Have you received advice from your healthcare provider about monitoring your heart health?
Read more about Heart Tests for People With Breast Cancer. Elaborate your answer with your experiences in the discussion below.
Some thoughts as we Progress in our Journey
We had our first visit back to the clinic after starting treatment yesterday. Not a lot new to report. Bloodwork was good and liver function is fine. Nadia also seems to feel that the tumor in her breast is shrinking. As a husband, I am still waiting for the objective measure that we are making progress against this. She…
Just Diagnosed
I was just this week diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. I learned the type is estrogen+ and her2+. I'm scared.
ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call
Hello everyone My mom was dx in November 2010. She is in her Chemo courses and only 2 sessions left. She is so well now and is very hopefull.My little niece makes her so happy and she is planning for the ceremony of her first birthday. Since she was dx I've explored in this site in different cathegories but sisters with…
Success Stories!
Every now and then I read a post on this forum that talks about somebody who has lived a long time with disease. I know there have even been threads with many node positive success stories and stage IV survival stories. These have been the most uplifting influences for me on my journey. In a world of breast cancer where…
Advice needed - symptoms ongoing for over 18 months now
Hello everyone. I posted on here a few times many months ago, but considering I’m still suffering with no answers, I decided to come back for some advice. First, I no longer have a gynecologist that I feel comfortable with as the woman I was seeing left the group and since then I’ve been bounced around with no relationship…
ILC Long Term Survivors
Does anybody know people, or are you someone who has survived ILC long term, (more than 5 to 10 years) without a recurrence? Please post! I was diagnosed in 2004, and think I am fine, but, as I see from the boards, you can never be 100% sure. Thanks! Nancy
Hip Pain
Hello, I just had my breast reconstruction last Feb and Sept 2024. A Latimus Dorsal. Eight years after my mastectomy and chemo. Just before my surgery last Sept. I suddenly hurt my hip/groin area at the gym, so I thought, it was that. My x-ray does look like osteoarthritis there. It wasn't even gradual, it was a sudden…
Received my MRI report
I need more tests done. One of the tests is a galactogram.. has anyone had one? I googled it and it sounds painful 😣
Wednesday Weigh In
Some of us on the Let's Post our Daily Exercise thread decided that it might help keep us honest if we had to post our weekly losses or gains. Not posting your weight - just your net loss or gain. So here goes!
Its a long fight against breast cancer
Hi everyone, I'm new to this community and happy to be part of this wonderful resource. I am 36 when i was diagnosed with grade II invasive carcinoma (ER+/PR+/Her2-) of my right breast in August 2024. Back then i really wonder why life is so unfair and kept throwing lemons at me. I was always healthy with no underlying…
Has your faith, spiritual, or religious beliefs changed since cancer?
Please take our poll, and share your thoughts and feelings below in the discussion.
February 2025 Surgery Support Thread
Please gather here to get and give support. Feel free to share your type of surgery, date, and let us know how you're preparing and how you're doing post-surgery. We're all here for you!
Vibrations in radiated breast post treatment 6 years
I had a lumpectomy on my left breast in 2018…followed by radiation. A couple months ago I started to experience vibrations in my left breast…as if a cell phone was vibrating…after 6 years…?? Is this a new normal for my breast tissue…always changing and repairing?? Anyone else out a few years from radiation treatment…
Contemplative practices - Affirmations, white light visualizations, healing meditations
Do you have a contemplative practice? A spiritual lifestyle ? imagery or healing meditations you like? Let’s share the love of positive affirmations and meditations. I just finished Ian Gawler's book You Can Conquer Cancer , and I was reminded how much I love self healing practices. I do white light meditations every…
Vibrating breast
For just over a week I've had this weird vibration on the side of my left breast (like a cell phone was attached to it). I saw my obgyn today and she did a full breast exam and said everything feels fine. Contributing it to a possible pinched nerve or muscle spasm from an aching neck I've had for a little while. I asked…
Ladies in their 40s
Hello All, I just wanted to start a new thread for ladies in their 40s. Although we are considered "middle aged," many of us are still dealing with issues concerning young women, such as fertility, pre-menopausal status and related treatment decisions, young children at home, being single etc. Both younger ladies (in their…
How Bad Is A DMX? - Considering a Prophylactic DMX
I just met with a new breast surgeon (the one who did my lumpectomy is no longer practicing) to discuss prophylactic DMX or SMX. I had a lumpectomy in my right breast in 2021 - small tumor (3mm), good KI67 score, no chemo. I'm age 67, will be 68 in October. I get annual MRIs due to very dense breasts, and a "suspicious"…
Single Hormone Status- IDC (ER+ PR- and Her2-) Newly Diagnosed
Hi! I am new here :) I was diagnosed 12/31/2024. So far I have had mammogram/US→ biopsies → diagnosed → MRI → results → Met with a Sugerical Oncologist → Currently waiting on oncotype results (from biopsy sample.) and I have a follow up with OS/Plastics this coming Monday. I have a large span of DCIS and 1.4cm IDC - both…
Worried if I am high risk
reposted by Admin .
ER+, PR+, Her2- Double Mastectomy, Factor V Leiden
Hello. I was diagnosed on 10/31/24, with ER+ (100%), PR+ (100%), HER2- (2+, FISH non amplified, Ki67 3%) in the right breast. Double Mastectomy on 12/26/24. Pathology came back with additional finding of lobular insitu in left breast. No radiation or Chemo recommended, Onco score low (11), however I have a blood mutation…
Please help!
I had an ultrasound done and was given a BIRAD 0 so I required further testing. I just recently had a diagnostic mammogram and MRI. I have a while to wait before I get my results, but I'm wondering if anyone can give me insight as to why my one breast is so lit up compared to the other. And what organ? is this on the inner…
14 year survivor, high platelet count WORRIED
Hi, friends! Welp…I'm 14 years out of Er+, PR-, Her2+, Stage 2, grade 3 cancer. Did all the things…BMX, lots of chemo, Herceptin…yadda yadda. I had some blood work done last month and my platelet count is at 465…high. I haven't had any recent surgeries or been on antibiotics. I'm worried it's a sign of recurrence. I…
Post mastectomy nerve pain
OMG!!!! Does anyone else have shooting pains and your boobs feel like they are on fire? I'm a week post double mastectomy and the shooting pain and the feeling that my right breast is still there is not something to joke about. I have an extremely high tolerance for pain. I cooked supper two days post pop and have resumed…
Discontinuing Anastrozole
Hi All - In 2024 I had diagnosis of Stage 2A ductal carcinoma ER/HR+ HER2 -. BRCA 2 positive. 3cm tumor no metastasis to lymph nodes. I took an aggressive stance on surgeries, opting for a double mastectomy with nipple removal (January 2024) and then removed my ovaries and fallopian tubes in September 2024. I started AI…
Starting Chemo January/February 2025
Let's all join together here for support 😍
I am currently on Herceptin and Perjeta with Zometa every three weeks. Would love to hear from others who have been on this targeted therapy and how well the treatments have been working for you..
Find a person who would understand what I am going through.
I’m in my mid-40s and caring for my wife, who has stage 4 breast cancer. The cancer has spread to bones, then, after a few years of treatments, to the liver…, and they are now trying to enroll her in clinical trials. She’s relatively young, so I’m hoping she qualifies—but overall, it just gives you a bit of extra time. We…
I’m back !
Yesterday marked my 20th cancerversary …little did I know or expect that I’d be alive and doing extremely well 20 years later ! I was stage III with 22/22 positive nodes . Not a good way to begin my cancer journey but look at me now ! I’ve been privileged to see 4 grand children join our family and share with my husband…
good morning wondering how many people lost there hair on enhertu ?