What type of imaging is most accurate?
In my experience, the problems with sensitivity and specificity in breast imaging is that on the spectrum from definitely benign to definitely malignant, there is a broad area of overlap of these findings in the center that could go either way. This is where the value of combining several imaging modalities becomes clear.…
Common Benign Causes of Breast Pain
Articles dealing with breast pain in patients that have already had a complete workup and breast cancer has been definitively excluded as a cause of the breast pain. 1) A fairly complete non-medical article on the subject: 7 Annoying Causes of Breast Pain and Soreness 2) From ClinicalAdvisor.Com: Managing Breast Pain…
Paget's Disease and Punch/Wedge Biopsy
As attempting to do some research online, there are not too many resources that discuss paget's. Thus, if anyone is willing to share, I was wondering about experiences regarding it, and particularly how the punch/wedge biopsy is. I am kind of scared of doing the biopsy and I was just wondering how it works, since I…
Ultrasound results please help
hello I am 43 years old. I got a mammogram on Monday that didn’t show anything but in the US they found a mass of 1.4 cms. Back in 2020 in the same location they found debris that they classified as benign with a birad score of 2. In 2022 I only did a mammogram that came back negative and now the report shows this : in the…
Waiting for biopsy results
This discussion was created from comments split from: Waiting for Biopsy Results.
Birads 5- my mom
I joined here several years ago after I had multiple lumps which ultimately revealed adh. I appreciated the level headed support I received while awaiting results during the height of covid chaos. I never dreamt I'd be back looking for support, this time for my dear mom. She went in on Friday for a mammo and us after…
Pregnant and scared of IBC
A week ago, I noticed an area of redness on my left breast. I've always been really scared of inflammatory breast cancer so I'm hyper aware of breast changes. I'm 18 weeks pregnant so I called my OB to get an appointment to have them look at my breast. They didn't have any openings so they just sent me for an ultrasound.…
BI-RADS 4 after being given the clear, feeling scared.
Hi, I’m 36F — I posted here before with a lot of IBC related fears. I have bad health anxiety and everyone here was so kind. I was given the clear by my doctor, but my left breast remained persistently swollen, painful, and red. My doctor told me she felt that this was too ambiguous and we should get an MRI to finalize…
Persistent IBC symptoms, confusion and fear about what to do next.
Hi, I am re-posting as my last post went up just before the forums migrated over to their new and improved update! I am 36F and having a lot of trouble 1) differentiating between symptoms and anxiety and 2) understanding what to do next. I fear deeply that I am just allowing IBC to progress, knowing it moves quickly, but…
Birads 4
My 38 year old daughter went for her first mammo (since I had breast cancer they wanted to do one at a younger age) and the mammo.sono came back Birads 4 with a sold nodule and a cyst with debris. How panicked should we be? She has a ultrasound biopsy scheduled for next week.
BI-RADS 4 Hypoechoic mass with increased flow
Good morning, yall! This is my first post and I've been doing lots of research because that's what I do when I'm anxious. For well over a year, I've gotten random spots on my breasts that become abscessed. I'm terrible about being proactive on medical care so I've ignored it, figuring it's from a bra rubbing wrong or…
New here, please help with anything
Hi! I’m new here and very nervous and anxious. I have never had a negative mammogram in 30 years. I’m 66 years and my recent mammogram shows a mass. It was only 12 days ago that I found a lump on my breast between my nipple and my collarbone on the left side of the right breast. It’s very painful so I thought it could’ve…
More firmer tissue....
I'm 29, no family history. If you are interested you can take a peek at my post history, this has been going on for a few years now... but the tl;dr is that in one breast I've been noticing the tissue get thicker/firmer than the tissue on the other side. Not a lot, it still feels like normal breast tissue according to the…
Architectural Distortion
Hello Group. I am so worried and would ask for some advice and support. I have constant call backs on my mammograms and I am fearing that the ongoing callbacks are ominous. Several years ago on my left breast I had a surgical biopsy, it was calicification. Then four years ago I had a needle biopsy on my right breast,…
Prior calcifications, now bloody discharge
Hi all, I know this is not a board for medical advice, I guess I just needed to write this down in a place where people would "get it". I'm in my early 40's, two years ago my annual mammogram came back with a cluster of microcalcifications in my right breast. I had a follow up diagnostic, and was categorized as BIRADS 4.…
Large lump found
Hi all. This morning I found a large lump in my right breast. I have just been to doctors and she checked my armpits (all fine) She said the lump was large but she could move it around and didn't seem sinister. She said a possibility is because of hormones. I am 44 and my period came yesterday although I am starting to get…
Concerned about conflicting advice -
Hi everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I was really happy to receive a BIRADS 2 diagnosis for microcalcifications that my doctor was keeping an eye on. My radiologist told me I was all set and to come back when I’m 40 (I was 36). I’m now 37 and pregnant with my first. Going over my records, I see dr…
Help understanding biopsy results
I have no history of breast cancer but went to the doctor for a rash on my breast. I received antibiotics for 10 days but that made no difference. I then received anti fungal with a steroid and that's still not making a difference. Since I just turned 40 the doctor had me have a mammogram as well. That came back abnormal…
Research News: New ACR Guidelines Say All Women Should Have Breast Cancer Risk Assessment by Age 25
New ACR Guidelines Say All Women Should Have Breast Cancer Risk Assessment by Age 25 May 9, 2023 New ACR guidelines say all women — particularly women considered high risk — need a breast cancer risk assessment by age 25. Read more…
Research News: Incorrect AI Advice May Affect Accuracy of Mammogram Readings
Incorrect AI Advice May Affect Accuracy of Mammogram Readings May 6, 2023 If an AI support system offers incorrect advice, it may affect how accurately radiologists read mammograms, no matter how experienced they are. Read more…
Scared - Asymmetry seen in posterior on mammogram
I’m freaking out a bit. I had my annual mammogram on Monday and on Friday got the report. The radiologist is recommending additional imaging. The report says: PRIOR STUDY COMPARISON:3/28/2022 Bilateral MAMMOGRAPHY, SCREENING WITH 3D, CP. TISSUE DENSITY:There are scattered areas of fibroglandular density. FINDINGS:DIGITAL…
Worried and stressed-lump on collarbone and armpit
hello, I am 28 years old. I have family history of breast cancer. Am diabetic and have had 2 beautiful children. About 10 days ago I noticed a lump sitting on/above the left collarbone area. I made an appointment with my doctor and she felt around and said there is also a lump in my left arm pit. I did mention that I had…
Not sure if this the correct forum for me to ask a question. I'm 43yrs old, today I went in for a mammogram. Got same day results and I have to go back for a ultrasound due to "increase in size of several presumable cyst in lower inner right breast". I had no idea I had cyst on that side. Since this is My question is what…
Feeling confused and concerned
Hi there, I’m a recently turned 40 year old woman in Colorado, USA. I went in on April 10 for my screening mammogram and was called back due to a focal asymmetry in my left breast at 3 o’clock posterior depth, approximately 7cm from nipple. There was no mass noted in the screening mammogram. This morning I went in to…
Ultrasound results help?
hello, I had an ultrasound today for a lump on my clavicle. It is a lymph node that is swollen. The results state this: a solid hypoechoic lesion with central increased echogenicity is present at the palpable abnormality in the left upper chest wall. It measures 17 x 6 x 11 mm. Could anyone tell me what this means? Nobody…
Being rushed for a biopsy, worried!
Hi everyone, If this comes across as "all over the place", I apologize. I had my very first mammogram last week as I just turned 40 this past December. I got called back. Completed my diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound and the doctor is worried. She rushing a biopsy for tomorrow and results by Monday. My head is spinning.…
Architectural distortion but nothing on ultrasound
I’m 35 with a history of cysts in my left breast. I noticed a new more stretch marks and what looked like a dimple a few weeks ago. My doctor scheduled me for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. The 3d mammogram found an area of “architectural distortion and two well circumscribed masses”. The ultrasound showed 2 small…
Waiting for Biopsy Results
I don't have a breast issue; I just didn't know where to turn since my issue is rather unusual. A few weeks ago I found a small lump behind my left ear. Since then I've gone through a rollercoaster of despair, hope, extreme fright, you name it. An ultrasound showed a 2.3 cm nodule in my parotid gland. I had a biopsy on…
Need encouragement and support
Hello everyone, I posted here about a month and a half ago about some concerning symptoms and received some lovely responses which I really appreciate. I did follow up on my symptoms with a mammogram ( negative results) but I have very dense breasts and after all my reading on here and research it appears that mammograms…
A small update on my IBC diagnosis journey & questions
Hi everyone. I am 36F with IBC symptoms in my left breast (skin thickening and widespread discoloration following popping what looked like a cyst). My punch biopsy results read “chronic granulamtous inflammation.” The IBC Network and MD Anderson both say that because the disease tends to spread like nests/webbing…