Pale Stool
Ok, can someone give me some good reasons for Pale stools. Dr Google is not helping. I have clay like stool. I had it before about 4 months ago, and my doctor added ca19 to my tests. It was normal last December. In the last week, almost daily I have one bout of very pale stool and I don't like Dr Google. I have messaged my…
Neck cracking and grinding?
Hi ladies, I am wondering if anyone has experienced neck cracking and grinding when on hormonal therapy. I have been on Exemestane for more than 5 yeas now and just noticed neck cracking on one side of my neck. No pain and numbness of other parts of my body. Hopefully it's not something serious.
Mammogram questionable calcifications
Hii Routine yearly mammogram after 6 years stsge1 with lumpectomy Got this result questionable calcifications at lumpectomy bed birads 0 diagnostic recommend I can’t believe this took tamoxifen over 5 years I told my husband but not the kids crying inside not to scare them but when I’m alone I cry like I did 6 years ago…
New 7mm lung nodule
I am a little over 3 years into remission. I’ve had lung nodules since my first CT following treatment, all 4mm or less, none have changed. A CT a week ago showed a new 7mm nodule. I had also lost 12 pounds in 3 months. I could see a little concern on my provider’s face. I’m now waiting 4 weeks for another CT to check…
is it really a bone island?
I was diagnosed with DCIS in March 2015 and had a bilateral mastectomy and TE reconstruction. I've recently had a breast MRI, a nuclear bone scan, and a CT scan of my abdomen. The breast MRI was completely normal. The bone scan showed: "There is mild heterogeneous uptake in the right shoulder, sternum, cervical spine, mid…
Scared of bone mets and so tired of being worried
Dear friends Last time time I was on here was four years ago when I had an awful cancer scare. I was in panic mode but thankfully it turned out to be nothing. This forum and all the support I got here was so comforting. And now I am back, scared once again and in full blown panic. I was diagnosed with bc in 2011 so it's…
Arm Pain - on the ledge again…
I know every situation is different, but this site has been able to keep me calm through a couple other “scares" so just looking to see if anyone has experienced something similar. A little over a week ago I started with a weird ache in my forearm, almost like a shin splint on my arm. Stretching helped ease the ache. Over…
Brain mets
Hi everyone Hope you are all doing well Can anyone tell me what symptoms they had with brain mets? Could it be this dull headache I’m having for the last two weeks?☹️ Ann
Collar Bone Bump
Hi,ladies. Seeking reassurance. Last night I found a bump on my collar bone, near the center of my chest. I was due for my yearly neck US (I have enlarged lymph nodes in my neck that just seem to hang around.) so when I called my Onc office, they offered to move up my US a couple of weeks to check out this new bump. It…
Minor rib fractures
I had a fall in the bathroom a few weeks ago and was experiencing some pain on movement so I had a chest x-ray. My doctor's nurse just called me to state that the x-ray showed minor fractures on two ribs. I have made an appointment to speak with my doctor tomorrow. In the meantime, could the fractures signal metastasis?
Feeling close to being back...
Over the years things pop up and I run to the doctor. Thankfully, nothing has turned out to be anything. Go for my annual ROUTINE mammo on Monday. Its always diagnostic...and I was waiting longer than normal. Told my self they were busy. Then the lady walks in and says follow me we are doing an ultrasound. I stared at…
new/progressing lung nodules
I completed BC treatment a little over 3 years ago. An unrelated CT of my abdomen just reported my abdomen is clear, but "clustered nodularity along the inferior lingula which is new/progressed from prior" CT on same side as cancer. I've had a light cough that only rears its head when I lie down, and of course I…
groin pain could be bone Mets? What does it feel like
if there is anybody out there, who sees this who has or had bone met, and would like to let me know what your symptoms or what it felt like I would really appreciate it. I've been having pain in my groin for several months on and off it feels deeper than the muscle because I can't push on the muscle and feel pain if that…
Abnormal signal on right rib in MRI
Hi, I've been reading the posts here and found them helpful. My wife is 28 years post treatment. Thankful for that. She's been having some problems with her arm and shoulder. Our doctor prescribed an Xray, which found nothing, then an MRI of the shoulder and rotator cuff. That was all fine. But the report said there was…
rib pain at previous fracture site
I broke a rib about five years ago in a biking accident. The past week I have been having pain at the fracture site. It is not very painfull and only hurts when I move a certain way. It feels like the pain is from the muscles in between the ribs but I'm concerned that this may be metatasis. I've sent a message to my…
Mets to Lung?
So I had a clear CT in January 2022 and had another in November with a suspicious area.The doctor says cancer does not grow that quickly….usually. Is this true? I posted the full info under CT results but figured to ask this question here to get some feedback from people. Thanks!
Need biopsies again
My MRI showed two new areas of concern, so I have to get a MRI guided biopsy. Last spring I had a biopsy at the scar site come back with fat necrosis, giant cell reaction, and fibrosis, and it seems reasonably likely that the first spot is related to that, but the second spot seems to be a slightly different area, although…
Signatera testing for residual disease
Hi everyone! I'm new here. I was diagnosed with Hormone + IDC last year. I was eventually deemed grade 2, stage 1b, with 1 positive lymph node plus a second with micromets. I had DCIS on the other side. Lymph nodes were taken from both sides with no additional ones being positive. I did nipple sparing BMx with tissue…
Abnormal Blood test worried about recurrence, help interpreting
Had my annual physical with primary care doc which included cbc differential and comprehensive metabolic panel. Im so scared that these number could mean the cancer is back or spread somewhere else and i dont know how to interpret these numbers. Looking for some help while i wait for Dr tp call and go over. I'll just post…
Repeat Mammo and US in other breast
Has anyone ever been diagnosed with BC in their other breast? I got caught off guard when the hospital called me back saying they need more pictures from my mammo last week. My non breast cancer is always easier to do although I did have a biopsy for calcifications in it about 5 years ago. Just feeling a bit off especially…
Wondering when to get worried about headaches and nausea
I've started having mild headaches recently. I've had headaches off an on before, so it is not completely abnormal, but they usually only lasted for a couple of days and were likely related to my menstrual cycle which is a non-issue now. The headaches are pretty mild. I also am having mild nausea - which may be due to…
Liver enzymes - help!
My liver enzymes have always been a little above normal which the docs attribute to statins. But for the last two times (July and just recently) they have crept a little higher than they’ve ever been. One of them is ALP which can get higher because of bone metastasis. Has anyone had this happen to them and if so, how high…
Are skin Mets itchy, bumpy and flare with Zolodex?
Hi - I have a bunch of tiny itchy bumps in my upper right thigh - near the hip. They are itchy, seem to just have appearedand seem to have gotten itchier after my Zolodex shot. Anyone have had this before? Trying to not freak and think it is skin Mets ….
Chest wall metastasis?
About a week ago I started having tenderness in one area of my right breast. The tenderness is deep so I have to push on it to feel it. At first I attributed it to upper body light weights but it’s not getting better. I have extensive scar tissue from surgery but that’s not what is tender. I also notice when I bend forward…
Bone biopsy
Hi there, I hope everyone is doing fine. I have this upcoming bone biopsy and I would like to hear some insights from anyone who had been in the same situation. I have this bone pain that involves 20 cm of my fibula (lower bone) since April 2022. MRI shows inflammation/edema in and outside the bone. Pain is getting worst.…
Waiting on skull biopsy results
I was diagnosed with IDC (er+/pr+/her2+) and ILC 13 years ago next month. About 6 months ago I began having daily headaches which became increasingly unbearable. My primary care doctor referred me to neurology and my oncologist recommended I see neurosurgeon- they subsequently did a brain and head MRI and found a 1CM T2…
"Fat Necrosis" six months ago, but its grown?
Hey everyone, <3 I'm TN IDC Stage 2 diagnosed back in 8/2017 at the age of 28, Chemo, Lumpectomy, Radiation. Can ya'll talk to me about your experience of Fat necrosis? I want it all. Good bad ugly, info, experience etc. I am 4 years out from finishing treatment and i just now 6 months ago was told a lump i found in my…
Enlarged lymph node above clavicle
I don't normally worry but I know my body. I have an enlarged lymph node above my clavicle. Not huge but noticeable. It's not painful, moves a little bit and has been there for over a month. I just had a check up in June and it wasn't there. They did a CT and have a tiny spot in my lung that is new also and are doing a…
Bone metastasis or osteoporosis. Very anxious.
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with Stage 1a, Grade 3 IDC in August 2020. 3 tumors all about 1 cm each. 1 of 4 nodes had a micromet. Onco of 34. Had a double mastectomy 4 rounds off DD AC and 4 of DD Taxol. Then right on to arimidex which I still take despite aches and pains. I fell at the beach in August and then lifted a…
Rib Pain
Hi, approx a year ago, I started with a pain in my ribs on my left side (cancer was on my right). I waited it out to see if it would go away and it didn’t. In the fall, I got an X-ray and ct scan (w & w/o contrast) of the area. Ribs looked fine, but there was a cyst on spleen that the report suggests may be source of pain.…