Single Mastectomy vs double Mastectomy
I am 37 years old and have been diagnosed with DCIS high grade in my right breast. I decided to do Mastectomy but not sure what to do with left breast as I want to keep it. I have a family history of breast cancer. any suggestions?
Drains out today - started to cry
Double Mastectomy was on March 13th. My drains were removed today, and saline was injected into the expanders. All is going well with recovery from surgery. When my husband and I left the office and walked to the elevator, I started crying. Tears of joy, tears of exhaustion. When I was first diagnosed and met with my…
BMX with DIEP Flap reconstruction at later date question
Unfortunately I’ve had a decent wait for surgery because I decided to do the BMX with DIEP flap reconstruction. So we have come to the conclusion I’m going to have to do it separately because they just can’t do it all at once in a reasonable time period. has anyone been flat and still was successful with the DIEP flap…
Changes in body shape after double mastectomy and taking aromatase inhibitor
I'm pretty old (age 74), and had my double mastectomy in August 2022 and did not have any reconstruction. I have followed-up with anastrazole daily medication. And even though my body has changed a lot over the years, I have noticed recently that my stomach/abdomen seems much larger. My weight is the same now as before the…
I am lost and scared that my next option is chemo. Emotional Yo-Yo and I have chemo PTSD
Hi there i just need to vent my fears. Not even 2 years with MBC and i am about to quit all treatments. Emotional Yo-Yo takes tall. Back in 2016 chemos were rough but i was going for the win. But this time around is different. There is no end of treatment and there is no win per se. I am lost and scared that my next option…
Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) with your mastecomy reconstruction
Anyone use Acellular Dermal Matrix (ADM) with your mastecomy reconstruction. Can you tell me about it - good/bad? Have you decided against it? I ask because I met with my reconstructive surgeon today, and he suggested it for my skin sparring double mastectomy. Somehow, I hadn't heard of this in all my reading and prep.
Did you spend the night in hospital after bilateral mastectomy
Did you spend the night in the hospital after your bilateral mastectomy? My surgeon said he would probably send me home, but it seems like an extensive surgery, so I'm wondering what others did. I am having reconstruction at a later time, not the same time as mastectomy. I am having a skin-sparring mastectomy with…
What happens if you use your arm too much post mastectomy
I just had mastectomy with TE/implant based reconstruction on my dominant side and I'm finding it hard not to use the arm for stuff like mousing on the computer. I am not doing any heavy lifting but I get bored and am on my computer a lot. I'm curious what happens if I use the arm too much. Thanks! And can't wait to get…
Is symmetry possible with SMX + perky remaining breast?
Hi! I have searched the forum, but couldn't find any posts that were exactly my question. I have been dx with DCIS. As a fun bonus, I probably have body dysmorphia and I am really worried that if I end up at all 'disfigured' in my appearance, I will become significantly depressed. So, my main concern with this diagnosis is…
Post Mastectomy Peau d'orange - IBC Concern and Questions...
I had a mastectomy in October 2023 following a DCIS diagnosis. It is now Feb 2024 and my swelling has not subsided. Despite asking why my swelling had not gone down and being told by my plastic surgeon that there was no cause for concern, my gut told me to cancel my final reconstruction surgery and demand a look at my…
Lymph node enlarged
I had a mastectomy two years ago following 8cm DCIS. They found 5mm of tumor and sent it for oncotype but not enough to be analysed so no chemo. All lymph nodes clear and had reconstruction. Last year I felt a raised part under my arm same side as mastectomy. Had an ultrasound and nothing showed up so consultant thought it…
New here - First post - RIB PAIN
Hi everyone. First time posting so I’m not actually really sure what I’m doing. I just need someone to talk to. I’m 35 - I was DX in June last year. HER2+ only. Stage 3. SMX - full response to chemotherapy- PCR Ive been having pain in my Ribs on my left hand side ( same side as my cancer was ) since October. ( before…
December 2023 Surgery? Gather here.
Join and share here to get and give support if you're planning surgery for this month. Please share your diagnosis, planned surgery and date, so we can all support you as you navigate treatment — we're all here for you!
TNBC for my Birthday! Scared and Confused.
I've been searching everywhere to find a peer to peer group, to maybe find someone who has been diagnosed with my same form of breast cancer as I figure out what treatment path to take. I was diagnosed with TNBC on September 18th. I have since been on a whirlwind ride of getting doctors to respond etc. Here are my details:…
I'm considering a unilateral mastectomy following DCIS diagnosis
Hi. I'm newly diagnosed with DCIS following a biopsy to my left breast. Two areas of DCIS found (located near each other), 8 mm each, 1- ER+ graded intermediate, 1 - ER Neg. graded Advanced. I'm trying to decide between a mastectomy of my left breast or radiation followed by tamoxifen. I'd like to connect with women who…
Surgeons in NY/CT/NJ area that do mastectomy + BRAVA expansion system + fat grafting reconstruction
I am BRCA1 positive, needing to do prophylactic risk reducing mastectomy very soon. Almost all of my immediate female members in my family have been diagnosed with breast cancer (mother, both grandmothers, three aunts), some in their 30s. Most have BRCA1, the rest have not been tested. My oncology team in located in NYC. I…
October 2023 Surgery Support
A place for those scheduled this month for lumpectomy, mastectomy, reconstruction, or other surgeries to gather and support one another through treatment and recovery. To get inspiration and advice from others who have been there recently, see our September 2023 Surgery Support thread. Good luck to all with your upcoming…
Re: explanting and going flat
Hello! I am 5 years out from my mastectomy and reconstruction and I want to remove my implants. I don't like the feeling of them in my body to put it simply. I am a tall thin person and don't qualify for any fat transfer but I do have a decent amount of skin (32C) over my implants and have been reading about the goldilocks…
Advice for someone about to have breast surgery
Let's start a new thread to get this rolling!
Thoughts about going flat after single side Mastectomy
Hi, I am 37 years old, diagnosed with DCIS stage 0. Planning to do Mastectomy but wanted to go flat without reconstruction. my bra size is 34D and need suggestions about the prostheses and bras to use.
MSK Plastic Surgeons
Hi! Newly diagnosed with DCIS in my right breast. It is in my entire breast and my breast cancer surgeon who is at MSK said i need a mastectomy. She has recommended plastic surgeons within the hospital but none of them have any before and after photos I can find. Also, i can't make more then 1 apportionment at a time to…
Itchy chest wall 2 yrs after reconstruction
I had double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction after previous DCIS lumpectomy and recurrent cancer in both breasts. I wanted my original C cup, but ended up with D cups (go big or go home surgical approach?). The extra weight is not fun, and the chest wall itching started after year one. What helps me the most is…
September 2023 Surgery Support
A place for those scheduled for lumpectomy, mastectomy, reconstruction, or other surgeries to gather and support one another through treatment and recovery.
Partners Supporting Our Community
From donating a percentage of sales to getting the word out about Breastcancer.org’s mission, our cause marketing partners show their commitment to breast health and breast cancer education and support for everyone affected by breast cancer. We are appreciative! Shop for a cause. Find the perfect wig, hair topper, or hair…
Oregon Clinic Drops Breast Cancer Patient Over “Gender Critical” Views
Although not an American myself, this is a very concerning situation and needs to be seen as even women with breast cancer will be punished for WRONG-THINK when it comes to questioning gender ideology. There’s a growing number of women UN-PERSONED for merely observing biological reality. Article posted below, also REDUXX…
Bra after reconstruction, 5 years out
Hello! I haven't posted on here in ages but wanted to reach out to ask if anyone else if having issues feeling comfortable with their foobs in a bra. I have over the muscle, direct to implant reconstruction and they are pretty small, measure out to a 32c. I have a very lean chest and almost zero body fat on my chest. So…
Having swellings on fingers and arm 8 hours after surgery. Is it common?
Hi, I had a unilateral mastectomy today. Surgery was completed about 8 hours ago. I just noticed that my arm and fingers on the side where I had a surgery are slightly swollen. Before surgery I had read the symptoms of lymphedema. In my case, surgeon took 3 lymph nodes away. I’m at risk of developing lymphedema. I know I…
After mastectomy problem.
Hi My mother has triple negative breast cancer,stage 1,tumor grade 2, no lympnode are affected . After the doctor said it was cancer, the operation was done. The type of operation was mastectomy. It has been 44 days since the operation but the seroma is still not closing. Now what can be done in this situation? What could…