Weird sensation
Hi! Quick background, Stage 1A IDC, triple positive, grade 3. Tx: lumpectomy, chemo, radiation, 1 year of herceptin and now on tamoxifen. Just recently I've started experiencing a weird feeling in my cancer breast akin to the sensation of milk letting down. Starts up by the arm pit and moves to the nipple. My youngest is 9…
Tumor markers elevated, a little worried right now.
Hi, everyone. I am almost an 8 year survivor. I just ended Aromasin after being on it for 6 1/2 years.My blood work results just came back and I have slightly elevated tumor markers. My onc told me not to panic, emphasizing they were slightly abnormal. Normal being under 38, and mine were 67.9. Has anyone else had this…
Nodules on Chest CT
From the other posts here, I can tell I'm not alone in the anxiety these can cause. I've been getting chest CTs every 4-6 months since finishing radiation in June 2022, and aside from some localized ick within the lung that was part of my radiation field, the lungs have looked good. However, the CT I had yesterday came…
3 years out - New Finding on Mammo Today (BiRad 4)
I was diagnosed with Stage 1, IDC, 100% hormone positive when I was 40. I'm now 43. I had a lumpectomy and 30 treatments of radiation. I'm currently on daily 20mg Tamoxifen and Lupron injections every 3 months. I went for my yearly mammogram today and they're seeing something in my opposite side. Original cancer was in my…
5 years out from stage1a and I think I have lumps
I have a doctor appointment next week. I had stage 1a IDC ER positive in 2018. I had lumpectomy, sentinel node removal (negative), and did 4 rounds of TC. Then radiation. Followed by Tamoxifen. At year 5 (7 months ago) I had a clear mammo, and took a break from tamoxifen bc I was having uterus issues with it. Issues being…
Can bone mets pain come and go for 5 years ?
I am hoping this posts to the appropriate place. I am trying to post inside the “not stage 4 but have questions “ group but each time I try to submit a question box my phone is redirecting me. my question is whether any of you have experienced pain that comes and goes for an extended period of time that turned out to be…
When to be concerned about lesions
I have about 4 lesions on my lung and liver that showed up on scans before and after chemo. They range from 2-5 mm. My MO said they aren’t of concern right now and we will just keep an eye on them. This is constantly going to be on my mind that my breast cancer may have metastasized. How big do lesions have to get before…
Recurrence in mastectomy incision?
Hi! I'm wondering if anyone has had a recurrence in their mastectomy incision? Can you tell me what it looks like? I'm 11 mo post mastectomy and about 6 months post reconstruction. The scar looks fine except for on the very end I have a small swollen red spot that is mildly tender (kind of hard to tell because I'm numb but…
Low WBC, High Relative Lymphocyte
Hi all, It has been a while since I was here. I had my blood test today and my WBC is low but my Relative Lymphocyte is slightly higher than the normal range. Any innocuous reasons for this there might be? I don't like Dr Google answers.
CA 27-29 again: markers up, sigh
Hi amigas, Again with the markers. Jan was low 60s, then retested and dropped to 50, now 68 for my last check up. Of course I'm scared, but feel resigned--weirdly, isn't this what we all get warned about? ILC seems to recur later rather than earlier? I suppose I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Rest of current labs…
Sclerotic changes in spine
Hi, I’m new here, based in UK but reaching for a wider audience as I think our approach to follow up after primary BC is based on cost-effectiveness rather than comprehensiveness. I had lobular BC last year: ER/PR+, HER2-, grade 2, 3.5 cm, spread to 3 nodes, LVI, perineural invasion. Treated by mastectomy and radiotherapy.…
Lumpectomy scar pain
Eight years ago I had a lumpectomy for ductal carcinoma in situ. It resulted in a lot of scar tissue which has, for the last couple days, been painful to the touch and with certain movements. Initially it felt like muscle strain which made sense because I recently started doing upper body light weights. But then it seemed…
Getting called back after a mammogram
Hi all my deas breasties, It has been years since the last time I used this forum. So here I am, once more, finding myself sick with uncertainty and worry. I had a mammogram three weeks ago, and for the first time in 17 years, I have been called back for further tests after being free of a multifocal grade 2 strongly…
Loss of appetite PLEASE HELP!
I finished treatment for stage 2A TNBC in January. The immunotherapy triggered secondary adrenal insufficiency so I am on hydrocortisone for the rest of my life… On 28th of February I had double mastectomy with reconstruction and the fabulous news was I had pCr so no other treatment required. I had no appetite issues…
Chest CT Scan
I received my online results from my scan today and of course am playing Dr. Google before talking to actual doctor. Pre chemo a few small lesions showed up on my lungs. My results now are saying clear lungs and no suspicious skeletal lesions seen. But I have minimal increase in anterior mediastinal soft tissue density and…
Lung nodules.. anyone else?
Good morning. I haven’t posted in quite sometime. I have very bad anxiety and I can’t go on message boards too often that are about cancer.. it literally makes me think I have the symptoms of everyone else and I tend to obsess. Anyway, I went to the doctor at the end of June because I was having rib pain and it was really…
Waiting for biopsy results
hello all- I had my biopsy last Thursday and I am still waiting for the results. Is this a bad sign? I read that when they find a malignancy they need to run additional tests and that is why it may take longer ! I am a super worried! Is this really a bad sign? I was trying to stay positive but right now I am desperate ! I…
The Edge of the Ledge
I had a CBC blood test done on May 30, the first since January. I had my last chemo in November. I opened the results today and found a few things that were marked as "High" and others that seemed to be on their way up. Specifically, the MPV and BUN creat ratio are high. Calcium has reached the high end of normal at 10.1.…
10 years for me
I am 10 years post BIL mast with reconstruction w/o chemo or rads. I do have a concern so not sure this is the correct forum. I’ve been having burning pain in my right breast for about a week now (noncancer side) and it’s really concerning me. I know pain isn’t usually an indicator of cancer. My surgeon said a few years…
Possibly on this road again.
Initial dx was 4-21-2011, IDC stage 1, Est and Prog +, One Bil mastectomy, multi reconstructive surgeries and 4 rounds of TAC declared NED. Tumor markers have remained great. Fast forward to a week ago, find a lump in dx side of breast, Oncology appt today, needle biopsy scheduled in 2 days. I was 39 at first dx and now…
Possible Recurrence
I was diagnosed with Stage 1 IDC and high grade DCIS in August of 2022. I had a lumpectomy to remove both spots in September and additional surgery to get clear margins on the DCIS in October. I had 4 weeks of radiation and I am taking Letrozole since the IDC was estrogen positive. I had my first mammogram this week and…
Things I never knew about breast cancer
Hi everyone, In these days of substantial 'AWARENESS' of breast cancer I am now very aware of my lack of knowledge until I got BC myself. So I thought I'd start a list, please add anymore things you can think of. 1. mammograms do not pick up every cancer. 2. Ultra sounds don't either. 3. Breast cancer is not one single…
Concerned about Mets...
I have had breast cancer 2 times. First-time stage 2 (left) with lumpectomy/chemo/radiation. IDC. In 2011. Second-time stage 1 (right) IDC and lobular in situ. Lumpectomy/radiation. In 2019. I am concerned now about bone or liver mets. My labs are normal (CBC with Diff and Metabolic panel). I have pain in my left hip that…
Swollen armpit, collarbone lymph node & neck lymph node
Well I didn't think I would have to back here after my diagnosis in 2018 but here i am.... About a week ago I had pain in my armpit (cancer side) then I noticed swelling, major swelling, like a golf ball in my armpit and into my chest (mastectomy side). I originally thought lymphedema as I had over done it a few weeks back…
Lumps of the mastectomy scar
Hi! I had a lumpectomy, at the age of 40, for Lcis in the right breast in 2017. In the same year, I had a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction because I could not control my anxiety. In 2019, I did lipofilling, after which oily cysts formed in both breasts. 2 days ago I had an ultrasound scan because a lump appeared on…
Self Examination after Mastectomy
I had an appointment today with my BS. I asked about a small lump I found near my breast bone. It's painful. I guess he couldn't feel it, but it is there, because I can feel it. His comment to me was to "leave the examination to the experts, breast surgeons and medical oncologists and stop doing self examinations!" I…
Hard lump on wrist
Hi everyone, I have not posted here for a while but have always kept up with the community. I have a question. I recently discovered a small hard bony lump on my wrist that feels like it is part of the bone and it sticks out and I have never noticed it before. It is about a little over half a centimeter round. There is no…
Needing a ultrasound
I had a small bruise on my right breast. I got a script from my doctor for my mammogram from the physician’s assistant. I had the mammogram on Monday night. The hospital imaging called me back the next morning and recommended I come back. They found a 1cm asymmetry nodule on the right breast. They recommend an ultrasound…
Elevated CA 15-3
I am so sick of worrying about every little thing! Has anyone experienced this or have any knowledge of this? Had my blood work done and my CA 15-3 came back at 35, last time it was 27. I am told 25 is normal. All my other numbers were in the normal range. My onc wanted me to get a PET scan, but then her nurse said to me…
DCIS + mastectomy now swollen clavicle node & other symptoms
I'm worried, though statistically this "shouldn't" be happening, I had DCIS on my left side but got a double mastectomy due to my young age (35) and the fact my mom had her breast cancer return just 2yrs later on her opposite side. But now I'm having some issues with my right (prophylactic) side. I forget what happened…