Had a surgeon... lost a surgeon
I was recently diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. I am part of a high risk breast cancer program as my sister and father both had breast cancer. I get a yearly mammogram and MRI as a result of being in this program. My sister died at 61 from breast cancer that spread to her bones and my dad had breast cancer in his…
What to Expect 1st appointment Surgical Oncologist
My cancer was found during routine mammogram, I never felt a lump. I have my first appointment with the surgical oncologist on March 3. I have waited 3 weeks for this appointment as my gyn referred me to Moffitt Cancer center which is an hour away. He wanted me to go see the same doctor that did his mom's breast cancer…
Diagnosed Yesterday
Found out yesterday- no phone call, just logged into MyChart to ask my GP for an unrelated medication refill and I saw the results of the biopsy. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Grade Two. Today the info on MyChart was updated to include these details: ER Positive 95%, PR Positive 95%, HER2 Negative. Ki67 15. I haven't spoken…
Test result scavenger hunt
Hi All, I have some questions. I was recently diagnosed with IDC and will have a lumpectomy on 03/18. I have been reading a lot on this site and have been very appreciative of the wealth of information. I have noticed tho that most people are referring to test results and have seen discussion about them being in their…
Alternative options
Hi everyone, I have lots of questions in my mind. Has anyone diagnosed with IDC, not had surgery, my immediate reaction when I got the diagnosis was, I’m not doing surgery because of Mets. I want to explore all the treatments out there, am I making sense
Still in disbelief
I was diagnosed Wednesday with grade 2 IDC. I’m still in disbelief. It’s the only thing I can think about day and night
Monday Part 2
I was not really interested in joining your club. I thought the dues were a little high and the activities seemed a bit more time consuming than I was ready to commit to. I guess I forgot that some things are not in my control. My GP called this afternoon: Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, Nottingham grade 3. Size 11 millimeters.…
Help, need help reading pathology report
I got the dreaded call today, I have Cancer. I went to the office and got a copy of my Surgical Pathology Report. I am copy and pasting. I’ve read some of the information and will continue my education. This is the third biopsy on my left breast, my sister also had breast cancer that spread. i would appreciate any help,…
Surgery and Treatment decisions - stuck!
1.9 cm with some branching (total under 5cm) Mastectomy or Lumpectomy? breasts are very large so would get reduction on the right side at a later date. Doctor recommends mastectomy of the affected breast. I agreed to avoid radiation but now that is up in the air. How can I make a decision if I don't know any cancer cells…
Just Dianosed - Getting Nervous
Background: 1996, age 46, right breast, 2 cm lump, Stage 2, chemo, radiation, tamoxifen 5 years 2022, age 72, left breast, Biopsy of micro-calcifications in a cluster Results IDC Grade 3, 5 cm area Awaiting results of genetic testing SaviScouts on Feb 18 and Lumpectomy scheduled for Feb 24 I understood my 1996 breast…
Just diagnosed IDC
Hi Everyone, I just got my biopsy results back and I have an appointment with an oncologist tomorrow. I am super worried about the lymph node involvement. I’ve had lowerback pain (not severe, more nagging) since around Halloween, and I thought I just pulled a muscle (and re-aggravated it when I lifted a heavy suitcase…
Just Diagnosed 1/24/22
Good morning everyone. I am new to the site and still trying to figure out what resources and avenues I have available to get me through this new diagnoses. I'm posting an intro here that I'd originally posted on another site with a little more information. Intro: I am a 41 years old, single parent and diagnosed with grade…
Advice on what and when to tell my pre-teen
I just got my biopsy results back on Monday and met with both the MO and surgeon this week. I'm still waiting for HER2 results and I have a PET scan on Monday (which is a whole other can of worms; I am terrified because I've been having back pain since the end of October). So at this point, I know I'm at least stage II…
Newly Diagnosed
Hi everyone! I’m 33 y/o and I just received my biopsy results today. IDC and DCIS in the left breast. Not the news I was hoping for (obviously) but I am relieved that I now know what's going on and that I'll be taking the steps to beat it. Dr. says it was caught very early, which is good. I meet with Breast Surgeon Friday…
Is it always a big deal
I know that I am partly in denial. I only received a cancer diagnosis without the full pathology so not sure what my prognosis is but hoping it will be easy. I know that there was nothing else in the lymph nodes. But am I being unrealistic in thinking that it can be a matter of a “ simple” lumpectomy and then be done. What…
I know it was coming, but I received my official diagnosis today following a biopsy last week. Invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3 in left breast and axillary. Still waiting for the receptor information, but they want to get me in for a PET and start chemo right away, because it is an aggressive one. I've always pictured…
Axillary lymphnode and mastectomy tissue discrepancies
Please I've run out of thought and ideas and feel the need to be guided by the thought and ideas of others. April last year I noticed a lump in my breast, consulted a doctor, a biopsy was done and after the test I was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma (although no lymphovascular invasion was seen) later on I…
Changing Care/ Second Opinion
Having a really bad experience with the care at my local cancer center. Had a mastectomy and was told there were clear margins. Upon feeling some hardness on my chest only a month later, further tests, and scans revealed that the surgeon did not in fact have clear margins and there was 2 cm left behind. It was confirmed…
I’m so ANGRY
I was diagnosed on August 16 and scheduled for lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy on September 18th. I have been planning and preparing for surgery and whatever comes after. This website/community has been very helpful in providing info and support. I don’t know how to deal with my rage. I am so angry at the situation I…
Diagnosed yesterday and anxious
Hi everyone, I'm 31 and got my biopsy results yesterday. I have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma that has spread to my lymph node, and the mass in my breast is about 7.5 cm long. Grade 3 but no staging yet. They said hormones are favorable for treatment, which I haven't looked into. I have had fibrocystic breast disease, so I…
Second Opinion
I've been having some real challenges with my MO. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer (invasive ductal carcinoma, grade 3, 3.8 cm, 1 lymph node positive). My mastectomy was November 20th. So far I have only seen my MO once. She was condescending, and rushed my questions. I was supposed to have appointment this week…
Oncologist wants a Brain MRI
I have a brain MRI scheduled on dec 15th. I had triple negative stage 2 grade 3 breast cancer in 2020. Diagnosed Dec 2019. And cancer free August 3 2020. I did 12 weeks of taxol, 8 weeks of AC chemo then did a lumpectomy followed by six weeks of radiation. Then I started a chemo pill that was twice daily every day for a…
38 and Diagnosed this morning
Hi. I'm 38 with two young kids. Got the call this morning. 3 lumps were found in my right breast, all three cancerous. So far I know that two were grade 3 and one is grade 2. I have DCIS and IDC. All of the lumps are 1cm or less. Initial mammogram and ultrasounds didn't show any activity in my lymph nodes. Still waiting on…
Just Diagnosed, Help with Questions?
Hi everyone, I'm 56yo woman with never an unusual mammo until December, when they saw microcalcifications in one breast. Biopsied, dx is low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ. Have a consult scheduled with a surgeon on 1/19 for probable lumpectomy. I'm trying to assemble a good list of questions to ask. The doc who did the…
Diagnosed ... but why didnt I ask these questions?!
I so appreciate this site and my pathology workbook! My cancer and confusion … not so much. 07/2021 Had a clear mammogram (heterogeneously dense breasts) and physician exam. 12/2021 Identified a lump in left breast. Super lumpy breasts so only identified when lying down. Mammogram report: 5.0x2.5x1.3 cm Ultrasound: may be…
Diagnosed today - advice greatly appreciated!
My mom was just diagnosed today. She is 76 years old. Invasive Lobular Cancer, ER+ (79%, Allred Score 8), PR- (0.15%, Allred Score 2), HER2- (Score 0+). Ki-67 was not tested. Grade 2 (combined histologic grade 7/9). Lymph notes are not known yet but skin and chest wall are involved so it's at least Stage III. Will have…
Just diagnosed today
Hi all, I wanted to introduce myself here. I did have a thread going before I knew my diagnosis and the women there were so supportive and caring. I'm 43, a mother of 6 year old twins, and I was just diagnosed with IDC this morning after a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy. My tumor is about 1cm around, HR+, HER2-, and…
Stunned...I need your help, advice, kindness
Hello new friends, I was just diagnosed with IDC Grade 1, and DCIS in the right breast. The IDC is about .5mm. DCIS is also very small. Radiologist and OB GYN assured me this was a very small lesion, and caught very early. Thank God for 3 D mammography. Still waiting for receptor status from pathology. Ultrasound under arm…
Angry with my diagnosis
about 4 weeks ago I was diagnosed with IBC. I'm 34 with 6 kids. A mom…a nurse…and I waited to report my findings because I thought they were breast implant related. I don't have all my answers yet. Just wanted to say Hi…and see if anyone else is living with regret about not following up with thei issues…I'll share more…
Diagnosed and Feeling Overwhelmed
Hello. I had my mammo and ultrasound on 9/24 and was told I needed to come back for a biopsy on my right breast. I've had a biopsy in the past but all was ok. I haven't slept well since my biopsy on 9/29 and it's even worse now after the diagnosis yesterday 10/1, that I have invasive ductal carcinoma. I need to have…