What should be my next step?
My biopsy confirms that I have Invasive Mammary Carcinoma in my right breast, which is hormone receptor-positive (HR+), HER2-negative, and a high Ki-67 proliferation rate of over 80%. Can someone tell me more about that Ki-67 number? Is it normal? Also the doctor initially said it was only one centimeter but the report…
Newly diagnosed, sort of
Hi - I’m new here, 56 years old, terrified and frustrated with the long timeline for my diagnosis. Since my mammogram on Nov 22, 2024, I’ve been sinking deeply into paralyzing despair with each new waiting period followed by a new piece of bad news. (1) calcifications on right breast mammogram, (2) magnified mammogram…
SSDI review with metastatic breast cancer - lose benefits?
I just got a packet of mail from my state disability determination services office, saying that they are reviewing my disability status. I was diagnosed with unnumberable bone-only mets in Feb 2020. I was on Kiquali/letrozole for about 4 years, and now I've sped through Orserdu, piqray, and now, Truqap just in this year.…
Psychological reactions to aromatase inhibitors.
I'm sure this has been discussed on other pages but I want to start a thread specifically for this discussion. For the second time, I have had a severe neurological response to Aromatase inhibitors. The first time I was told there is nothing that would help so I quit taking the meds That was 6.5 years ago. I recently had a…
IDC and Mental Health
Hello, I've been recently Dx with IDC Grade 2, ER+, PR+, HER2+ as well as DCIS on left breast and also managing Major Depression Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and PTSD. I've had my crying episodes and everyone I have talked with says to have a positive attitude. In my experience having a positive attitude is…
Radial Scar
Hi All, Just looking to connect with people who may have had similar experiences or diagnosis. I went for my first breast check, age 32 due to a concern on my right side. This was clear on imaging, however the ultrasound found architectual distortion on the left. This lead to a mammogram, mri, core biopsy and lumpectomy.…
Exercises to Relieve Side Effects
Nearly all breast cancer treatments cause side effects, including joint pain, fatigue, and anxiety. Exercise may seem like the last thing you want to do when you’re having serious side effects, but research shows that it can help ease all these side effects and more. It can also reduce the risk of recurrence, give you more…
2017 BC Diagnosis…how are you doing?
Hello Friends:💐 It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in. I’m curious how my 2017 friends are doing. Have you had a recurrence? Is all going well? I’d love to know how everyone from 2017 is doing. I’m doing well. This site has been a huge support to me and I just want to thank you all again for your support. I look forward…
MRI Anxiety
Not sure if I'm posting to the right place. I'm scheduled for an MRI on Monday and I'm concerned they will find additional things which may or may not be important. I have an appointment with a breast surgeon on Wed, so doubt the results will be ready by then. Also wondering if I will be able to work that day after or ride…
MRI Radiologist Has Me Terrified
I was recently diagnosed via an unconventional route, dermatology, due to spots on my nipples. I've since seen a surgical oncologist and a medical oncologist. Initial thoughts were likely stage one as they could feel no swelling in my lymph nodes and my mammogram and ultrasound were clear. But my MRI came back a couple…
MRI Radiologist Has Me Terrified
I was recently diagnosed via an unconventional route, dermatology, due to spots on my nipples. I've since seen a surgical oncologist and a medical oncologist. Initial thoughts were likely stage one as they could feel no swelling in my lymph nodes and my mammogram and ultrasound were clear. But my MRI came back a couple…
Financial planning after diagnosis at 40
I was recently diagnosed at 40 with IDC, Stage IA, ER+/PR+/HER2-, Grade 2, and completed a bilateral mastectomy. I met with my MO this week and started tamoxifen, and I have a pleural effusion I’m still getting checked out (aware that that has revealed lung mets for other women, so I may not be out of the woods just yet).…
Have you experienced PTS or PTSD following a breast cancer diagnosis?
Please share below your experiences with PTS (post-traumatic stress) or PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). How has this affected your life, the way you feel, your relationships, activities? And how are you managing?
How to Ease Stress
How to Ease Stress Apr 12, 2024 Dr. Pamela Ginsberg offers tools and tips on how to ease stress and anxiety after a breast cancer diagnosis. That being diagnosed with breast cancer is stressful is an understatement. It may be difficult to accept the diagnosis. You may feel overwhelmed by making so many decisions at once:…
Panic attack, sadness and breathing exercise
Hi everybody I'm usually happy and try to have my normal life, but sometimes I just feel like I'm going deeper snd deeper in to sadness, or having a strong panic attack . Especially now that I fpund out my cancer is back in my liver, after only an year of Ribociclib. I tough it was supposed to last 5 or 6 year, but not for…
Anxiety about coming off Tamoxifen
Hello! I haven’t posted in a while, but I have been on Tamoxifen for almost 5 years (May of 2024 will be 5 years) and my oncologist has talked about me coming off in May, and all of the sudden, the anxiety is real….. I feel like this drug has been like a security blanket for the last five years. I also understand that…
Stressing out about Elevated ALT levels (things other than liver mets?)
Wow, I have been gone from this site for so long I had a hard time figuring out where things were! This place was a godsend, and every time I start to worry about something, the ladies here have always helped, and I tried to do the same. History - I was diagnosed with Stage IIB back in 2009, had bmx, ACT chemo, radiation,…
I am lost and scared that my next option is chemo. Emotional Yo-Yo and I have chemo PTSD
Hi there i just need to vent my fears. Not even 2 years with MBC and i am about to quit all treatments. Emotional Yo-Yo takes tall. Back in 2016 chemos were rough but i was going for the win. But this time around is different. There is no end of treatment and there is no win per se. I am lost and scared that my next option…
Rise in Tumor Marker
I’m about 1.5 years out of treatment with left IDC stage 1a triple positive. Had a routine blood panel run and my CA 27.29, which had never been high, was 159. A bilateral diagnostic mammo a few weeks ago was BIRADS 2 with a lingering, but shrinking seroma. They’d finally moved me back to annual screening mammos and six…
For those diagnosed with fibroadenoma, did your fibroadenoma grow before your six-month follow-up?
Last May I noticed a lump in my right breast. It was the size of a pea. I had an ultrasound and the radiologist gave me a Birads 3 stating it was a fibroadenoma (two actually, one I couldn't feel but showed up on the ultrasound), and told me to come in 3 months for a follow-up. I went in August, again Birads 3, the…
Is symmetry possible with SMX + perky remaining breast?
Hi! I have searched the forum, but couldn't find any posts that were exactly my question. I have been dx with DCIS. As a fun bonus, I probably have body dysmorphia and I am really worried that if I end up at all 'disfigured' in my appearance, I will become significantly depressed. So, my main concern with this diagnosis is…
Medicaid Application/Renewal Survivorship Anxiety
I am a 39-year-old cancer survivor, and due to my BRCA mutation, extensive family history, and the fact that my cancer was triple negative, my oncologist has me under observation for the foreseeable future. I originally lived in Wisconsin, but moved to Texas in early 2019. I was transferred from the Wisconsin Well Woman…
Bleeding during biopsy - is it normal?
I've had my biopsy on Monday and I have a question about the procedure. I was too stressed to ask the doctor when she was doing it, and then when it was all over, I couldn't wait to get out of there. So, here I am, asking you. I was lying on the side with my arm up, I kept my eyes closed during the biopsy, but the first…
New here - First post - RIB PAIN
Hi everyone. First time posting so I’m not actually really sure what I’m doing. I just need someone to talk to. I’m 35 - I was DX in June last year. HER2+ only. Stage 3. SMX - full response to chemotherapy- PCR Ive been having pain in my Ribs on my left hand side ( same side as my cancer was ) since October. ( before…
Ultrasound results please help
I'm 45 and at my regular check up my dr. told it was time to start mammograms. Since I'm self employed, my insurance doesn't pay for preventative care so I decided to pay for a "herscan" 3D ultrasound instead of a mammogram b/c it was advertised as more thorough and I was going to have to pay anyway. The results came back…
Visible changes and waiting on a mammogram
I'm 51, post-menopause, and have had a mammogram annually since 2020. In Dec. 2020 I had a biopsy on the right breast, it came back negative. (Yay.) This summer, the left nipple became inverted. I was dealing with other medical issues, so put off going to a doctor about that specific one. Now a doctor has seen it, and also…
Worried about upcoming biopsy and next steps
Initially diagnosed in 12/2018 with triple positive IDC. Had full treatment and have been on AI’s ever since. Recent mammogram shows fine pleomorphic calcifications in the lumpectomy bed (BI-RADS 4). I have a biopsy scheduled for Thursday, and I am trying to figure out next steps if it is a recurrence. I had bad cording…
4mm irregular mass
Hi, I had a 3D mammo and they found a 4mm irregular mass in the middle lower base. They said because of insurance reasons I have to wait for a diagnostic mammo and ultrasound. I am losing my mind. She said try not to worry because the mass didn’t show up on one view and she said that’s common with dense breast tissue. Does…
Asymmetry on first screening mammogram. Scared. Please help.
I'm 40 and got my first screening mammogram (3D) a few days ago. They found a "small lateral asymmetry best seen on CC tomosynthesis" on my left breast. They didn't see any microcalcifications. They captured a few extra images, so I'm guessing they saw it on multiple ones. The BIRADS score is 0, which means they need…
Getting overwhelmed by all the information -- lumpectomy in 2 days
Hi everyone, I'm so glad I found this site — just reading some of the posts has been helpful. I received my post-biopsy diagnosis through my online health portal (not a nice surprise first thing on a Saturday morning), so it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. My diagnosis was invasive ductal carcinoma, low grade, hormone…