Dark veins on breast
I noticed today that I have very dark veins showing up on my left breast - especially around the nipple area. I am 40 years old, and just had my period last week. Any thoughts? This is very concerning since they suddenly just showed up!
solid mass under areola, terrified
I have never missed a yearly exam and have had mammos since 35 (how my doctor operates). My last mammo was clear in June 2010. Last week I went in for my yearly pap and the nurse practitioner found a small lump at the 3:00 position of under my areola. I about fell off the table. I definitely did not feel this and I try to…
Stinging sensation. Trust my gut instinct or my ultrasounds
Hello everyone, Here is my story! Months ago I was about to step into the shower and noticed one of my breast like i had hit it on something or ran into something (I had not) I though nothing of it and seemed to settle but then a week later a horrible searing sting hit that breast, again thought it pass, it kept coming…
Did ultrasound miss your cancer?
I have a question for the you beautiful ladies, I had an ultrasound today and I am not more confused than ever. Ultrasound didnt show anything but, the doctor could feel the lump and my swollen arm pet, he told me something I have never heard before, he said that this happens a lot that ultrasound misses to show lumps all…
hollow behind nipple area
hi I am very worried I've mammogram in 3 days time . I found deep hollow at nipple when doing breast exam on myself . And when look in mirror looks like a shadow over the nipple area . Is a hollow at nipple normal ? It's quiet a big dip . An suggestions of what it is or if hollow normal
Can cancer lumps suddenly appear overnight?
Yesterday morning I was showering as I always do & when I washed underneath my left breast I felt a small (tip of index finger size), hard, painful when pressed on lump. I have very large breasts, I just turned 39 and have two children. This hard lump was not there the day before yesterday. It suddenly appeared within a…
Purple spots on one breast
I'm 63 years old. Was taking very low doses of HRT for a good few years; menopause it wrecked me. noticed a purple spot on my left breast six weeks ago. I thought it was a bug bite. Then it turned into a tiny boil, but did not burst, then it stayed purple and I thought nothing of it. No pain. No itch. Then two weeks ago…
Architectural distortion-So scared and anxious
Hello. I received an auto alert in my electronic medical record on Saturday morning. It showed the results of my mammogram, including architectural distortion in right posterior breast. I never received a phone call by Friday, as they said I would if anything was abnormal. Late in the afternoon, Saturday came the letter in…
Does Breast Cancer Hurt - honest truth from bc patients
Answer::: yes. I started a topic yesterday, Breast Cancer Symptoms, link live, and half the women mentioned their mass DID hurt before dx, biopsy and surgery. Still, we are being told by so very many of our MDs and breast surgeons (bs), in online searches and lists in magazines false information, them saying that the good…
Strange blotches between breasts
Hi! The last couple of days I have noticed that I have developed strange blotches/spots between my breasts. Not on or under, just between, and mainly where the middle of my bra is. My breasts are not rubbing against each other or anything, so that is not the cause. They feel kind of like little lumps so they're not flat as…
Core biopsy and titanium marker
Hello! Please stick with me as I am new to this forum and this post might be lengthy. I am a 30 year old female who recently underwent a core biopsy for a small lump, called a nodule by my doctor, to confirm if it was a benign fibrodenoma or not. I have been an emotional wreck throughout this whole experience and my…
Indent on Areola, Nursing mom
Hi ladies, new here. I am a 37 year old with a 7 year old at home and a 6 month old, who I am nursing multiple times a day. I have gone through some hard times in the last few years and as a result have developed some pretty good health anxiety, which is not helping me here... I have an indent in my left areola, that…
BIRADS category 3.. To biopsy or not?
Hi all: I'm so glad that there's a place to come to and speak with others who may be experiencing similar situations as I am. I am 34, and found a "lump" in my breast. I had read an article online prompting women to do breast self exams. So, I did and found what I thought was a lump. I went to my GP and she states that she…
Is an elective double mastectomy covered by OHIP in Ontario
I live in Toronto, Ontario. I have a VERY strong history of breast cancer on mother's side. Every single woman has had breast cancer. As I understand it, when I went for genetic testing, they said it would be pointless for me to have the blood test to see if I am BRCA1 or BRCA2 positive since none of the females that have…
No Lump But Blue Veins
Due to a family history of breast cancer my doctor recommended that I have a Bilateral Breast MRI which I have scheduled for next Friday. I had a mammogram back in December and everything was fine, however, I have dense breasts and a family history so she recommended the breast MRI. For about two weeks my left breast has…
breast pain for four months
hello ladies my breast story started four nearly five months ago i dont normally get breast pain apart from a few days before my period then it only lasts for 2,3 days anyway i has an abcess in my left armpit which had to be opened and drained this was all done succesfully but about 2 weeks later i had a ache in my breast…
Inflammatory breast cancer--what is meant by a "bug bite"?
I have had this red patch (mostly flat, a little lump under the surface) for two weeks. To me it resembles a healing bug bite but it is not itchy. I'm currently breastfeeding, but have been told it is unrelated to that. Nor is it a pimple. I apologise for posting a picture but I have two small kids, can't see a doctor for…
Is retracted nipple ALWAYS cancer?
I see a breast surgeon Tuesday but the waiting is killing me. Slight ache and left nipple starting to retract. Not totally inverted just top half is flat. Responds to stimulation. Just wondering if anyone on here has had something similar turn out to not be cancer? Google makes it appear as though any nipple change is…
Armpit pain helped me find my lump
I am new to this forum, but so far I have found comfort and answers to a lot of my questions. About four months ago I started to feel what I thought was muscle soreness in my armpit. I am in the military and we're always doing pushups so I chalked it up to something good, building more muscle. After a couple of months I…
Breast lump in 8 year old
On December 3rd Robyn (our 8 year old daughter) told me that her right breast hurt, upon examining it, I discovered a lump under her nipple around the size of a dime maybe a little smaller. This was around 11:30 pm on a Friday night. I called the health line who told me to see a Dr with in three days. On Monday December…
Itchy left nipple
Hi, well after 2 months of continuos tooing and frowing to the doctor with an itchy nipple and given thrush cream, didn't work, antibiotic cream, didn't work, stronger antibiotic cream still didn't work I still have the problem of an itchy nipple sometimes round my breast. the pain increases after sex and the itching is to…
Skin tag on nipple and skin around it hurts
I’ve had a skin tag on both of my nipples since I was young (now I am 14) and I’ve only gotten one removed, the one with a sling tag (my left breast) hurts at least 2 times for about 5 days within my period cycle. It hurts like I feel like the skin around it is getting bigger and when I pull my skin tag it hurts so much. I…
Prickly Pins & Needles Feeling & Long Hard "Line" in Breast?
I am awaiting an appt to have an ultrasound on a lump in my breast that doesn't really feel like a lump and wondering if anyone else has experienced similar symptoms. It feels more like a very hard vein or 'line' inside my breast that extends from behind the nipple to just a cm or two above it. It's smooth but very…
Itchy breast followed by under arm pain..
Okay. Part of my left breast tissue has been itching for about a month now. Itchiness comes and goes. So I thought it was due to dry cold whether. Then I started to feel tenderness around left under arm about 2days ago. Now it hurts when I move around or touch that area. I wasn't suspecting breast cancer until now. I went…
Dimpling, part of normal breast change?
Hi ladies, I have been reading many of your posts and it has helped me so very much! THANK YOU! I realized last april I had an area of dimpling on my breast, it was what looked like a line approx an inch. Since then it has widened and is now approx 4-5 inches and has changed the contour of the breast and looks a flattened…
2 lumps in one breast...
hi i found 2 lumps one on my left breast at the top and a one under it ive not been worried about it but since ive been reading about because i was concernd now im started to worrie. ive had like tiny lumps before and just just went. so now im kinda worried as they have not gone or grow but still there. just dont…
cyst with debris
I just had mammaogram and sonogram with diagnosis of a cyst measuring 4x4x3 mm with 2 areas of debris. Impression is "probably" benign. I did not like the probably part. Plan of care was routine re-sono in 6 months. I have a cousin with breast cancer and 4 aunts who died of ovarian cancer. When I expressed concern about…
Sharp pain in Left Breast?
I would first off like to say to everyone on here with Breast Cancer. Stay strong and you are amazing. Well I do not have Breast cancer I believe. I've been having sharp pain in my left breast. No I am not pregnant nor near my time of month.. This pain has been with me for about 2 weeks or so. I yet have not been able to…
Dark grey-light black spot on my breast, turning yellow
hi! I'm 21. I have a dark grey-light black spot on my left breast. It's turning yellow. It worries me. I don't think any of my family had breast cancer. It just worries me because I'm overweight, low energy so I don't work out a lot or anything. It's getting more yellow as the days go and less greyish black. Could this be…
Does this sound like fibrocystic breast pain?
Hello, I am wondering if anyone has experience with fibrocystic pain? I have very lumpy very dense breasts and always had pain before my period. My cycles are not regular the last year or so as I am in perimenopause (46 years old). The pain has gotten worse on one side mostly (right). Last mammogram and u/s I had a lot of…