Bleeding during biopsy - is it normal?
I've had my biopsy on Monday and I have a question about the procedure. I was too stressed to ask the doctor when she was doing it, and then when it was all over, I couldn't wait to get out of there. So, here I am, asking you. I was lying on the side with my arm up, I kept my eyes closed during the biopsy, but the first…
Lymph node enlarged
I had a mastectomy two years ago following 8cm DCIS. They found 5mm of tumor and sent it for oncotype but not enough to be analysed so no chemo. All lymph nodes clear and had reconstruction. Last year I felt a raised part under my arm same side as mastectomy. Had an ultrasound and nothing showed up so consultant thought it…
36F Waiting for Results of Biopsy BIRADS 5
Hello All, I'm really worried to be here but also glad there is a community I can vent to and share my fears with as I wait for my biopsy results to come back. Long story short, last July 2023 while I was breastfeeding (pumping only) I noticed a lump in my right breast. I brushed it off for a few days, then got really…
Architectural Distortion
I just received results from a screening mammogram. An archtiectural distortion was noted in the left breast with no mass observed. I am being asked to go back for a diagnostic mammogram and an ultra sound. I have to wait 2 weeks for these tests which is very anxiety producing. It was noted that the architectural…
MRI found something, can't get biopsy until 1/3
Hi All, New here. Underwent breast MRI due to genetic testing coming back negative (strong family history) but personal risk being at 25%. Received this report: FINDINGS:Right breast MRI: The background parenchymal enhancement is moderate. The breast composition is heterogeneous fibroglandular tissue. No abnormal…
Need MRI guided biopsy after my yearly MRI
I had my yearly MRI yesterday and knew something was amiss when my results were not posted in my portal the same day. A radiologist called me today to say there a small area of enhancement next to the area of my lumpectomy. An MRI guided biopsy is needed but the area is far back and they are not sure they can reach the…
Not yet gotten testing
need some thoughts, comfort or encouragement on my current situation. I have a diagnostic mammogram and bilateral ultrasound on Wednesday but struggling with the wait. I have had severe itching of the R breast nipple and areola about a year. It was nipple, then whole areola then below the areola and it feels like a deep…
Concerning and confusing screening mammogram
49 y/o female, 110 lbs, 5’4”, Caucasian, post menopausal, on hormone replacement therapy since 2/10/2023. I went for my annual screening mammogram and screening breast ultrasound for dense breasts on Thursday and this is my mammogram report. The mammogram report is so confusing to me and am requesting help to understand…
BIRADS 4, biopsy next week
Hi all, I'm a 35 yr old F with family history of BC on my mothers side; a aunt and a cousin (not mother/daughter). I have been having pain in my L breast off/on, no palpable lump, but had mammo/ultrasound to be safe, which showed; 8mmx7mmx3mm solid mass with lobular margins, parallel, no enhanced through transmission or…
I need support please
I am 41, married with 3 kids. I had a mammogram followed by an ultrasound yesterday. I am now scheduled for an ultrasound guided biopsy later this month. I also have a surgeon appointment in a few days. I’m terrified. The waiting, wondering. The ultrasound shows a birad 5. That seems like a likely malignant diagnosis. The…
Just received routine ultrasound saying they see a new hypoechoic mass. Just had a clean MRI in April. Not much info on report except mammo said no sign of malignancy. I’m just confused how US says one thing and mammo says other (no mention of mass). Wondering if anyone else has had this. Anyone have a benign hypoechoic…
Review of Early Symptoms
Hello, I am 46, Ashkenazi Jewish, with two nodules in left breast. One only .2 cm and the other 1cm. Blood tests came back with mild anemia and possible infection. Symptoms include pain on left side. Not where I feel the nodule, but my breast feels heavy almost like something is pulling it when lying down. My left underarm…
Mom has wounds on right breast with blood ooze, biopsy result pending
Last week I cane to know that my mom has blood discharge from tumors on her right breast. She did not tell.anyone and has been managing for past 3 years. Last week as she had problem in breathing and we rushed her to emergency that's how we came to know about the situation. She had lung infection and got treated for that,…
Enhancing duct and unspecified mass…thoughts?
Hi everyone! What a rollercoaster we are all on. Initially I bragged about how swiftly this all moves…until it stopped…now I’m not sure it would move if I didn’t push! But that’s not why I’m here right now :) I started with clear nipple discharge maybe two months ago, maybe longer. Six weeks ago I had drops, then a big…
I’m waiting for Oncotype results & thinking about upcoming treatment.
I’m not sure this is in the right place for this discussion. I’m waiting on my oncotype results and I have an appointment scheduled this week with my MO. I don’t have an RO yet, but am told by my surgeon and MO to expect radiation as part of my treatment plan. I’m a little confused, does hormone therapy normally follow…
Do I need the contrast dye?
I have fibrocycstic breast tissue. The radiologist who performed my core needles biopsies in June recommended I get breast MRI's done. I go next Wednesday but I see the prep says I will be injected with contrast dye. I am very concerned about this as I have bad allergic reactions. I am wondering if anyone knows how…
Breast tethering and no answers- mass on MRI
Hi everyone, Summary- I’m 39 Found a lump in left boob earlier this year. - June- Diagnostic mammogram- report- Birads B density- nil significant seen. U/S- nothing seen July- Noted a large area of dimple- tethering on pectoral muscle contraction C shaped near nipple -approx 7cm long, 1.5cm wide and 1-2cm deep. Complete…
Seeking input-pathologist sent sample out for second opinion
New to this. I‘ve conditioned myself to be ready for a dx at some point in my life due to family history, but hoping it’s not this year. Any input appreciated… I have extremely dense breasts and previous biopsies dx’d as fibroadenomas and benign cysts. Last biopsy was a radial scar that they did a lumpectomy for last week…
Intraductal mass BIRAD 4
hello all. I am new. 43 years old. I had a mammogram on Monday that came back negative but in the ultrasound they found a intraductal mass of 1.4 cm with a BIRAD score of 4. I have a biopsy tomorrow and I am very scared. I reviewed previous screening reports and noticed that back in 2020 an ultrasound revealed in the same…
birads 5? Should I be worried?
I got an ultrasound and mammogram: Mammo: spiculated irregular mass containing pleomorphic calcifications Ultrasound: antiparallel hypoechoic mass it measures 12 x 14 x 11 mm axilla demonstrates prominent node with borderline cortex measuring 3 to 4 mm in thickness Impression: BI-RADS 5
Biopsy 6/30
Hello, I’m new here. I had my first screening mammogram on 6/12 and was recalled. I had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound today, 6/23, and my results are below. They scheduled me for a biopsy on 6/30. I’m a little freaked out. BIRADS CATEGORY 04-SUSPICIOUS FINDING-Biopsy Should Be Considered ******** ORIGINAL REPORT…
Waiting again - the unknowns are bliss and welcome this time.
I visited the Orthopedist due to hip and knee pain (walking with a limp). It came about suddenly after standing up from a sitting position and didn't go away. It is on one side of my body, and I have numbness in my leg and foot. I let it ride out, thinking it must be from my AI. After a short time, I caved and went to the…
Waiting to hear...Have you checked your patient portal?
Sisters, By day two of waiting for my biopsy result, I decide to look into my hospital's patient portal. You may have set up an account yourself with your doctor's office. To my surprise my results were right there under "RESULTS" and thankfully was good news. My doctor called to give me the results over the phone another…
Ductal Excision- Is this normal?
On Thursday, 6/8 I had a central duct excision due to bloody nipple discharge. I have pretty extensive bruising (which i expected) but now I am noticing something strange. On the nipple itself (not the areola), away from the incision, i am noticing these dark almost black spots forming. This morning one of the black spots…
Abnormal mammo and upcoming biopsy
Hi! New here. So on May 4, I had a mammogram and also a right breast ultrasound due to some pain. Ultrasound came back fine. The screening mammogram showed some concerning calcifications on right breast which they then magnified on a 3-D ultrasound at least that’s my understanding. Radiologist came in and said I have one…
Matted Axillary lymph nodes
inverted nipple and abnormal mammogram
Last Thursday I had my first mammogram. I am 42 years old and had my first mammogram scheduled the month after the initial covid lockdown in 2020. I put it off for 2 years because I don't want to go into a hospital if not nexeasary due to covid. I received notice Thursday evening that they found abnormalities in mu…
Had my first mammogram screening last week, now I have to go for a biopsy
Hi, I had my first mammogram screening (just turned 41 yrs) this past Wednesday and Thursday morning the hospital called me back adamant that I come in on Friday for additional screening. Apparently the 3D imaging found two masses and the ultrasound on Friday confirmed that they are solid masses, not cysts. Both masses are…
Uncertainty about life
We all have a busy life and on top of that we have to face up to the uncertainty and fear…about breast cancer. Let’s share some words, if possible, that bring each other courage on this journey.
Waiting again
just had another biopsy a week ago, so on pins and needles to see if my life has changed yet again. The radiologist said that with my history they want to be sure. I agree, but just afraid I’m off down the rabbit hole again! Praying for benign.