Mammogram tomorrow
hi, I’m 31 with 3 kids. My youngest being nearly a year old. I’ve had a sore on my breast for about 5 months that won’t heal. I Honestly thought nothing of it until I was giving myself a self exam and felt a spiky lump/thickening in my lower inner breast. I called the dr the next day and I have a mammogram set up for…
Biopsies tomorrow
I have my appointment for my biopsied tomorrow on my left breast. There are two spots they are looking at. Also my report says they might do a fine needle aspiration on lymph nodes. I am very nervous but I need to get this done. Any advice
follow up MRI
Hi I had a non linear enhancement show up on an mri in January. The breast biopsy they did was negative. That's good. The breast specialist didn't think it would be cancer but wanted to err on the side of caution and is having my repeat the MRI in August. I haven't had any symptoms except some itching off and on. It's now…
Help: 38 Asymmetry & indeterminate results
Thanks for reading! 38 years old w/ high risk for breast cancer.I began preventive testing 1 year ago. I am concerned about my mammogram results from this week and wondered if given my recent MRI and US results from four months ago, if this is more concerning. Looking for insight. I return in 2 weeks for another mammogram…
Photos from my mammogram and U/S
I am going on the 15th for a couple biopsies for highly suspicious mass. They might do a needle aspiration of a borderline lymph node on the left and will be doing an u/s on the right breast and axilla. Any thoughts or ideasare greatly appreciated. They did tell me to bring a family member to my follow up appointment.
Waiting for biopsies appointment
I had a mammogram on June 9th, they called and wanted more images. On June 23rd, had more and an ultrasound done. On the 30th they called but I missed the call, they wanted me to come in on the 4th for biopsies. I'm in Canada, so we are open on the 4th. Now I have my biopsies on the 15th. Just got my report and would like…
Life insurance before biopsy
It just dawned on me today my biopsy is tomorrow so I do not have an official diagnosis until a week or more from tomorrow. I just purchased life insurance today. Has anyone else done this and/or had any problems with it? My thoughts are after the official diagnosis it will be impossible to purchase more and/or be totally…
Consult with surgeon leads to more tests/biopsies... and then?
So, in early March I had my annual mammogram, at that time they saw microcalcifications which led to my first biopsy. The biopsy showed an intraductal papilloma, and I was referred to a breast surgeon for excision. Fast forward to my appointment with the surgeon. The appointment was overwhelming. She did an exam, and found…
Lied too by 2 doctors about BI-RADS!
Hello! First mammogram/sonogram last week.Had a very LARGE 9cm lump that needed looked at- Radiologist on staff reviewed images same day. I was told abnormal. Yep thats it! Abnormal. My PCP got the report couple days later and said ABNORMAL! I said thats it?? Thats all anyone can tell me? And I need biopsy. Made 3rd…
I think I have IBC - talk to me please
My breast journey started in February. I am only 21, and I do not do regular breast exams. In late February, I found a big lump in my breast. I freaked out and got a doctor's appointment for the next day. She said she believed it was a fibroadenoma but ordered an ultrasound to be sure. After this, I started checking my…
2nd Mammogram (but 1st w this doctor) - received a callback.
I am 29. No BRCA genes, but a chek2 mutation. It is considered "pathogenic" but it is the one of least concern. My mother had breast cancer, and her mother did as well. I was part of Fox Chase Cancer center and my geneticists there recommended to start screening at age 31, 10 years before my moms diagnosis. I joined City…
Biopsy today
Hello, i am a 40 yo mom of 2 girls. Had my 1st mammo on 6/3/22. What a ride its been since. Got a call back for more imaging. Found a 7 mm mass near L nipple. It has a blood supply, echogenic, and unable to aspirate. Had biopsy today. Now waiting 3 to 5 days for results. Im a nurse. And very worried. Birads 4. Hoping for…
Dense Breasts, Lump & Second Opinion from Breast Surgeon
Hi: I have BI-RADS Category C heterogeneously dense breasts. In the past, I got called back twice after screening mammograms & both times turned out to be false alarms. I am in my early 50's. I found a movable lump in my breast that comes & goes. My GYN told me not to worry, but gave me a diagnostic mammogram order. After…
First timer worried about next step
I've gone through 3 mammograms, an ultrasound, and a core needle biopsy on 2 sites in the last 4 months and am meeting with a surgeon next Thursday to discuss excision of the abnormal breast tissue. It's a lot and a bit overwhelming and I'm kicking myself for delaying the mammogram for so long. Background: My mom had…
Calcifications in Left breast
Hello. I am really worried. I have had normal mammograms. I am 51, and have had breast implants and a lift, implants were replaced when I had lift. No lumps or masses, BUT I had the mammogram and they wanted a diagnostic mammogram. I got that done. So that day I was told I have calcifications in one breast and there is a…
Calcifications - waiting for biopsy results
Hi I've recently been troubled by an itchy left nipple. Saw my GP who prescribed anti fungal cream. Helped a bit but then itchiness recurred. Went back to see different GP who did full physical breast exam - found no abnormalities, lumps or anything but decided to refer me to breast clinic to make sure all was ok. Had 1st…
Clear discharge, moving on to second look US
Hi Everyone! I am new here. I wanted to see if anyone had any experience with clear, unilateral, single duct discharge. It’s been happening about 5 months now. My mammo and US were normal, then was sent for a breast MRI which I had last Friday. Next Wednesday, I will be having a second look US and biopsy. I wanted to share…
Found a lump, doctor said no lesions…what does this mean?
hello, I found a lump about 2 months ago. I told my doctor and ordered for a mammogram. Got the results back and the doctor said it was a large mass, but because I’m breastfeeding it makes it hard to know if it’s of concern. So he requested for a biopsy to be done. Waited to hear a call back to get a biopsy done but then I…
Hard, immovable lump against chest wall that wasnt cancer?
Hi, I'm new to this board, and hoping to find some relief from my anxiety.. A little bit of history... 3 years ago I found a lump in the upper right area of my breast (2 o'clock)... near the outer edge, against my chest/breast bone... I was 25 at the time, so not overly concerned, but I mentioned it to my OBGYN at my…
33 with lump and pain. Dismissive consultant.
Hi there everyone, I'm just looking for a bit of advise and support after coming from the hospital feeling very dismissed. I'm 33 years old, estranged from my family so have no idea if there's any history of BC because I haven't seen any of them since I was 18. About 3/4 weeks ago I started to get a sharp stabbing pain in…
New Ultrasound Results- Worried about "indistinct margins"
Hello- I am a 46 year old female who went for a call back ultrasound today. I have dense breasts and have had two biopsies in the past (with clips); all previous findings have been benign. This is a new finding (my mammogram almost exactly a year ago was clear with no need for a call back). I am going back for a biopsy on…
I am here again!
I am here again! Yesterday was my routine mammogram and ultrasound date, mammogram back clear, but ultrasound sent me to biopsy directly. I asked the lady what was wrong, she said, an area is suspicious. I am 2 years 3 months after treatment, all my previous routines were mammogram , all back clear. This time, I reported a…
Developing Asymmetric Density Concern on the Mammogram
Good morning ladies, I had my screening mammogram with the report below. It was compared to 2017 and 2020 mammograms. I am 57 yo, my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer at 41 and passed away 25 years later from it. I am going back for ultrasound. If further tests are required: 1. can I request MRI first 2. can I…
So worried
Hi, I'm 50 and I never had problems with my breast, till now. I felt some pain in my breast and squeezing the right nipple I saw a watery yellow discharge and I felt a lump just under the nipple. I Went to a a doctor and he visited me and had an US. He totld that he didn't feel any lump and that the US was normal, there…
Help! Worried about ibc
hi I am 24 years old, mama to a 15 month old little girl! My left breast is slightly bigger and heavier then my right, my nipples have flattened and the weirdest thing is my left breast burns, it feels like it burn up to my armpit. I also have strange discoloration that's spreading its light discoloration, I have had…
Called back after 1st Mammo and worried
Hello, just had my first mammo and was called back for mass found, BIRAD 0. No description of the mass was given and I am surprised by this. Is this favorable or not? I have to wait 3 weeks for a follow up ultrasound and potential 2nd mammo. Impression BI-RADS: 0 - Need Additional Imaging Evaluation Left breast mass 10:00…
Awaiting biopsy results for lump found 6 months after mammogram
Hello - I found a lump - actually my hubby found it - I dismissed it initially but had a routine appt and pointed it out. Fast forward to a mammogram a week later. The something is concerning BIRADS 5. Awaiting biopsy results. My doc said he will be surprised if it is not cancer. Anyone have experience with aggressive…
Callback for First 3D Mammogram
Hi everyone! I've been lurking and reading and my nervousness has finally gotten the best of me so I decided to post. Had a 3D mammo on 4/7/22. Got a callback within 2 hours from my PCP that I had to have follow up. Yeah, that sent my anxiety skyrocketing. Appointment for follow up mammo and possible ultrasound is not…
Highly Probable. Dark Humor. Can My Cat Handle This?
40 years old here. Went to the gynecologist for my first routine since the start of Covid on 4/14. (I had Covid/pneumonia Feb '20 and I was not messing around with the indoors. I figured my ovaries and my breasts could wait it out.) My excellent doctor found a lump at 12:00 in my right. Immediately scheduled a…
Unilateral bloody/clear discharge, clear mammo & US..?
Hi all, I am 36, no kids, have never breastfed, but am in early menopause, a symptom of a condition called primary ovarian failure.I was referred to a breast center by my OBGyn given unilateral nipple discharge for the past 5 weeks and thickening around my nipple. The discharge is mostly yellow & sticky with a few strains…