Lump after stereotactic core biopsy
Hello All, About a week and a half ago I had a stereotactic core biopsy done on a small nodule believed to be a fibroadenoma in my breast. I am so thankful and relived to say that it came back benign! I have not had many problems after the biopsy and thought recovery was going very well until I noticed a decent size lump,…
Architectural Distortion found after mammogram
Hi all, I just turned 40 this year and my doctor ordered my first mammogram which was supposed to be just routine. After 2 days I was called back to perform a second mammogram followed up by ultrasound which they did this week. Radiologist told me they have found an architectural distortion and should be investigated…
Stabbing pains in left breast ???
Hi, my sister suggested I come on here to ask a few questions. First, my heart and prayers go out to all of you going through breast cancer, and those who are worried, wondering, and waiting for results. All of you are remarkable. I pray that all of you get the answers you want and are healed. I have been having a horrible…
swollen lymph nodes and puffy armpit
I'm back with more problems on the same side as last time I posted.. For the past month I have been having more issues. Started with a very sore armpit. Generally achiness in my armpit and sometimes shooting or stabbing pains when I would move my shoulder. My armpit was swollen to the point where I could still shave but…
Told "probably benign" and to come back in 6 months
I am 35 yr old with no history of Breast cancer. My PCP suggested a baseline mammogram when I mentioned that I weaned my last baby over three years ago, yet was still not completely dried up. Had the mammo on 12/27. Got a letter to come back for more testing. Had a more advanced mammogram today where they "spot" still…
Benign Cyst that hasnt gone away in 6 months?
Hi, I had posted a few months back about a lump in my breast. Had an US which said it was a benign cyst. I went for a routine ob/gyn appointment today and the doc wants to send me for a mammo/ultrasound because the cyst is still there. Has anyone else had a cyst that did not go away after 6 months? Should I be more…
Painful lump at 9 oclock - waiting to see breast surgeon
Hi Everyone, I am 35 years old and a week ago today I found a lump in my left breast when I was laying in bed reading. I rolled over and had this strange pain so I felt the are and found a lump. The next morning I realized my breast (in the area of the lump) was red, and swollen. Thinking back I did notice my bra was a bit…
My 23 Year Old daughters Inverted Nipple :(
Hello!! My name is jackie and the reason I am here posting is because I have a situation that I'm in no way familiar with and am scared out of my wits!! :( . I have twin daughters Erika and Anaise ..They're 23 and will be 24 on 11/29... Yesterday my daughter Erika (older by 8 minutes)was in the bathroom and I noticed she…
Does Dimpling Mean Cancer??
I have been looking in to dimpling on the breast and EVERYTHING I have read says it is a sign of breast cancer. I am scared to pieces, and want to run straight to the doctor but have to wait one week until the insurance kicks in. My right breast has gotten bigger then the left in the past few months and upon self breast…
Weird pain top breast near collar bone
Hi, This is my first post, but I have been reading for many months now. I am 46 and feel like my breasts are changing becoming more fibrocystic as I believe I am entering perimenopause (periods are changing). I had a 3D mammogram followed by u/s almost 6 months ago as I have "extremely dense breasts" and also lots of…
3 cm lump in left breast
Hi there, I'm Amanda - I'm 29 years old, mom of three. About a month ago I started losing weight, due to diet and exercise. Three weeks ago my husband noticed a pretty large lump in my left breast. We think we noticed it because I've lost weight - and wouldn't you know it, I lost it in my breasts first. I went to the…
Enlarged Axillary Lymph Nodes on Your Mammogram
In the absence of breast cancer, enlarged axillary lymph nodes seen on your mammogram can be the first radiologic sign of unsuspected systemic disease. Once enlarged axillary nodes are detected, their internal architecture can be evaluated by ultrasound. These images along with their distribution (unilateral, bilateral)…
Sore area on breast
Hi Everybody, I'm 56 years old, never have had any breast issues. Last night I realized that I have a sore spot/area on the upper inner quadrant (cleavage side) of my left breast. When I feel around there, it's sore, but I don't know if I'm feeling any thickening or not. My ribs in that area are quite prominant and it's…
armpit pain - a little swollen gland?
I have been experiencing armpit pain for about 4 months. The pain has gotten progessively worse. It feels as though I have been innoculated. Sometimes it just feels like there is crumbled paper under my armpit and I have to air out my armpit by flapping it once or twice and the discomfort goes away. Sometimes, when I wake…
Lump in armpit.....
Hi everyone!!!! I am 25 and about a month ago I noticed a lump in my right armpit. Of course I am worried. I never really thought anything about it, but I can recall having a dull pain that feels like it is behind my right breast, if that makes sense. Am I just overreacting?
Swelling, pain and firmness in one breast
Hello all, I am new to this and hope I can get some advice from this community :) I started noticing breast pain/tenderness at Christmas time but thought nothing off it. About 2 weeks later I noticed that the same breast was slightly swollen. The pain has persisted and the swelling has stayed the same. I went to the doctor…
Asymmetrical area on one breast?
I recently had a diagnostic mammo and ultrasound of one breast for a lump. Nothing was seen in the area of the breast lump but one of the images showed an area that the radiologist wanted more images of so they repeated the 2 original images and then a spot compression before sending me off for the ultrasound, which found…
Light brown spot forming on left breast
Im 23 years old a few days ago I saw a lightish brown spot on my left breast, its a little bigger than a quarter. Im not sure if I have the mutated BRCA genes however my father recently passed away from stomach cancer (which can also be a BRCA gene mutation) and there is a history of breast cancer with my moms sisters and…
Lymph Nodes on Ultrasound?
Hello, I recently had a biopsy on my right breast, and - thank goodness - it came back benign. Because I am high-risk, my doctor also had the radiologist check my left breast near the area where I had another biopsy years ago. It took an act of congress to get the radiologist to do this, since the main reason for doing so…
Left breast larger than right suddenly
My left breast has suddenly swollen in this past 2 weeks. I have a pain on one small area of the breast that pains while touching. I tried googling and all it comes back with is Inflammatory breast cancer. Meanwhile I went to a gynae and she did a thorough clinical breast exam and said that there is nothing to worry but I…
Thought fibroadenoma but really BC, anyone?
Just curious as to how many of you had doctors that were really nonchalant and told you your mass was a fibroadenoma, only to find out they were wrong and it was cancer?
Disappearing microcalcifications?
So, mammographs in April and May at two different facilities showed a group of microcalcifications. After a stereotactic-guided core needle biopsy in May, the report contained the following addendum: "Multiple additional deeper sections were performed on all tissue blocks and only rare additional microcalcifications were…
BIRADS 4A u/s - help me figure out the language in rpt!
Hi everyone, Just joined. I recently was called back for a diagnostic mammo and u/s due to a (per the screening mammo) "mass or asymmetry in the right breast with possible faint calcifications." Ultrasound showed "an oval parallel circumscribed hypoechoic mass measuring approximately 7 x 7 x 5 mm. There are tiny internal…
Painful small bump on the bra line
Recently, I noticed a small bump on my bra line. It is sore because my bra is right up against it. I had my first digital mammogram, and I was called to come back for additional films. I also had an ultrasound. The Radiologist told me that he did not see any signs of cancer, but he also suggested that I return in 6 months.…
Indeterminate Micro Calcifications
Hello everyone, I am 54 years old with dense, fibrocystic breasts. I am going through menopause (blah). I had my annual screening mammogram on January 13th. On January 15th, I was told the radiologist had found an asymmetry in my right breast and scheduled for a diagnostic mammo and ultrasound on Monday, January 25th.…
When is a bruise not a bruise?
Hello there, I have a question for anyone that has had this happen. Two weeks ago i had a bruise show up on the upper area of my right breast. It looked like a small hickey but since then it has more than doubled in size gotten darker and has some dark spots like pits in it. That breast has also changed shape slightly and…
Asymmetry found in left breast....please help!
Hi everyone. My name is Karen and I just turned 40 years old. Anyway, long story short I had my 40 year old routine screening mammogram the other day and they called me today to tell me that they found "asymmetry in upper outer quadrant of my left breast". I am now completely out of my mind with fear. I have been…
nipple disappeared
Hi. I am recently 36 and am a single mom of two very active beautiful boys 3 and 9. I saw my primary care physician because my nipple completely retracted or flattened or inverted or folded so that it appears gone. Ive always had outies. she said she may have felt small cysts. Ive never had a mammo. now this Friday I'm…
Rash, Awaiting Biopsy Results, Scared
Hi everyone. I'm 33 years old with a family history of breast cancer (paternal grandmother is currently a 15+ year survivor). Starting about a week ago, I developed a red, very itchy rash on my right breast. I have eczema, so I assumed it was just my newest flare up. I am still nursing my 2 year old daughter (!) at…
Wrinkles/stretch marks/not sure
hi! I have noticed what looks to be quite a lot of wrinkles/stretch marks/indentations on both my breasts. They are horizantal lines under and on the inside of my breasts. I have nursed 4 kids so not sure if that has contributed to this. Should I be concerned? No other issues or problems. I have a hard time finding info…