Podcast: Understanding How Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Pain
Understanding How Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Pain Aug 12, 2022 Mindfulness meditation seems to ease pain by allowing people to separate pain from things they're experiencing. Read more...
Podcast: How Therapy Can Help People Affected by Breast Cancer
How Therapy Can Help People Affected by Breast Cancer Aug 5, 2022 Stephanie Ross, PhD, talks about how therapy can help people diagnosed with breast cancer and their caregivers, as well as how to find a therapist. Being diagnosed with breast cancer can be scary, upsetting, and traumatic for the person diagnosed, as well as…
FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE /Integrative Medicine Doctors
I would like to ask any members of the group to share your experience with Functional Medicine MDs? A local Cancer Community group offered a Zoom meeting that I attended with a Functional Medicine MD. (Not a Naturopathic Doctor or NP) A hefty group of cancer patients attended, each with some devastating cancers, not just…
Cryoablation - A better treatment option for some?
I've looked into Cryoablation extensively and am now interviewing doctors and medical facilities that offer this treatment. It appears insurance companies are staying far away from this for many reasons as it appears to be a much safer, shorter, long term solution that is much less expensive if that makes any sense.…
Certain Supplements Before & During Chemotherapy May Be Risky
Taking Certain Supplements Before and During Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer May Be Risky January 9, 2020 A small study suggests that people who took antioxidant supplements before and during chemotherapy to treat breast cancer may have a higher risk of recurrence and death. Read more...
I3C and Her2 breast cancer
Greetings ladies! I hope someone here can answer a few questions about DIM and I3C. I had stage 2 bc. Er+ Her2 ++. I’ve been through chemo and herceptin. Now I’m supposed to be on an AI. Im 59 years old and at the time of my cancer diagnosis in 2020 I was not through menopause yet. Because of a blood clot after Covid my…
Light Therapy May Ease Fatigue and Improve Sleep for Survivors
Light Therapy May Ease Fatigue and Improve Sleep for Breast Cancer Survivors Mar 31, 2022 Wearing a light therapy visor cap at home improved sleep and eased fatigue in women who completed treatment for early-stage breast cancer. Read more...
The Metabolic Approach in Conjunction with Standard of Care
I wanted to start this discussion thread to look at the benefits of using a metabolic approach in conjunction with the standard of care for the management of breast cancer. This would encompass discussions on Nutrition and Lifestyle practices as well as why these practices enhance the effectiveness of standard of care…
Anti-Cancer, a New Way of Life - Dr. David Servan-Schreiber
Diagnosed with brain cancer, Dr. Servan-Schreiber changed his lifestyle and nutrition intake to outlive his prognosis by almost 20 years AntiCancer Book
Silver Water
Anyone heard of Silver Water helping with the recurrence or prevention of cancer? Recently a co-worker mentioned his friend's family was full of breast cancer with the exception of her mom who has been taking Silver Water for years. Just wondering if anyone has tried it or heard good things it can do for you or is it…
How to Find a Practitioner
I would like to find a practitioner to talk to about non-RX solutions to side effects, diet and exercise, but I don't know what kind of practitioner I need. I searched for Naturopath Oncologists and found a directory but there are none in my state (SC). There aren't a lot of "natural" doctors around. I feel like I need…
Near Infrared Saunas: A Discussion
I searched to see if there was a topic specifically devoted to this subject ~near infrared saunas~ but didn't see one, so I decided to start one. There also seems to be a slight debate if this type is better for cancer than a far infrared sauna. You can see what I've gone thru lately by reading my Dx in the signature line.…
Can I take DIM with Femara?
Does anyone have information about taking DIM with Femara? I'm post menapause/post bc. Just started Femara a month ago and I'm curious if DIM would help metabolize/flush estrogen, and if that would help with the side effects. Or if there are any negative interactions that anyone knows of. My docs look at me like I have…
Bright Star (CBT-1) by CBA Pharma
Anyone heard of or tried this supplement? It addresses multi-drug resistant pathogens, for various cancers, not just BC. CBA Pharma, Inc. has filed the New Drug Application (NDA) for the use of CBT-1® as an adjunct to chemotherapy in all cancer types with MDR. https://www.cbapharma.com/CBT-1.htm
BCO Research: Breast Cancer Patients Use of Cannabis
We're pleased to share with you our new Breastcancer.org Research published in Cancer magazine: Breast Cancer Patients' Use of Cannabis
Lysine and Arginine. What role?
Do any of you know or understand about the role lysine and/or arginine play in BC tumorigenesis or apoptosis?
Natural cures for breast cancer treatment
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4881189/ This is a great article on supplements to take.... I already take Vitamin D and Garlic (sometimes Turmeric), but I will discuss this with my doctor to see all of these supplements are OK/safe to take during treatment. Has anyone had experience or success with these…
Changes you made after diagnosis?
Hi, I'm curious what lifestyle changes you made after your cancer diagnosis in hopes of protecting/improving your health and long-term outcome. Could include anything: exercise, diet, use of supplements, essential oils, etc. Or things that you stopped using or doing. Not to replace treatment, just to be as healthy as you…
Is anyone else taking Iodine drops to prevent recurrence?
Hi, I was wondering if anyone else is taking iodine drops (I take Detoxadine brand from Global Healing Center) for breast health and to prevent recurrence? There is some pretty compelling evidence that iodine deficiency is closely related to breast cancer.
2 Types of Acupuncture Ease Pain Better Than Usual Care
Two Types of Acupuncture Ease Pain Better Than Usual Care in Cancer Survivors March 25, 2021 Two types of acupuncture were better than physical therapy, steroids, and pain medicine usually used to ease ongoing muscle and/or joint pain among cancer survivors. Read more...
What is DIM and where do I get it? How does it work- thanx in advance for your help! I am trying tamoxifen but not liking it. Tami
What supplements (or other strategies) do you take?
As multiple studies show the benefit of certain supplements, minerals and vitamins, I am wondering what, if any, supplements you take? I am looking for a oncology dietitian or an integrative oncologist to supplement western medicine (which I highly believe to be necessary), but I've spent hundreds of hours of time…
Would you try Soursop Leaves Tea?
I was wondering how many of us are ready to try soursop leaves tea. I have heard a lot of good things about it..Just a random thought
Does anyone take DIM with Tamoxifen?
Subject line pretty much says it all -- I take Tamoxifen along with DIM, D3, and Turmeric. I know a number of ladies here take DIM instead of Tamoxifen, but I'm wondering how many take both.
Diet and Lifestyle
Just that.
Valerian Root?
Been dealing with some mild insomnia, you know, waking up at 2:00 a.m., falling back to sleep and 4:30, alarm goes off at 6:00! On occasion I've taken valerian root (herbal calming/sleeping supplement) What do all my well informed sista's think?
Goat Milk/ Goat Cheese
I read somewhere that the casein in goat milk was different than cows milk so it's not dangerous for bc. I cannot find the article now though. I really love goat cheese, and goat kefir. So if anyone comes across any info about this- please post it. I'd really appreciate it. Also I've heard that cow's are the most likely to…
Facial Moisturizing Suggestions?
Hi ladies, I am in my 50s, and haven't used moisturizer on my face in a few years. I would like to begin using some again, and want to get the kind without the parabens and all the garbage we shouldn't be applying to our bodies. What kind do you recommend? I had several small bottles of stuff while going through…
Food/ Supplements that cause cancer cells to suicide
Hi Ladies! Just wondering what supplements or food have you added to youe diet since your diagnosis of breast cancer that you believe had a great role in improving the outcomes of your treatment with your MO. I read that vitamin d3, omega3 and vitamin C can cause the death of cancer cells (apoptosis). I have also heard…
Can Shingles LEAD to breast cancer????
Ok ladies I need some insight. I am 36 years old and you can see my signature below. I have currently completed double mastectomy 5/21/2009. Waited three weeks and started chemo. The cocktail was 12 weekly Taxol and 4 FAC done once every three weeks. I am currently doing Radiation. I just completed #18 of 30 scheduled…