Has Anyone Any Experience with Eye Mets? Symptoms?
Before my BC dx in 2014 my optometrist found a shadow behind my right eyeball during a computer scan exam but had no idea what it was. My left eye was/is 2020 but my right eye is/was blurry. A few months later I was dx with Breast Cancer and quickly forgot about my eye. I was getting floaters in my right eye in 2015 but…
Bloodwork Question
Hi Friends: So I got recent blood work results back. And some of my numbers are higher than normal. My Alk Phos numbers seem to keep going up. Starting in 2017 at my cancer dx timeframe my number was 70 then May of 2020 78 then sept 2020 jumped to 92 then Jan 2021 102. Feb 2021 114 and April 2021 110. It’s gone up quite a…
Concerning Blood Counts
Hi everyone! Has anyone experienced decreasing blood counts months after finishing chemo? I had my last round of chemo on 9/1/2021, but continue to receive Herceptin/Perjeta every 3 weeks (HER2+). My white blood cell counts were great all throughout chemo, but they have been decreasing over the last few months. My…
Treatment for recurrence
Hi - I found a lump about 2 weeks ago on my chest. I have an ultrasound April 27th. I am panicking because in 2013 I had stage IIB triple negative breast cancer and had Adriamycin/Cytoxan and Taxol. My reaction to the meds was horrendous. I couldn't work, I was lucky to be upright they made me so sick. Even though I don't…
Opinions on a lump on the chest - recurrent patients
Hello all - I went through Stage IIB Triple Negative breast cancer in 2013. Had double mastectomy, red devil chemo, rads. Whole nine yards. Now I'm 8 years cancer free. HOWEVER, 2 weeks ago, I felt a flat, immobile, very slightly tender lump on my chest almost exactly between my "breasts" (I had reconstruction with…
Concerning CT results and edema?
I'm not really sure where to post this. July/August 2021- My back started to hurt mildly off and on. Over the next few months the pain level increased and became more frequent. November 2021- I started to worry about bone mets. I called onc who told me to see GP. So I went to GP who did an xray, which was "normal", and…
Pelvis and back MRI this week
Hi everyone. I am three years and three months out from a bilateral mastectomy. I had a 6 cm tumor and 9 positive lymph nodes. I was ER+, PR+, HER2-. I had 16 rounds of chemo and 34 rounds of radiation. I took tamoxifen for a year then switched to anastrozole. I have been having pain in my lower left back for a few months.…
Lump in breast after mastectomy
hi, so I found a lump last year August after a mastectomy in April, they ordered ultrasound, scar tissue/fat necrosis was they told me. i found another little one in the same breast this week. oncologist sent me for a fine needle biopsy with breast specialist. breast specialist is convinced the original one from last…
Hard spot below my port incision scar
Had my port removed at the end of December and recently noticed a small, round, somewhat hard spot about 1/4 inch below the incision scar. I thought I remember reading somewhere that it could be scar tissue from the needles. Wondering if anyone else has noticed this too?
What could be causing hoarseness in my voice?
I know I should probably just get this checked out, but I haven't yet, and it's been on my mind enough to want ask my BCO friends if anyone else has experienced this. In the past two or three weeks, my voice gets really hoarse with some regularity, like maybe two or three times a day. My DH recently commented that he's…
Lump in a vein? Maybe a blood vessel?
It feels like I have a thick vein going through my breast and I’m the middle of it, I feel a lump. Does anyone have an experience like this?
Pain - back and rib
Starting 3 weeks ago, I started having pain in my upper right abdomen. They did an US, which was mostly normal but going to do a CT scan to check kidney. With this pain, I've had pain in my mid back, left shoulder and a few lower ribs. Its tender when I rub on the rib. I did not have an injury. I'm pretty concerned with…
Liver pain
Starting on Valentine's day, I would get a sharp pain in my upper right quadrant of my abdomen. I was sharp and then dull throbbing. No real pattern. Over the past weekend the sharp pain became less frequent but there is general dull pain and its been increasing with frequency. Also sometimes like a pulling pain or…
When to React to ca 15-3
My wife was diagnosed with Breast cancer in 1987, and again in 1991, two different cancers (different pathology). Been BrCa free since, however was diagnosed with ovarian Cancer in 2016, finished treatments in April 2017 . Prior to her ovarian cancer diagnosis her ca 15-3 did a slow rise over 5-6 years, and got to 49 about…
Upcoming brain mri
Hi, I’m having a brain mri Wednesday due to persistent headaches/dizziness and some hearing issues. Can anyone let me know what to expect? I’m very, very nervous about the procedure and what they might find. Diagnosed Nov 2018 triple positive.
Help, new lump.
Ok. I felt what I believe to be a lump in my breast. I never felt my last tumor, so I'm not sure what I'm feeling. My breast feels like it's got long chords or tubes going through it and it felt like a hard knot lodged in the middle. Is that what it feels like or just a normal change? Also, some days it is easier to find.…
New lump…help
Ok. I felt what I believe to be a lump in my breast. I never felt my last tumor, so I'm not sure what I'm feeling. My breast feels like it's got long chords or tubes going through it and it felt like a hard knot lodged in the middle. Is that what it feels like or just a normal change? Also, some days it is easier to find.…
Rising Ca 27.29 but NED
I’m so frustrated. My 5 year anniversary of my surgery etc is next week. Despite that I have been battling other issues, massive weight loss, biliary issues and my ca 27.29 is rising, in fact it’s higher now than it was in 2017 before surgery/chemo/rads etc. I’ve had 5 Cat scans in 13 months. I’ve had an…
Lung mets
I haven’t been on here in years, but I am the only person so far who knows about my lung CT results, so I need to shout into the void so I don’t feel alone. Breast cancer back in 2006. Stage I. When my oncologist cut me loose after 5 years she told me I am “basically cured.” A year ago I got a CT to check calcium in heart…
Four years post treatment lump under scar
I really can’t believe I’m writing this. It never seems to failed something seems to come up right before my next six month check. I was doing my monthly check at the beginning of this month and I noticed a new lump under my lumpectomy scar it is not right on the surface it actually feels more under that. It’s taking a lot…
Worried - Lymph Nodes in Chest
At my last check-up, I mentioned to MO that I've been having some back pain. She ordered a bone scan and spine CT with contrast. The bone scan was normal, but the CT lit up some nodes. I am not sure if they are in chest or lungs. (I am staying off Google) Doctor called and left a message that she was ordering a chest CT. I…
ER/PR+ recur as another type?
I feel like this is such a dumb question, if so sorry. I was diagnosed with DCIS er/pr+ back in October. In November found out I also had the BRCA2 mutation. Just last week had a prophylactic dmx with diep reconstruction. Pathology came back clear but the nerves remain about reccurance. Since my last diagnosis was er/pr+…
Slighty swollen "muscle" above collarbone
Hi, I don't want to be paranoid and phone the doc when it's nothing. I just feel my muscle above my collarbone up towards my neck on the left side feel slightly swollen and sensitive. I don't want to waste the doc's time, but I am also a little worried I leave it and then it turns out to be something. I just think I can't…
Hi friends need a suggestion. I have been having constant headache for last two weeks or so. I got anxious and went to urgent care and got cat scan done. It came back clear but the headache still is there and I get nausea in the evenings.
Very Scared New Lump
Lumpectomy & Radiation 2010 for Stage 1 infiltrating Breast Ca. Then 2 years ago diagnosis of necrosis from radiation on outer side of nipple which they are watching. Now in past 2 months new non movable firm nodule marble sized alsolike a marble hard & round poking up out of my front rib or from between rib & feels…
Can’t distinguish it’s a muscle or lymph node on collar bone
hi friends I noticed from few days something hard where the collar bone starts towards the chest. Not sure if it’s a muscle or a lymph node. I have gone so many times to Er and to the oncologist with fears. Don’t know how to fight my anxiety
Question about lung nodule size
Hey all! My most recent CT showed a 5mm lung nodule. MO says we'll scan again in 6 months. We'll, I went back and looked at old images. An abdominal CT from 7 months ago showed the nodule but it measured 3mm. It wasn't noted in the report then so I don't think my MO was aware. I've made an appointment with my PCP to…
Small bumps on mastectomy scar
I’m a year out of double mastectomy for her2 positive, hormone negative breast cancer. Had my swap surgery (tissue expanders to implants) in November. Healed very well. In the last week, I have noticed two new small bumps over my mastectomy scar, on the same side where I had the cancer. They don’t look red or infected. At…
Bone scan and scared to death
Hello. I am looking for some support. I was diagnosed a year ago stage 1, double mastectomy, radiation, complete hysterectomy and have been on arimidex since January 1. My alk phos has been rising since the arimidex and it's at 120 and evidently coming from the bone. I know this isn't too high but my calcium has also been…
Fear kicking in as MO check-up nears
During the first year of treatment I loved going to MO checkups. It was reassuring and I looked forward to the appointments. As treatment ended and those appointments got spaced out, the fear of recurrence hit hard. I've now gotten to a really peaceful, content point where I rarely think about cancer at all (yay!). But I…