Do I need tamoxifen if both breasts removed?
I am about to have a bilateral mastectomy and I just cannot understand why I need to take tamoxifen or an aromarase inhibitor. Can someone please explain why I would put myself and my husband through all the nasty side effects if I really don't have to?
Upset at my Dr.
Hello tamoxifen sisters. I just got home from my first consult with gyno/onco due to a thickened endometrium which was an incidental finding during CT Scan. Since CT is not the best imaging for the uterus she ordered a vaginal ultrasound. What’s upsetting is she said, it’s a polyp, a fibroid or cancer. If it’s not a polyp…
Hot flashes! Not a question, just venting...
I was on Tamoxifen for months with virtually no side effects, but eventually the hot flashes kicked in (I know, it could just be middle aged woman syndrome, but I blame the Tamoxifen). It is just out of control! I think I have taken my sweater off and put it back on 10 times in the past hour. Every night I wake up sweating…
Eye strain/pain on anastrozole?
Just started anastrozole and immediately my eyes are hurting. More like eye strain and sensitivity to sunlight even in my house. Also have a headache which seems more normal. Anyone experience this? I do have droopy eyelids but never had a problem after cataract surgery.
The past 3 weeks I have noticed a pain which I though was rib pain, but now is clearly swollen and I feel swollen vein or something. It’s under my breast area on my side and hurts to lie in that side, also raise that arm. I have my 6 month follow up tomorrow and will ask about it. I’m thinking it is a blood clot. Also feel…
Anastrozole and sinus issues
Hi- It's been awhile since I've been on here. I was diagnosed in May 2014 with ILC. I had surgery, followed with radiation, and then a prescription for Anastrozole. I've had the usual side effects of insomnia and aches and pains, but have just been watching the calendar knowing that my 5 years will be coming up next year…
How quickly can Tamoxifen cause uterine changes?
I've been on T for about 2 months. Last week I did a pelvic/TV ultrasound which was intended to establish a baseline that could be monitored for changes. However, this initial ultrasound found thickening (13.5mm) and a suspected polyp (12mm). It also found bilateral simple benign-appearing ovarian cysts. Yikes! I have…
Your thoughts on tamoxifen 7 vs 10 yrs (SALSA study)
I just started year 7 on tamoxifen and while I thought I was on the 10 year plan. My oncologist just told me that she now recommends I stop after 7 years, based on the SALSA study https://ascopost.com/issues/november-25-2021/durat... This confuses me bc 1) the study refers to post-menopausal women, while I am still (at…
Tamoxifen question
Hello ladies. I have an odd question. I’ve been on Tamoxifen a little over 30 days. And I am having this strong urge to clean out everything. It maybe just my state of mind as I am about to begin radiation too. And it does take my mind off of all of this. But has anyone else had the “nesting” feeling on Tamoxifen? Kind of…
Letrozole joint pain side effect
I have been on Letrozole for five months and the joint pain is bad. Doctor told me to give it six months for side effects to get better. Anyone else have the same joint pain and it got better
Oophorectomy and er/or+
Hope this isn’ta dumb question. I was diagnosed with stage 0 grade 2 DCIS er/or + last month. A few weeks ago found out I was BRCA2+ as well. I’m having a double mastectomy for the cancer and a prophylactic oophorectomy due to the BRCA. So my question is… can I not do HRT since the cancer is hormone positive? Or will it be…
Monitoring and Reducing Risks of Aromatase Inhibitors
I asked how to monitor my HEART while on Letrozole. Suggested: Heart scan at the start of prescription then about 18 months later. A quick check found several for $50-$150, all out-of-pocket. Overkill: I asked if I should make an appt with a heart specialist and the answer was that it was not needed. Question: Do any of…
Low White Blood Count? Freaking out
I am more than six months past chemo and two months out of radiaiton. I have been taking letrozole (Femara) for five weeks. I have been having a little lightheadedness, which I reported to my MO because it's not uncommon with AIs. At the same time, my PCP was doing my annual blood work, and my WBC is down to 2.7. (The…
Turmeric Circumin Yay or Nay?
Forgive me if this has been discussed before. I have been taking Turmeric for years for its anti-inflammatory benefits. I have researched whether it is safe to use when you have breast cancer and especially on an AI (Anastrozole in my case) and I have found many conflicting studies that say no to and to take it as it can…
Zoladex timing
I will be starting Zoladex here in a few weeks. I read it's every 28 days. How much leeway do they give you with that? I want to try to plan a 4 day weekend to the mountains in the late spring, but how in the world can I really figure out when to book that? I'm already seeing why people get their ovaries removed. I will…
cholesterol, a1c and letrozole (femara)
Just curious if anyone had their cholesterol go up while taking letrozole. I used to have really good total cholesterol around 150. Now it is at 233. What the heck? I eat like always do. I have read letrozole can cause this. Any of you had this happen. Honestly I'm ready to dump letrozole. I have been on hormonal therapy…
Is There a Deadline to Start Anti-Estrogen Therapy?
I saw my MO on Monday, and we VERY briefly discussed the options for my anti-estrogen therapy, and I decided to try Tamoxifen since I have osteoporosis and don't want to be on a bisphosphonate too. I tried to go over the serious side effects with him, but like with the other MOs he kind of skimmed over things and minimized…
Cymbalta for pain?
Hi there, has anyone tried Cymbalta to help with pain from Anatrazole?
Experienced occasional blood pressure drop due to. Letrozole?
I experience occasional bladder pressure drop while doing my regular chores. Never had a such problem before BC. I had chimiothérapie and herceptin as well. So I do not know if the Letrozole, which I am taking for 2 years now, or previous treatment are the cause? Any thoughts or similar experience
Which is better! Letrozole or Tamoxifen?
I had ILC before surgery and chemo. Now I’m technically cancer free. No lymph nodes. Please tell me which is best letrozole or tamoxifen? My dr put me on tamoxifen but i read that Letrozole is better for ILC. I am so scared it will recur. I asked my dr and he seemed to think tamoxifen was best.
Preparing for AI
So I will be starting on Aromasin in about two weeks, and though I am doing my best to stay positive, I am nervous as all hell. I have already started on a regimen of exercise (daily walks and some running, lifting kettlebells, etc.) and vitamins (everything I can think of including fish oil and turkey tail mushroom…
Should I switch from letrozole
I've posted about my cholesterol going up. I've been on letrozole for 4 years. The first year on it my cholesterol jumped 40 points 😡. I was looking through the files here which talks about all of the AI's only letrozole lists high cholesterol as a possible side effect. The others do not. Wouldn't they all cause high…
BCI denial
Figures. I got denied for the BCI test. Insurance doesn't want to pay. Shocker!!! Looks like I'll be on an AI for 3 more years. Yippee - not
Acne and Tamoxifen
I seem to be getting acne even with washing my face several times per day. I thought that cutting off the estrogen would keep my skin drier and thus not having so much oil to cause breakouts. Anyone else having this problem?
Podcast: AIs vs. Tamoxifen for Pre-Menopausal Early-Stage, HR+
Aromatase Inhibitors versus Tamoxifen for Pre-Menopausal Women Diagnosed With Early-Stage, Hormone Receptor-Positive Disease December 13, 2021 Dr. Jeremy Braybrooke, is a consultant medical oncologist and clinical lead for oncology at University Hospitals Bristol, as well as a senior clinical research fellow at the…
AIs vs. Tamoxifen for Pre-Menopausal Women W/ Early-Stage, HR+
Study Compares Aromatase Inhibitors vs. Tamoxifen for Pre-Menopausal Women With Early-Stage, Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer December 15, 2021 Pre-menopausal women diagnosed with early-stage, hormone receptor-positive breast cancer who took an aromatase inhibitor along with ovarian suppression after surgery had a…
Intermittent Fasting May Help Cancer Treatments Work Better
Intermittent Fasting May Help Cancer Treatments Work Better, Small, Early Study Suggests November 30, 2021 A small study suggests that a specific type of intermittent fasting is safe and possible for people diagnosed with cancer and may boost the effectiveness of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and…
Zoladex Infusión cancelled
Met with my MO this morning to get my 1st Zoladex Infusion. She said since I had a hysterectomy 24 months ago I don’t need the Zoladex. I confirmed with her that I am peri menopausal since I kept the ovaries which is why she scheduled the Zoladex Infand she said since I have not had a cycle in 24 months I don’t need the…
Aromasin (exestemane) stories?
I saw my MO and told him that I wanted to try something else instead of arimidex due to intolerable side effects. I fully expected that I was going to try letrozole, but instead he suggested aromasin. He says in his personal experience, he has seen more patients able to tolerate aromasin than the other AI's. So I said…
Will stop taking Tamoxifen after 10 yrs
I have taken Tamoxifen for 3 yrs (after my surgery, chemo & radiations), followed by 5 yrs of Aromasin and then back to Tamoxifen for 2 more yrs. My oncologist told me that I can now stop taking Tamoxifen bec latest studies suggest that after 10yrs there are no advantages. Has anyone stopped taking Tamoxifen cold turkey?…