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Important Stage IV Topics and Links for Stage IV Newbies

moderators Posts: 8,558

Here are some helpful resources if you've just been diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer, also known as metastatic or MBC.

Join our Zoom Meetups for MBC!

Anyone with MBC, register here:

Younger With MBC, register here:

Great tips, practical advice and support on the following discussion board threads:

Threads by mets location/type of diagnosis

Threads based on medications

Threads based on types of treatment

Threads based on population

Conversational threads by topic

Other resources

Also, these links from the main site might be helpful:

And check out the Metastatic Breast Cancer Trial Search: Metastatic Trial Search


  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558


  • Grandma05+1
    Grandma05+1 Member Posts: 1

    Im new to this forum so im not sure im in the right place. Here is a bit about my journey. 2019 rx with bc in the left breast, chemo with doxi for 5months, then masectomy. 11 months later 2021, a reoccurance happened, same area, more surgery. I was put on a chemo drug afterwards that made me swell up like a balloon so that stopped and i was put on the chemo pill for a year. 4 months later 2023 my dr ordered a PET CT scan and found a lesion in my left lung. Biopsy done and rx with metatastic bc in the left lung. Ive had 6 rounds of Halaven and he stopped the treatment and decided targeted radiation instead. Lesion is 1.7mm, only 1. Radiation starts Monday. This is so new to me. I didnt even know what metatastic bc was for a few weeks after i was rx. Btw, my cancer is triple negative. Does anyone here have any idea what is next for me or my survival timeline?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558

    Dear @Grandma05+1 - We are truly sorry for your recent diagnosis and wanted to warmly welcome you to our community. We hope you find this to be a supportive place!

    It is fine that you've posted here, but we would suggest you start your own new conversation introducing yourself and sharing your story, treatment, and questions in this same category (Stage IV/Metastatic Breast Cancer ONLY) or jump in directly into the Mets to Lung Thread to meet others with a similar diagnosis.

    Also, you might want to check out this thread: Helpful links about Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

    And, in case you didn't know, we hold free weekly virtual meet-ups with other BCO members where you can ask questions and share experiences. Our metastatic groups meet on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. In case you might be interested, here is our webpage, where you can register for them:

    Monday meetup registration
    Tuesday meetup registration
    Wednesday meetup registration

    Hope this helps! Stay connected and keep us posted, as we're sure you'll find plenty of support and understanding here.


    The Mods