Waiting /anxious
Hope I'm posting in right forum Long story short saw a lump on my thyroid then a few days later reached over to get something off the table an heard and felt rib crack (I've had xs surgeries on right breast in 2012 and whole breast radiation) Also had mamo which needs to b redone in 6mnths Just had thyroid biopsy done as…
BI-RAD 5 score
Just turned 40 and went in for my first mammogram. Have had no issues. They called me back for additional testing and did the diagnostic mammogram. After looking at those scans, there sent me over for a ultrasound. With a BI-RAD score of 5, I know there's at least a 95% chance of malignancy. I have a lump on each breast…
Struggling with anxiety and waiting for biopsy results
Hi all, I'm new to the forum but feeling the need for some support. I'm a 43 year old mother of 6-year old twins. This week has been a whirlwind. My screening mammogram (Monday) came back questionable so I went for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound on Wednesday. Was told then that I needed a biopsy ( which happened…
Biopsy next week
hi everyone. I recently just got called back after my first mammogram for a follow up mammogram and ultrasound because of focal asymmetry. I’ve heard this was common, so I wasn’t panicked until the radiologist told me she found something that is “probably” benign. She gave me a choice of a follow up ultrasound in 6 months…
FNAB for Palpable Mass
I recently found lump in my breast and went for imaging and sonogram. I have Extremely dense breast tissues mammogram showed nothing. Sono showed a cluster of possibly cysts in area. Due to family history Dr airing on side of caution scheduled me for FNAB. At biopsy appointment the assistant had asked radiologist if we…
Complete state of terror
Hi all, I'm 47 years old. On Monday I had a 3d mammogramdone. I've been waiting for the results and of course they came in tonight in my electronic chart and I had to read them. I have always had health anxiety and now, once again, I have been launched into the stratosphere with the results. I have been crying for an hour…
The Waiting is Making me Irritable
This is my first post here and I'm not going to lie, I feel like I am intruding where I don't belong and being overdramatic. The end of September, I had my first screening mammogram at 46. I didn't think anything of it, and the tech told me that being my first mammogram, not be surprised if I got a call back because…
Anxious and Stressed
Hello All, I just turned 45 years old this month. My doctor had ordered a mammogram in April (my first). Admittedly, I was not excited about this prospect, so I wasn't eager to have it done. When I went to make my appt (July 24), it was a good 3 month wait now that everyone is playing catch up due to Covid. On July 9, I…
Bi-rads 4c, what an insane week
Hello, Just wanted to introduce myself in the 'Waiting for Test Results' and hang out here for a few days ;) I can't believe how fast this week has progressed, and I have swung from not being able to breathe crying yesterday afternoon to pretty much filled with gratitude this afternoon at all the things that have gone…
CT or PET for recurrence or new cancer Dx?
My tumor markers took a jump so oncologist ordered a brain MRI (had that today) and a PET scan for Friday. They called today and said insurance is denying coverage and will only cover a CT. How is that for detection especially ILC? I'm a bit irritated / concerned of course.
BIRADS 5-biopsies of multiple masses soon
First, thank you all for sharing your stories. I have been a mess and the posts from the members of this community have been about the only thing that have kept me from falling over the edge after a BIRADS 5 mammo/ultrasound. I had a 3D screening mammo October 30, 2020. All clear, but I have heterogeneously dense breasts,…
itch and lump after biopsy
Hi ladies, I have been checking on all topics here since last month after I was recommended to a breast biopsy. I had the biopsy done on last Thursday and did not feel much pain from it. Yesterday I received the call from hospital that the mass is a fibroadenoma though the pathology report is not ready yet, which makes me…
BI-RADS 4, waiting for biopsy results
I had a biopsy performed on 9/8 and am on pins and needles waiting for the results. I'm 41, no family history of breast cancer, and had my first mammogram on 8/20. I got a BI-RADS 0 because they saw a partially obscured mass on the upper outer left breast. Went for an ultrasound on 9/1 and they talked like it was probably…
Having biopsy this week, very frightened
Everything has happened so fast, my head is spinning. I went for my annual physical on Friday and brought up a small, mobile lump on my right breast that I had started noticing a couple of months ago to my PCP. She kept a poker face when palpating it and referred me for an ultrasound. I'm 33 and she thought a mammogram…
Here I am again
Hi Everyone, I have been an infrequent visitor to this site since 2005 (or was it 2006, can't remember). At that time, I had archtiectural distortions that resulted in an excisional biopsy within a week. I got lucky and it turned out it was sclerosing adenosis and atypical ductal hyperplasia. I have been vigilant since…
Armpit and breast pain
Hello All, I hope you are all doing well. I'm a bit confused and needless to say nervous. I'll give a little history and an update. October 2020 - I had two fibroadenomas removed from my left breast which had been watched for about 7-8 months. I experienced breast pain while they were there and after they were removed.…
Breast biopsy on friday
Hi. Just joined this community. Had mammograms and ultrasound and was rated: BiRads 4B Having ultrasound guided core biopsy on friday. hypoechoic irregular asymmetry mass w/small amount of microcalcifications along border. possible vascular invasion. Can anyone comment on that? I'm bracing myself.
ymphovascular invasion not identified.
On July 6th almost a month ago now. I found out my 67 year old mom had breast cancer. My world completely changed. Instead of looking at articles about celebrities having affairs online. I've been looking biopsies and the terms that are included in them. Keep in mind I've been having to go to work 40 plus hours a week.…
Fibroepithelial lesion / Phyllodes Tumor
Hi! I’m 40 and I noticed a small lump around September of last year. It was small but not painful and seemed to appear over night. Having experienced cyst previously, I waited until March of this year to finally get it checked out. I was told it was a 1.1cm probable fibroadenoma and to follow up in 6 months. In May I…
"Difficult" Biopsy Needed
Radiologist says I need a biopsy that will be difficult to do. That makes me nervous. I did a regular screening mammogram (I am 67), and they noticed a small "density" that wasn't on my mammogram from 18 months earlier. I have very fatty breasts so things show up easily. I was called back today for a diagnostic mammo and…
"There is no component information for this result."
I just got a message that I had a new test result in my patient portal. I had a lumpectomy with sentinel node removal yesterday, and this test result indicated that it was for the sentinel nodes. However, when I read it, it said, "There is no component information for this result." But at the bottom it also said "final…
Having my first biopsy today. Nervous as hell!
I'm 43. I had my first mammogram in Nov 2019 and it came back fine. Said I had fibroglandular breasts, not dense breasts. I was supposed to have my 2nd mammogram in Nov 2020, but the hospital had a huge hack and they were unable to do mammograms for a few months. It was rescheduled to Feb 2021. But then I broke my ankle…
Going crazy, waiting is the worst!!
It has been over a month since I had my first imaging (April 9), and I've had to wait for each appointment for what feels like forever. I had a diagnostic mammo, ultrasound, MRI (bi-rads 4), back to ultrasound-guided biopsies which failed, so now waiting for the MRI-guided biopsies next Monday. I was prepared to wait some…
Scared - Focal Asymmetry with New Architectural Distortion
Hi, new here and scared/anxious I had my routine screening mammo (3D) on 5/5. This is only my 2nd one. My very first one in 2019 was normal. I got a message on 5/7 saying it was a callback and I needed to have more images. I figured it was because they couldn't see something clearly because I have very large breasts.…
Biopsy tomorrow for calcifications BI-RADS 4B
Hi all, Just wanted to get some thought and reassurance from those who have been in this situation. I had my first mammogram screening two weeks ago which came back with suspicious calcifications. I had the diagnostic mamm last week which confirmed the suspicions and I am scheduled for a biopsy tomorrow. I am going out of…
Waiting on Oncotype DX results - insurance wont pay for test
So in the last 3 weeks I've had 2 surgeries. I was told that the oncotype info is super important because the information will help us determine if I need to have chemo, and which concoction to use for chemo. Anyway, I was told it would take 2 weeks or so to get those results. I'm still recovering from surgery #2 and have…
Biopsy Set for 3/26, BIRADS 4, brief report a good sign?
Hi all. I'm hoping someone can give me some insight on my report while I wait for my biopsy to happen. In 2018 I had been told that I needed MRIs every 6 months for some areas in my breast that were classified as BIRADS 3 and everyone seemed to agree were benign. However, when I got the bill for my first breast MRI at over…
Why does lumps not show on mammo or ultrasound
hi there, I have posted once before, but didn't really get anyone who has been through the same. I have 2 large lumps. 1 in each breast. it has grown a lot since last year July. it feels like each one it is more than 5cm. My mammo and ultrasound was last year July. it was smaller then, but it could be felt by myself, gp…
Waiting for two different biopsies and freaking out
39 F Canadian. Looking for advice or personal experience to help with my tortuous anxiety. Mammogram and ultrasound two weeks ago and now waiting for biopsy. Found out I have 2 scheduled and a month away! First one is ultrasound guided and the second is mammogram guided (I think for calcification). I don't understand why I…
Fibroadenoma (or ca) and papilloma together in the same breast?
Has anyone had two separate lumps with two different diagnoses? My radiologist mentioned this as a possibility as I have two lumps kind of close to each other one under and one near the nipple. And also have some nipple discharge. Never imagined that there could be two different things going on with my lumps! Both are…