Is a chest wall recurrence inevitably stage 4?
My MO threw me for a loop yesterday. In May I had a 0.8cm recurrence 10 years after DCIS. Imaging showed no spread and my surgeon got wide excision in the lumpectomy. I finished whole-breast rads a couple of weeks ago, started Lupron in July, and will start letrazole shortly. In yesterday's appointment, I asked what I…
Switching from Ibrance to Verzenio - Tips?
Daughter/caregiver here to a mom (70yo) with MBC. I'd love to know if anyone has experience switching from Ibrance directly to Verzenio. Context: My mom has been on Ibrance for 14 months, with an excellent response. She quickly had to reduce her dose to 75mg due to immediate neutropenia, but was able to get a handle on…
Metastatic Breast Cancer (Liver met)
Hi, My sister-in-law is currently suffering from metastatic breast cancer with metastasis to her liver. She was first diagnosed in 2019 and the cancer returned in April 2022. Her cancer type is ER+, Her 2- She is currently on palbo however we were told that drugs can develop resistance over time. We need help on how to…
talk to Physician who has cancer
Don't really know if this post belong here, whoever moderating this group please move to appropriate section. How does one talk to primary care physician about one's fear of cancer when the Physician herself is in remission? One doesn't want to trigger any worry for her. Thanks, Nguyen (Wife Linda, stage IV)
Hormone Therapy and Inhibitors
I have recently been diagnosed with a reoccurrence. It has been 14 years of bliss until now. In 2008, I had a mastectomy's and checmo TAC and radiation 28 sessions. I am ER positive 97%, PGR Positive 69%, Her2 Negative, but then the nasty KI-67 which is 30% That's the bad guy. It is inoperable because it is in my arm pit…
It's been awhile....
Hello - It's been awhile since I've checked in. This forum has changed a lot since then. I can't find the usual discussions I stalked and participated in - so starting a new thread. You may see from my history that I was diagnosed as a Stage IV de novo with lobular at the age of 50 (mets to innumerable bones). That was in…
Mets to portahepatic (near liver) lymph node
Hello…In 2013 I was diagnosed with breast cancer ILC stage 2B with 3 lymph nodes involved. I did ATC 8 rounds and 5 years of AI. No radiation Yesterday I received the biopsy news that a lymph node in the portahepatic area (near the liver) is malignant. I had no symptoms but this was found from a CT scan back in April from…
No brain radiation until she can walk. Is this normal?
I apologize before hand if this is the wrong forum. I wasn't quite sure where to put this. My father's girlfriend, who received her initial breast cancer diagnosis shortly before I did, fell ill a few weeks ago and it was subsequently discovered that she has multiple brain mets. She had surgery during which they were able…
Stage 4 support, MBC and CKD
Hi all, Our family is going through a tough time and I'm looking for some guidance. My sis-in-law is now stage 4 BC with mets to brain and chest nodes. This is her 4th reoccurrence, and first metastatic reoccurrence. She is triple negative and her first diagnosis was 20 years ago when she was 32. My question is, how can I…
Fasting before chemo
Hi all I cannot find a thread just for this....so I figured I would start one... I will google about Valter Longo USC but I was wondering if anyone can chat about this here.... Santa you mentioned in the ringworm thread that you did this...I was wondering if your chemo was a Taxane Chemo? I will be getting Doxil its a 5FU…
Scan results
Hi all, My mom isn't too comfortable using the forums so I'll be managing her account. I hope I can post here. She's been on A/A for about 3 months and her tumor markers dropped by about 30%. The bone pain that first tipped her off, is all gone (she even weened off of all the pain meds). However, today she went for her…
When it is no longer just fatigue and drug side effects
For over seven years I carried on, living with cancer but looking fairly normal to outsiders. There was always fatigue and the side effect du jour, but I lived my life. Then the cancer took a very nasty turn. Suddenly it went to the peritoneum, clogging up my system and through that snatching away without warning most of…
Hormonal therapy as an alternative to surgery
Hi ladies I am posting on behalf of my Mom She was diagnosed with recurrence a month back and since then we are discussion treatment options based on the findings and labs investigation She is 78 with no co morbidity The oncologist said that they will decide about surgery after the PET scan He said in case they find Mets…
Fitztwins is gone... 17 years out
Enhertu Improves Survival in People With HER2-Low MBC
A New Standard of Care? Enhertu Improves Survival in People With Metastatic HER2-Low Breast Cancer June 6, 2022 Compared with doctors' choice of chemotherapy, Enhertu (chemical name: fam-trastuzumab-deruxtecan-nxki) improved both progression-free survival and overall survival in people diagnosed with previously treated…
just want to know more about aromasin and afinitor which I will be starting in a couple days
Stage 4 of some kind
On 4/12 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The surgeon suspected it was mets from my breast. Pet scan showed an additional tumor on my lung and positive lymph nodes in my sternum. The brain tumor was removed on the 22nd, but pathology came back suggesting it was from the lung, not the breast. My MO said this may be…
High CA 15-3, scans not showing tumors, MO wants me on Ibrance
I'm glad this new section has been created. I don't know where I fit in anymore. My CA 15-3 has been above normal for almost 2 years. It's been as high as 1386 and currently at 586. I've had multiple scans that haven't found any clear cancer. My latest scan was an abdominal MRI to evaluate an 8 mm lesion on my liver (seen…
Is NED still possible?
Stage IV - no more treatment options?
Hi everyone, I've posted on here a couple of times. My mom was diagnosed stage IV in oct/Nov. We had a meeting with her oncologist today and it appears that her current line of treatment (piqray and fulvestrant) is not effective either. Her oncologist doesn't seem to think that chemo would be effective, but hasn't ruled it…
Triple Negative breast cancer; Recurrence; now Stage IV MpBC
Hi everyone My name is Yasir and i am posting on behalf of my mother 71 years old, she was diagnosed with a triple negative breast cancer (Right breast) back in May-20 Below is a brief history what my mother has been going through just to send a message to the world that do not stop fighting and do not stop yourself from…
Greetings to all, I have recently started Enhertu. I've searched about this drug's side effects but I wasn't satisfied with the information given. I wanted to share with you my experience. I was on Kadcyla, Tukaysa, and capecitabine combination since July 2021 and I was doing ok besides mild hand and foot syndrome and…
Thank you
My beloved wife passed away yesterday. She was 45 and what gave up in the end was liver. I want to thank you all for your support. You are an amazing community. I wish you all the very best and I want you all to stay strong.
Mom’s WBRT didn’t work?
I was lurking for a while but am itching for an answer and needed to post. My mom got diagnosed in October as stage 4 ER+ PR- HER2-, with brain, lung, and bone mets. She previously was stage 2 in 2017, but was in remission until now. She had a craniotomy and bounced back really quickly, and went through ten rounds of whole…
Scan Anxiety for Caregivers
Today is my mom's first scan since she was diagnosed stage IV in Nov 21. I've been trying to keep myself busy today but my thoughts just drift right back to the scans. I know it's out of my control but it's so hard to feel helpless. Just wanted to get this off my chest.
Complementary Treatment and Self Care For Stage IV & Others
I have thought about starting this thread and see if others want to participate so today, I am finally getting around to it. Feel free to share anything you are doing to help yourself feel better, deal with side effects, keep your strength up, improve emotional well being, etc. I'll start by sharing a video on…
Signatera Blood Biopsy
Is anyone using signatura to monitor progression?
Podcast: Experimental Elacestrant for Pre-Treated HR+, HER2- MBC
Experimental Elacestrant: A Standard of Care for Pre-Treated, Metastatic, Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative Breast Cancer? December 11, 2021 Dr. Aditya Bardia is associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and director of the breast cancer research program at Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer…
Exp. Elacestrant Promising for Pre-Treated HR+, HER2- MBC
Experimental Elacestrant Shows Promise for Pre-Treated Metastatic, Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative Breast Cancer December 8, 2021 Experimental elacestrant offered better progression-free survival than standard hormonal therapy for post-menopausal women and men diagnosed with metastatic, hormone receptor-positive,…
Article for metastatic treatment success story
Hello my sisters, I read a story that a woman didn't give up the expectation that her doctor said and challenged. Here is the article link and she becomes a speaker. Enjoy rrafing.…