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Breast implants
Discussion List
- Hi All! I would love to hear from those that have swapped UTM (subpectoral) implants for OTM. I had my mastectomy in 2015 and UTM was recommended. I have since developed capsular contracture, as well …
- Hi- I had breast cancer and bilateral mastectomies 13 years ago and immediate reconstruction using silicone implants. I’m having the implants removed and plan to go flat. The surgeon I saw said that h…
- I have a unique history when it comes to reconstruction. I had saline implants prior to diagnosis and my breast surgeon asked if she could re-implant them when she did my double mastectomy. I then had…
- Good evening everyone; I live in Turkiye and my mother inlove has stage 2 hormonal breast cancer. She took chemo, surgical operation then radiotherapy but after all of this, cancer cells again reveal …
- Hi Everyone, My sister had double mastectomy in Jan. Her surgeon didn't recommend immediate re-construction. She is now thinking about direct to Implant re-construction. Please share your experience a…
- Hello all. I am currently in the hospital after having emergency surgery on my left breast. I am 10 months post-reconstruction. Everything was going fine, then my breast that had the cancer turns brig…
- Hi! I have searched the forum, but couldn't find any posts that were exactly my question. I have been dx with DCIS. As a fun bonus, I probably have body dysmorphia and I am really worried that if I en…
- Hello! I am 5 years out from my mastectomy and reconstruction and I want to remove my implants. I don't like the feeling of them in my body to put it simply. I am a tall thin person and don't qualify …
- Hi. If you've found this thread, you are probably interested in information, tips and help. We'll all do our best to help. We'll post links to several other threads that may be of help as well. But ma…
- Met with 2 plastic surgeons in my area and both said 'under the muscle' implants for reconstruction are a thing of the past and modern doctors only do prepectoral implants now with ADMs (allograft to …
- Hi all. I had bilateral mastectomies in 2008 after a diagnosis of bilateral BC. I had implant reconstruction with a successful outcome. However, in the past couple of months, I have noticed capsular c…
- Hi! Newly diagnosed with DCIS in my right breast. It is in my entire breast and my breast cancer surgeon who is at MSK said i need a mastectomy. She has recommended plastic surgeons within the hospita…
- I've had my current set of implants....mentor silicone implants for 3 1/2 years now...and there are times I feel like I want to claw my chest off...this is mostly in the evening....I haven't been to t…
- Apologies if this is already somewhere on this forum, but I could not find it. I was recently diagnosed and I'm trying to determine if I will get 2 lumpectomies or a mastectomy with reconstruction. I …
- Is anyone happy with their breast implants? I have expanders currently. Need to decide on what to do. Is there such a thing as fat transfer? Please advise.
- So I just saw my PS for the first time and her PA told me that they don’t recommend doing implants if I have radiation even after having radiation because it can cause capsular contracture etc.. and I…
- I had double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction after previous DCIS lumpectomy and recurrent cancer in both breasts. I wanted my original C cup, but ended up with D cups (go big or go home surgi…
- DISCLAIMER! I am not a physician or medical professional. The information provided is my own personal opinion. You must discuss every aspect of your reconstruction with your plastic surgeon. PLEASE NO…
- Hello! I haven't posted on here in ages but wanted to reach out to ask if anyone else if having issues feeling comfortable with their foobs in a bra. I have over the muscle, direct to implant reconstr…
- I had breast augmentation implant surgery done many years ago. Ten years ago I had a lumpectomy followed by radiation. I now have capsular contracture with the radiated breast. I know the implant need…