surgery so while I am anxious to get the second stage behind me, I am nervous as well -- I had a hematoma and an infection last time -- am…
Free Nipple Tattooing in San Antonio, Texas
Hi everyone, I am an artist in San Antonio, and am blessed to be able to offer free tattooing for those who are ready for this step. I have been tattooing for 17 years, am A.R.T. certified (Areola Restorative Tattooing). My mother was a 12 year breast cancer survivor, and my grandmother passed away from breast cancer in…
Follow my Brava and Fat Grafting Day by Day
I want to share my experience with the Brava Bra and fat grafting after a double masectomy. Since I have had 3 infections with expanders, a tumor on my spine five years ago which has made my back weak and a large scar on my stomach, all other options are out for me. Come with me on this trip.
Nipple Sparing Mastectomy with immediate reconstruction
I had a bilateral nipple sparing mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on December 15, 2009. In my research I did not find a lot of posts about this particular procedure. I wanted to start a forum for women who have had the same surgery, or who are considering this type of procedure. We could share helpful…
Sad and disappointed following implant surgery
Hi - this is my first post on any BC message board so I'm a little nervous. I just had my TE switch out for implants on 12/17/13 and have been so sad crying everyday since and disappointed with the results. I have not yet met with my PS post op -- doing that tomorrow. I'm disappointed in the size (too small) and the shape…
How many ccs per fill typically?
I had TE placement a few weeks ago and will be going in for my first fill this week, I am quite excited about it :-) My PS didn't know if she would be able to put any saline in the TE on surgery day but I was quite excited to see a bump when I woke up; she was able to put 100cc. How much more should I expect this time…